Chapter 23. Modular Programming

Many hands make light work.

John Heywood

So far, we have been dealing with small programs. As programs grow larger and larger, they should be split into sections, or modules. C++ allows programs to be split into multiple files, compiled separately, and then combined (linked) to form a single program.

In this chapter, we go through a programming example, discussing the C++ techniques needed to create good modules. You also are shown how to use make to put these modules together to form a program.


A module is a collection of functions or classes that perform related functions. For example, there could be a module to handle database functions such as lookup, enter, and sort. Another module could handle complex numbers, and so on.

Also, as programming problems get big, more and more programmers are needed to finish them. An efficient way of splitting up a large project is to assign each programmer a different module. That way each programmer only has to worry about the internal details of her own code.

In this chapter, we discuss a module to handle infinite arrays. The functions in this package allow the user to store data in an array without worrying about the array’s size. The infinite array grows as needed (limited only by the amount of memory in the computer). The infinite array will be used to store data for a histogram, but it can also be used to store things such as line numbers from a cross-reference program or other types of data.

Public and Private

Modules are divided into two parts, public and private. The public part tells the user how to call the functions in the module and contains the definitions of data structures and functions that are to be used from outside the module. The public definitions are put in a header file, which is included in the user’s program. In the infinite array example, we have put the public declarations in the file ia.h (see listing in Example 23-2).

Anything internal to the module is private. Everything that is not directly usable by the outside world should be kept private.

The extern Storage Class

The extern storage class is used to indicate that a variable or function is defined outside the current file but is used in this file. Example 23-1 illustrates a simple use of the extern modifier.

Example 23-1. tf/main.cpp
#include <iostream>

/* number of times through the loop */
extern int counter;

/* routine to increment the counter */
extern void inc_counter(  );

int main(  )
    int   index; /* loop index */

    for (index = 0; index < 10; ++index)
        inc_counter(  );
    std::cout << "Counter is " << counter << '
    return (0);
Example 23-2. File: tf/count.cpp
/* number of times through the loop */
int counter = 0;

/* trivial example */
void inc_counter(  )

The function main uses the variable counter. Because counter is not defined in main, it is defined in the file count.cpp. The extern declaration is used by main.cpp to indicate that counter is declared somewhere else, in this case the file count.cpp. The modifier extern is not used in this file, because this is the “real” declaration of the variable.

Actually, three storage class identifiers can be used to indicate the files in which a variable is defined, as shown in Table 23-1.

Table 23-1. Storage class identification




Variable/function is defined in another file. (The variable can also be defined in the current file.)


Variable/function is defined in this file (public) and can be used in other files.


Variable/function is local to this file (private).

Notice that the keyword static has two meanings. (It is the most overworked keyword in the C++ language. For a complete list of the meanings of static see Table 14-1.) For data defined globally, static means “private to this file.” For data defined inside a function, it means “variable is allocated from static memory (instead of the temporary stack).”

C++ is very liberal in its use of the rules for static , extern, and <blank> storage classes. It is possible to declare a variable as extern at the beginning of a program and later define it as <blank>.

extern sam; 
int sam = 1;    // This is legal

This ability is useful when you have all your external variables defined in a header file. The program includes the header file (and defines the variables as extern), and then defines the variable for real.

Another problem concerns declaring a variable in two different files.

               File:  main.cpp 

int     flag  = 0;      // Flag is off

int main(  ) 
    std::cout << "Flag is " << flag << '
File: sub.cpp 
int     flag = 1;       // Flag is on

What happens in this case? There are several possibilities:

  • flag could be initialized to 0 because main.cpp is loaded first.

  • flag could be initialized to 1 because the entry in sub.cpp overwrites the one in main.cpp.

  • I don’t know, but whatever it is, it’s probably bad.

In this case, there is only one global variable called flag. It will be initialized to either 1 or 0 depending on the whims of the compiler. (The good ones generate an error.) It is entirely possible for the program main to print out:

flag is 1

even though we initialized it to 0. To avoid the problem of hidden initializations, use the keyword static to limit the scope of variables to the file in which they are declared.

Say we wrote the following:

               File: main.cpp 
static int      flag  = 0;      // Flag is off

int main(  ) 
        std::cout << "Flag is " << flag << '
File: sub.cpp 
static int      flag = 1;       // Flag is on

In this case, flag in main.cpp is an entirely different variable from flag in sub.cpp. However, you should still give the variables different names to avoid confusion.


Information that is shared between modules should be put in a header file. By convention, all header filenames end with “.h”. In the infinite array example, we use the file ia.h.

The header should contain all the public information, such as:

  • A comment section describing clearly what the module does and what is available to the user

  • Public class declarations

  • Common constants

  • Public structures

  • Prototypes of all the public functions

  • extern declarations for public variables

In the infinite array example, more than half the file ia.h is devoted to comments. This commenting is not excessive; the real guts of the coding is hidden in the program file ia.cpp. The ia.h file serves both as a program file and as documentation to the outside world.

Notice that there is no mention in the ia.h comments about how the infinite array is implemented. At this level, we don’t care how something is done, just what functions are available.

Example 23-3. ia/ia.h
 * definitions for the infinite array (ia) class        *
 *                                                      *
 * An infinite array is an array whose size can grow    *
 * as needed.  Adding more elements to the array        *
 * will just cause it to grow.                          *
 * class infinite_array                                 *
 *    Member functions                                  *
 *      infinite_array(  )  -- default constructor        *
 *      ~infinite_array(  ) -- destructor                 *
 *      int& operator [](int index)                     *
 *              gets an element of the infinite array   *
#include <string.h>

// number of elements to store in each cell of the infinite array 
const unsigned int BLOCK_SIZE = 10;
class infinite_array {
        // the data for this block 
        int   data[BLOCK_SIZE];       

        // pointer to the next array 
        class infinite_array *next;
        // Default constructor
        infinite_array(  ) 
            next = NULL;
            memset(data, '', sizeof(data));

        // Default destructor
        ~infinite_array(  );

        // Return a reference to an element of the array
        int& operator[] (const unsigned int index);

A few things should be noted about this file. Everything in the file is a constant definition, a data structure declaration, or an external declaration. Any code that is defined is inline. No actual code or storage is defined in the header file.

The Body of the Module

The body of the module contains all the functions and data for that module. Private functions that are not to be called from outside the module should be declared static. Variables declared outside of a function that are not used outside the module are declared static.

A Program to Use Infinite Arrays

The infinite array structure is shown in Figure 23-1. The program uses a simple linked list to store the elements of the array. A linked list can grow longer as needed (until you run out of memory). Each list element, or bucket, can store 10 numbers. To find element 38, the program starts at the beginning, skips past the first three buckets, and extracts element 8 from the data in the current bucket.

Infinite array structure
Figure 23-1. Infinite array structure

Example 23-4 contains the code for module ia.cpp.

Example 23-4. ia/ia.cpp
 * infinite-array -- routines to handle infinite arrays *
 *                                                      *
 * An infinite array is an array that grows as needed.  *
 * There is no index too large for an infinite array    *
 * (unless we run out of memory).                       *
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>

#include "ia.h"                 // get common definitions 

 * operator [] -- find an element of an infinite array  *
 *                                                      *
 * Parameters                                           *
 *      index   -- index into the array                 *
 *                                                      *
 * Returns                                              *
 *      Reference to the element in the array           *
int& infinite_array::operator [] (const unsigned int index)
    // pointer to the current bucket 
    class infinite_array *current_ptr;

    unsigned int current_index; // Index we are working with

    current_ptr = this;
    current_index = index;

    while (current_index >= BLOCK_SIZE) {
        if (current_ptr->next == NULL) {
            current_ptr->next = new infinite_array;
            if (current_ptr->next == NULL) {
                std::cerr << "Error:Out of memory
        current_ptr = current_ptr->next;
        current_index -= BLOCK_SIZE;
    assert(current_index >= 0);
    assert(current_index < 
    return (current_ptr->data[current_index]);

 * ~infinite_array -- Destroy the infinite array        *
infinite_array::~infinite_array(  )
     * Note: We use a cute trick here.
     * Because each bucket in the infinite array is
     * an infinite array itself, when we destroy
     * next, it will destroy all that bucket's "next"s
     * and so on recusively clearing the entire array.
    if (next != NULL) {
       delete next;
       next = NULL;


The Makefile for Multiple Files

The utility make is designed to aid the programmer in compiling and linking programs. Before make, the programmer had to type compile commands explicitly each time there was a change in the program:

g++ -Wall -g -ohello hello.cpp


In this chapter we use the commands for the GNU g++ compiler. The C++ compiler on your system may have a different name and a slightly different syntax.

As programs grow, the number of commands needed to create them grows. Typing in a series of 10 or 20 commands is tiresome and error-prone, so programmers started writing shell scripts (or, in MS-DOS, .BAT files). Then all the programmer had to type was do-it and the computer would compile everything. This was overkill, however, because all the files were recompiled regardless of need.

As the number of files in a project grew, this recompiling became a significant problem. Changing one small file, starting the compilation, and then having to wait until the next day while the computer executed several hundred compile commands was frustrating—especially when only one compile was really needed.

The program make was created to do intelligent compiles. Its purpose is to first decide what commands need to be executed and then execute them.

The file Makefile (upper/lowercase is important in Unix) contains the rules used by make to decide how to build the program. The Makefile contains the following sections:

  • Comments

  • Macros

  • Explicit rules

  • Default rules

Any line beginning with a # is a comment.

A macro has the format:

name = data

Name is any valid identifier. Data is the text that will be substituted whenever make sees $(name).

Here’s an example:

# Very simple Makefile 
MACRO = Doing All 

        echo $(MACRO)

Explicit rules tell make what commands are needed to create the program. These rules can take several forms. The most common is:

target : source [ source2 ] [ source3 ]
[ command ]
[ command ]
. . .

Target is the name of a file to create. It is “made,” or created, out of the source file source. If the target is created out of several files, they are all listed.

The command used to create the target is listed on the next line. Sometimes it takes more than one command to create the target. Commands are listed one per line. Each is indented by a tab.

For example, the rule:

hello: hello.cpp
        g++ -Wall -g -o hello hello.cpp

tells make to create the file hello from the file hello.cpp using the command:

g++ -Wall -g -o hello hello.cpp

make will create hello only if necessary. The files used in the creation of hello, arranged in chronological order (by modification time), are shown in Table 23-2.

Table 23-2. File modification times



Modification time










If the programmer changes the source file hello.cpp, the file’s modification time will be out of date with respect to the other files. make will sense this and re-create the other files.

Another form of the explicit rule is:

source :
[ command ]

In this case, the commands are executed each time make is run, unconditionally.

If the commands are omitted from an explicit rule, make uses a set of built-in rules to determine what command to execute.

For example, the rule:

hist.o: ia.h hist.cpp

tells make to create hist.o from hist.cpp and ia.h, using the standard rule for making <file>.o from <file>.cpp. This rule is:

g++ $(CFLAGS) -c file .cpp

(make predefines the macro $(CFLAGS).)

We are going to create a main program hist.cpp that calls the module ia.cpp. Both files include the header ia.h, so they depend on it. The Unix Makefile that creates the program hist from hist.cpp and ia.cpp is listed in Example 23-5.

Example 23-5. ia/makefile.unx
# Makefile for many Unix compilers using the
# "standard" command name CC
OBJ=ia.o  hist.o

all: hist
hist: $(OBJ)
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o hist $(OBJ)

hist.o: ia.h hist.cpp
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c hist.cpp

ia.o: ia.h ia.cpp
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c ia.cpp

        rm hist io.o hist.o

The macro SRC is a list of all the C++ files. OBJ is a list of all the object (.o) files. The lines:

hist: $(OBJ) 
        g++ $(CFLAGS) -o hist $(OBJ)

tell make to create hist from the object files. If any of the object files are out of date, make will re-create them.

The line:


tells make to create hist.o from ia.h and hist.cpp (hist.cpp is implied). Because no command is specified, the default is used.

Example 23-6 shows the Makefile for MS-DOS/Windows, using Borland-C++.

Example 23-6. ia/makefile.bcc
# Makefile for Borland's Borland-C++ compiler
# Flags 
#       -N  -- Check for stack overflow
#       -v  -- Enable debugging
#       -w  -- Turn on all warnings
#       -tWC -- Console application
CFLAGS=-N -v -w -tWC
SRC=ia.cpp hist.cpp
OBJ=ia.obj hist.obj

all: hist.exe
hist.exe: $(OBJ)
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -ehist $(OBJ)

hist.obj: ia.h hist.cpp
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c hist.cpp

ia.obj: ia.h ia.cpp
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c ia.cpp

        erase hist.exe io.obj hist.obj

There is one big drawback with make. It only checks to see whether the files have changed, not the rules. If you have compiled your entire program with CFLAGS = -g for debugging and need to produce the production version (CFLAGS = -O), make will not recompile.

The Unix command touch changes the modification date of a file. (It doesn’t change the file; it just makes the operating system think it did.) If you touch a source file such as hello.cpp and then run make, the program will be re-created. This is useful if you have changed the compile-time flags and want to force a recompilation.

Make provides a rich set of commands for creating programs. Only a few have been discussed here.[1]

Using the Infinite Array

The histogram program (hist) is designed to use the infinite array package. It takes one file as its argument. The file contains a list of numbers between 0 and 99. Any number of entries may be used. The program prints a histogram showing how many times each number appears. (A histogram is a graphic representation of the frequency of data.)

This file contains a number of interesting programming techniques.

The first one technique is to let the computer do the work whenever possible. For example, don’t program like this:

const int LENGTH_X = 300;    // Width of the box in dots 
const int LENGTH_Y = 400;    // Height of the box in dots
const int AREA = 12000;      // Total box area in dots

In this case, the programmer has decided to multiply 300 by 400 to compute the area. He would be better served by letting the computer do the multiplying:

const int LENGTH_X = 300;    // Width of the box in dots 
const int LENGTH_Y = 400;    // Height of the box in dots

const int AREA = (LENGTH_X * LENGTH_Y);  // Total box area in dots

That way, if either LENGTH_X or LENGTH_Y is changed, AREA changes automatically. Also, the computer is more accurate in its computations. (If you noticed, the programmer made an error: his AREA is too small by a factor of 10.)

In the histogram program, the number of data points in each output line is computed by the following definition:

const float FACTOR = 

The user should be helped whenever possible. In the hist program, if the user does not type the correct number of parameters on the command line, a message appears telling what is wrong and how to correct it.

The program uses the library routine memset to initialize the counters array. This routine is highly efficient for setting all values of an array to zero. The line:

memset(counters, '', sizeof(counters));

zeros the entire array counters. sizeof(counters) makes sure the entire array is zeroed. Example 23-7 contains a program that uses the infinite array for storing data used to produce a histogram.

Example 23-7. ia/hist.cpp
 * hist -- generate a histogram of an array of numbers  *
 *                                                      *
 * Usage                                                *
 *      hist <file>                                     *
 *                                                      *
 * Where                                                *
 *      file is the name of the file to work on         *
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>      
#include <cassert>

#include "ia.h"

 * the following definitions define the histogram
const int NUMBER_OF_LINES = 50; // # Lines in the result
const int LOW_BOUND       = 0;  // Lowest number we record
const int HIGH_BOUND      = 99; // Highest number we record
 * if we have NUMBER_OF_LINES data to 
 * output then each item must use
 * the following factor
const int FACTOR = 

// number of characters wide to make the histogram 
const int WIDTH = 60;

// Array to store the data in
static infinite_array data_array;
// Number of items in the array
static int data_items;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    void  read_data(const char *const name);// get the data into the array 
    void  print_histogram(  );// print the data 

    if (argc != 2) {
        std::cerr << "Error:Wrong number of arguments
        std::cerr << "Usage is:
        std::cerr << "  hist <data-file>
    data_items = 0;

    print_histogram(  );
    return (0);
 * read_data -- read data from the input file into      *
 *              the data_array.                         *
 *                                                      *
 * Parameters                                           *
 *      name -- the name of the file to read            *
void  read_data(const char *const name)
    std::ifstream in_file(name); // input file 
    int data;               // data from input 

    if (in_file.bad(  )) {
        std::cerr << "Error:Unable to open " << name << '
    while (!in_file.eof(  )) {
        in_file >> data;

        // If we get an eof we ran out of data in last read
        if (in_file.eof(  ))

        // No assert needed becuase data_array is an ia
        data_array[data_items] = data;
 * print_histogram -- print the histogram output.       *
void  print_histogram(  )
    // upper bound for printout 
    int   counters[NUMBER_OF_LINES];    
    int low;            // lower bound for printout 
    int   out_of_range = 0;// number of items out of bounds 
    int   max_count = 0;// biggest counter 
    float scale;        // scale for outputting dots 
    int   index;        // index into the data 

    memset(counters, '', sizeof(counters));

    for (index = 0; index < data_items; ++index) {
        int data;// data for this point 

        data = data_array[index];

        if ((data < LOW_BOUND) || (data > HIGH_BOUND))
        else {
            // index into counters array 
            int   count_index;

            count_index = static_cast<int>(
                    static_cast<float>(data - LOW_BOUND) / FACTOR);

            assert(count_index >= 0);
            assert(count_index < sizeof(counters)/sizeof(counters[0]));
            if (counters[count_index] > max_count)
                max_count = counters[count_index];

    scale = float(max_count) / float(WIDTH);

    low = LOW_BOUND;

    for (index = 0; index < NUMBER_OF_LINES; ++index) {
        // index for outputting the dots 
        int   char_index;
        int   number_of_dots;   // number of * to output 

        std::cout << std::setw(2) << index << ' ' <<
                std::setw(3) << low << "-" << 
                std::setw(3) << (low + FACTOR -1) << " (" << 
                std::setw(4) << counters[index] << "): ";

        number_of_dots = int(float(counters[index]) / scale);
        for (char_index = 0; char_index < number_of_dots;
            std::cout << '*';
        std::cout << '
        low += FACTOR;
    std::cout << out_of_range << " items out of range

A sample run of this program produces the following output:

 %   hist   test
 0:  0-  2 ( 100): ************************ 
 1:  2-  4 ( 200): ************************************************ 
 2:  4-  6 ( 100): ************************ 
 3:  6-  8 ( 100): ************************ 
 4:  8- 10 (   0):  
 5: 10- 12 ( 100): ************************ 
 6: 12- 14 (  50): ************ 
 7: 14- 16 ( 150): ************************************ 
 8: 16- 18 (  50): ************ 
 9: 18- 20 (  50): ************ 
10: 20- 22 ( 100): ************************ 
11: 22- 24 ( 100): ************************ 
12: 24- 26 (  50): ************ 
13: 26- 28 ( 100): ************************ 
14: 28- 30 (  50): ************ 
15: 30- 32 ( 100): ************************ 
16: 32- 34 (  50): ************ 
17: 34- 36 (   0):  
18: 36- 38 ( 100): ************************ 
19: 38- 40 (   1):  
20: 40- 42 ( 150): ************************************ 
21: 42- 44 (  50): ************ 
22: 44- 46 ( 250): ************************************************************ 
23: 46- 48 ( 100): ************************ 
24: 48- 51 ( 150): ************************************ 
25: 51- 53 ( 100): ************************ 
26: 53- 55 (  50): ************ 
27: 55- 57 ( 200): ************************************************ 
28: 57- 59 (  50): ************ 
29: 59- 61 (  50): ************ 
30: 61- 63 (  50): ************ 
31: 63- 65 ( 150): ************************************ 
32: 65- 67 ( 100): ************************ 
33: 67- 69 (   0):  
34: 69- 71 ( 199): *********************************************** 
35: 71- 73 ( 200): ************************************************ 
36: 73- 75 ( 100): ************************ 
37: 75- 77 (  50): ************ 
38: 77- 79 ( 100): ************************ 
39: 79- 81 ( 100): ************************ 
40: 81- 83 ( 200): ************************************************ 
41: 83- 85 ( 100): ************************ 
42: 85- 87 (   0):  
43: 87- 89 (   0):  
44: 89- 91 (  50): ************ 
45: 91- 93 ( 150): ************************************ 
46: 93- 95 ( 100): ************************ 
47: 95- 97 (  50): ************ 
48: 97- 99 ( 100): ************************ 
49: 99-101 (   0):  
500 items out of range

Dividing a Task into Modules

Unfortunately, computer programming is more of an art than a science. There are no hard and fast rules that tell you how to divide a task into modules. Knowing what makes a good module and what doesn’t comes with experience and practice.

This section describes some general rules for module division and how they can be applied to real-world programs. The techniques described here have worked well for me. You should use whatever works for you.

Information is a vital part of any program. The key to a program is your decision about what information you want to use and what processing you want to perform on it. Be sure to analyze the information flow before you begin the design.

Design the modules to minimize the amount of information that has to pass between them. If you look at the organization of the Army, for example, you’ll see that it is divided up into modules. There is the infantry, artillery, tank corps, and so on. The amount of information that passes between these modules is minimized. For example, if an infantry sergeant wants the artillery to bombard an enemy position, he calls up artillery command and says, “There’s a pillbox at location Y-94. Get rid of it.” The artillery command handles all the details of deciding which battery to use, how much firepower to allocate based on the requirements of other fire missions, maintaining supplies, and many more details.[2]

Programs should be organized the same way. Information that can be kept inside a module should be. Minimizing the amount of intermodule communication cuts down on communication errors and limits maintenance problems that occur when a module is upgraded.

Module Design Guidelines

Although there are no strict rules when it comes to laying out the modules for a program, here are some general guidelines:

  • The number of public functions in a module should be small.

  • The information passed between modules should be small.

  • All the functions in a module should perform related jobs.

  • Modules should contain no more than 1,500 lines. With more lines, they become difficult to edit, print, and understand.

Programming Exercises

Exercise 23-1: Write a class that handles page formatting. It should contain the following functions:

open_file(char *name)

Opens the print file.

define_header(char *heading)

Defines heading text.

print_line(char *line)

Sends a line to the file.

page( )

Starts a new page.

close_file( )

Closes the print file.

Exercise 23-2: Write a module called search_open that receives an array of filenames, searches the array until it finds one that exists, and opens that file.

Exercise 23-3: Write a symbol table class containing the following functions:

void enter(const std::string& name)

Enters a name into the symbol table.

int lookup(const std::string& name)

Returns 1 if the name is in the table; returns 0 otherwise.

void remove(const std::string& name)

Removes a name from the symbol table.

Exercise 23-4: Take the words program from Chapter 20, and combine it with the infinite array module to create a cross-reference program. (As an added bonus, teach it about C++ comments and strings to create a C++ cross-referencer.)

[1] If you are going to create programs that require more than 10 or 20 source files, it is suggested you read the book Managing Projects with make (O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.).

[2] This is a very general diagram of the division of an ideal army. The system used by the United States Army is more complex and so highly classified that even the generals don’t know how it works.

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