
About the Author

About the Technical Reviewer



image Chapter 1: Introduction

Spring and What It Does

The Focus of this Study Guide

Who Should Use this Study Guide

About the Spring Web Certification Exam

How to Use this Study Guide

How this Book Is Structured

How Each Chapter Is Structured


Downloading the Code

Contacting the Author

Recommended Development Environment

Recommended Build Tools

Recommended IDE

The Project Sample

image Chapter 2: Spring Fundamentals

The Basics

The Spring Core Container

Spring Configuration



Mixed Approach

The Beans

Lifecycle and Instantiation

Bean Scopes

Accessing Beans

Spring AOP

Testing Spring Applications


Quick Quiz

Practical Exercise

image Chapter 3: Spring MVC

MVC Basics

Configuring MVC

XML Configuration

Configuration Using Annotations

Configuration Without Using web.xml

MVC Components

Infrastructure Beans

User-Provided Components

View Technologies

Tiles Layouts



Data Formatting

Data Binding

Data Validation

Managing the Form Object


Quick Quiz

Practical Exercise

image Chapter 4: Spring Portlets

Portlet Basics


The XML Part of the Configuration

The Annotation Part of the Configuration

Configuration Details and Recommendations

The Development and Deployment of a Portlet Application

Download, Install, Start, and Configure Liferay


image Chapter 5: Spring RESTful Services

Core REST Concepts


Advantages of REST

RESTful Applications Using Spring MVC

RESTful Clients with Spring

Asynchronous REST Calls

Implementing REST with Spring MVC

Asynchronous REST Services Using @Async Annotated Methods

Using Spring HATEOAS


Quick Quiz

Practical Exercise

image Chapter 6: Spring Web with AJAX

What Is AJAX?

Making AJAX Requests

Introducing jQuery

jQuery HTML DOM Manipulation

jQuery AJAX Calls

Spring MVC, AJAX, and jQuery

Using REST-Style Remoting with JSON

Custom Tags


Quick Quiz

Practical Exercise

image Chapter 7: Spring Web Flow

What Is a Flow?

Web Flow Architecture

Web Flow Internal Logic

Configuration and Infrastructure Beans

Configuration Using XML

Configuration Using Annotations

Create a Flow

Flow Definition

Action States

Decision States

Exception Handling


Flow Definition Inheritance

Securing Web Flows

Introduction to Spring Security

Why Spring Security Is Awesome

Spring Security XML Configuration

Spring Security Java Configuration

Securing Flow Definitions


Quick Quiz

Practical Exercise

image Chapter 8: Spring Boot and WebSocket

What Is Spring Boot?

Usage and Configuration

Customizing Spring Boot

Importing Additional Configuration Elements

Running Spring Boot Applications

Testing Spring Boot Applications

WebSocket Introduction

Spring WebSocket Implementation

Spring WebSocket Configuration

WebSocket Client Application

Configure the Server Application to Send Scheduled Messages

Monitoring and Debugging

image Appendix: Resources and Quiz Answers

Study Guide Projects

Gradle Configuration Explained

Building and Troubleshooting

Deploy on Apache Tomcat

Quiz Answers

Quiz Solution for Chapter 2

Quiz Solution for Chapter 3

Quiz Solution for Chapter 5

Quiz Solution for Chapter 6

Quiz Solution for Chapter 7


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