Table of Contents

1 Harry Potter Goes Interactive

So, What’s Pottermore Anyway?

You Can Also Visit the Pottermore Shop

How to Navigate Your Way Around Pottermore

Use the Magical Gateway to Navigate Your Way Around

View Your Profile Page

Receive Messages from the Owl

Experience Pottermore Chapter by Chapter

Manage Your Pottermore Account

A Few More Menu Commands Are Available to You

Your Adventure Is About to Begin

2 Signing Up for

Register to Be a Hogwarts Student

Choose Your Unique Pottermore Username

Your Admission Letter Comes by Email, Not by Owl

Follow in Harry’s Footsteps, but Experience Your Own Adventure As Well

3 Your Magical Adventure Begins

The Magical Gateway

Chapter 1: The Boy Who Lived

Scene 1: Number Four, Privet Drive

Scene 2: Something Peculiar Is Happening

Scene 3: Harry Is Delivered

Chapter 2: The Vanishing Glass

Scene 1: The Cupboard Under the Stairs

Scene 2: The Trip to the Zoo

Chapter 3: Letters from No One

Scene 1: Harry Receives a Mysterious Letter

Scene 2: The Hut on the Rock

Chapter 4: The Keeper of the Keys

Scene 1: Hagrid Arrives

Scene 2: Harry Receives His Letter at Last

Chapter 5: Diagon Alley

Scene 1: Arriving at Diagon Alley

Scene 2: Harry and Hagrid Visit Gringotts

Scene 3: Harry Goes Shopping

Next Stop, Eeylops Owl Emporium & Magical Menagerie

Purchase Your Magic Wand at Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands

Chapter 6: The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

Scene 1: The Hogwarts Express

Scene 2: The Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 7: The Sorting Hat

Scene 1: The Entrance Hall

Scene 2: The Sorting Ceremony

Scene 3: The Sorting Hat

Chapter 8: The Potions Master

Scene 1: Harry’s Early Days at Hogwarts

Scene 2: Harry’s First Potions Lesson

Scene 3: Hagrid’s Wooden House

Chapter 9: The Midnight Duel

Scene 1: Flying Lesson

Scene 2: The Trophy Room

Scene 3: The Forbidden Corridor

Chapter 10: Halloween

Scene 1: Harry’s Special Delivery

Scene 2: Charm Class

Scene 3: The Mountain Troll

Chapter 11: Quidditch

Scene 1: Charms Homework

Scene 2: The Golden Snitch

Chapter 12: The Mirror of Erised

Scene 1: The Library

Scene 2: Christmas at Hogwarts

Scene 3: The Disused Classroom

Chapter 13: Nicolas Flamel

Scene 1: Nicolas Flamel Is Finally Revealed

Scene 2: The Hooded Figure

Chapter 14: Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback

Scene 1: Hagrid’s Secret

Scene 2: The Egg in the Fire

Scene 3: A Plan for Norbert the Baby Dragon

Chapter 15: The Forbidden Forest

Scene 1: Harry Becomes an Outcast

Scene 2: Into the Forbidden Forest

Chapter 16: Through the Trapdoor

Scene 1: The Winged Keys

Scene 2: The Chessboard Chamber

Scene 3: The Potion Puzzle

Chapter 17: The Man with Two Faces

Scene 1: The Sorcerer’s Stone

Scene 2: The Hospital Wing

Scene 3: The End-of-Year Feast

4 Wizard’s Duels: Enhance Your Spell-Casting Skills

A Beginner’s Guide to Spell Casting

How to Cast a Spell

You Can Cast Many Different Spells

Participating in Wizard’s Duels

How to Respond to Wizard’s Duel Requests

Unlock More Spells as Your Adventure Continues

5 Potion Brewing for Hogwarts Students

A Successful Potion Starts with the Perfect Cauldron

Shop for Potion Ingredients at the Apothecary

Replenish Your Ingredients Without Having to Buy Them

Potion Brewing for Fun and to Earn House Points

Prepare to Brew a Potion

Get Started Brewing a Potion

The Number of House Points You Earn Depends on the Potion You Brew

6 Making Friends with Fellow Witches and Wizards in Pottermore

Invite People to Be Your Online Friends

Accept Incoming Friend Requests

How to Interact with Your Pottermore Friends

How to Find New Pottermore Friends

Sending and Receiving Gifts

Show Others What You Like About Pottermore

7 Your Adventure Continues

How to Post Comments on Pottermore

What to Write in Your Comments

Share Your Original Drawings and Artwork

How to Upload Artwork to Pottermore

Prepare Yourself for Book 2, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


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