Another dimension


Let’s investigate. Perspectives

Something tells me that our new secret weapon is playing its cards close to its chest. Are you sure you’re using it to its full potential?

These two original, unretouched pieces of evidence will bring you some new clues that will widen your horizons some more!

image Look carefully at these pictures of pretty, colorful tables and chairs. Did I just take a few steps forward in order to get rid of the sign and the entrance to the restaurant? What movement or movements did I make?

I moved toward the tables and chairs, but more importantly, I also moved to the right and faced my subject.

image Find the clues that these two photos allowed us to collect.

  1. A. Moving in space only allows you to change the size of the subjects in the picture.
  2. B. Moving in space allows you to see the subject from a new angle.
  3. C. After taking the first picture, I moved one step forward and then I took the second picture.
  4. D. You can move around in ways other than just forward and back.

Sentences B and D are our new pieces of information.



The secret weapon. The second dimension

But of course! This weapon of moving around in space not only lets you move forward and back, but it also lets you move to the right or to the left!


So that makes a total of four different directions in which you can walk in order to change where you are and get a new perspective on the subject!


If you think about it, there are actually even more than four paths to follow. Right here, I have drawn eight arrows, but you could draw even more arrows between the arrows because there is an infinite number of possible movements in space. Hurray!



Picture quest. The twelve steps

image Is the photographer still ready?! Here is the assignment for the day!

  1. 1. Go outside and find a subject to take a picture of. You can also do this picture quest on a walk. It’s better if there is lots of room around you.
  2. 2. Take a picture of your subject.
  3. 3. Now take twelve large steps in different directions while continuing to look at your subject. For example, walk to the side a little bit, then move forward or backward, walk around your subject, and stop when you get to twelve!
  4. 4. Take another picture of your subject. This picture will probably be very different from the first one.
  5. 5. Now start over again with another subject if you’d like!
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