About the Authors

Tee Morris is social media professional based out of the Washington, D.C./Virginia/Maryland metro area, and an award-winning author of science fiction and fantasy. Tee’s writing career began with his 2002 historical epic fantasy, MOREVI: The Chronicles of Rafe & Askana, published by Dragon Moon Press and the first novel to be podcast from cover to cover. It was MOREVI’s podcast that led to this team-up with podcaster Evo Terra for the original Podcasting For Dummies in 2005. Since then, he has written four other titles for social media professionals, including Social Media for Writers, penned with his wife, Philippa Ballantine. Both Tee and Pip continue to podcast together with their Parsec-nominated podcast The Shared Desk, and continue to write together in The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences, a steampunk series that has won several Parsec awards as well as numerous literary awards, including RT Reviewer’s Choice for Best Steampunk of 2014.

Find out more about Tee Morris at www.teemorris.com and at www.ministryofpeculiaroccurrences.com.

In “real life,” Chuck Tomasi is an IT professional with over 35 years of experience. He is currently employed as a Pre-Sales Platform Architect for ServiceNow, a cloud enterprise software company. Currently residing in Phoenix, Arizona, he is a devoted husband and proud father of two beautiful girls. As for his alter ego … Chuck was bitten hard by the podcasting bug (there’s an understatement). He was so eager to get started in late 2004 that he made a few tweaks to his self-written blog software and had the feed ready to go. Since then, he has migrated to WordPress and produced over 1,000 episodes across multiple shows. The longest running being Technorama, a light-hearted geek show that he co-hosts with Kreg Steppe. In 2011, Technorama took home a Parsec Award for best comedy/parody. Chuck has also been given license to employ his podcasting talents at work, garnering notoriety with a series called TechNow. This show is targeted toward ServiceNow administrators and developers and is co-hosted with Kreg Steppe and Dave Slusher (also podcasters). When people talk about podcasting with passion, Chuck’s enthusiasm comes to mind.

Learn more about Chuck at his website: www.chucktomasi.com.

Authors’ Acknowledgments

Due to the complexity of the issue and the incredible growth in the community, it would be impossible to properly express our thanks to all the parties who were of great help with this book. So with that …

To our wives, Donna and Pip: Thanks for not strangling us for our constant “Oh! We’ve got to add that to the book!” and “Come on, honey, we have to record this for the book!” moments. We deeply appreciate the averted gazes of death when we answered that no, unfortunately we would not be coming to bed, no, I forgot to scoop the litter boxes because we had one more chapter to write, and that yes, we did realize it was three o’clock in the morning.

To the podcasters that provided not only inspiration, but also camaraderie and friendship along the way. Through listening to you all and talking to many, you served as a constant reminder of why we were pouring our hearts and souls into this text.

Finally, a special nod to Michael R. Mennenga for passing along that e-mail on October 12, 2004, that opened a door to a world of time-shifting, kick ass mystic ninjas, podiobooks, and science fiction and fantasy geeks around the world interested in what we have to offer.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

Executive Editor: Steve Hayes

Project Manager: Colleen Diamond

Development Editor: Colleen Diamond

Copy Editor: Colleen Diamond

Technical Editor: Rich Sigfrit

Editorial Assistant: Owen Kaelble

Sr. Editorial Assistant: Cherie Case

Production Editor: Magesh Elangovan

Cover Photo:© arinahabich /iStockphoto

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