
We want to do our best work, and we want the work we do to have meaning. And, all else being equal, we prefer to enjoy ourselves along the way.

Those of us whose work is to write software are incredibly lucky. Building software is a guiltless pleasure because we get to use our creative energy to get things done. We have arranged our lives to have it both ways; we can enjoy the pure act of writing code in sure knowledge that the code we write has use. We produce things that matter. We are modern craftspeople, building structures that make up present-day reality, and no less than bricklayers or bridge builders, we take justifiable pride in our accomplishments.

This all programmers share, from the most enthusiastic newbie to the apparently jaded elder, whether working at the lightest weight Internet startup or the most staid, long-entrenched enterprise. We want to do our best work. We want our work to have meaning. We want to have fun along the way.

And so it’s especially troubling when software goes awry. Bad software impedes our purpose and interferes with our happiness. Where once we felt productive, now we feel thwarted. Where once fast, now slow. Where once peaceful, now frustrated.

This frustration occurs when it costs too much to get things done. Our internal calculators are always running, comparing total amount accomplished to overall effort expended. When the cost of doing work exceeds its value, our efforts feel wasted. If programming gives joy it is because it allows us to be useful; when it becomes painful it is a sign that we believe we could, and should, be doing more. Our pleasure follows in the footsteps of work.

This book is about designing object-oriented software. It is not an academic tome, it is a programmer’s story about how to write code. It teaches how to arrange software so as to be productive today and to remain so next month and next year. It shows how to write applications that can succeed in the present and still adapt to the future. It allows you to raise your productivity and reduce your costs for the entire lifetime of your applications.

This book believes in your desire to do good work and gives you the tools you need to best be of use. It is completely practical and as such is, at its core, a book about how to write code that brings you joy.

Who Might Find This Book Useful?

This book assumes that you have at least tried to write object-oriented software. It is not necessary that you feel you succeeded, just that you made the attempt in any object-oriented (OO) language. Chapter 1 contains a brief overview of object-oriented programming (OOP) but its goal is to define common terms, not to teach programming.

If you want to learn OO design (OOD) but have not yet done any object-oriented programming, at least take a tutorial before reading this book. OO design solves problems; suffering from those problems is very nearly a prerequisite for comprehending these solutions. Experienced programmers may be able to skip this step but most readers will be happier if they write some OO code before starting this book.

This book uses Ruby to teach OOD but you do not need to know Ruby to understand the concepts herein. There are many code examples but all are quite straightforward. If you have programmed in any OO language you will find Ruby easy to understand.

If you come from a statically typed OO language like Java or C++ you have the background necessary to benefit from reading this book. The fact that Ruby is dynamically typed simplifies the syntax of the examples and distills the design ideas to their essence, but every concept in this book can be directly translated to a statically typed OO language.

How to Read This Book

Chapter 1, Object-Oriented Design, contains a general overview of the whys, whens and wherefores of OO design, followed by a brief overview of object-oriented programming. This chapter stands alone. You can read it first, last, or, frankly, skip it entirely, although if you are currently stuck with an application that suffers from lack of design you may find it a comforting tale.

If you have experience writing object-oriented applications and want to jump right in, you can safely start with Chapter 2. If you do so and then stumble upon an unfamiliar term, come back and browse the Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming section of Chapter 1, which introduces and defines common OO terms used throughout the book.

Chapters 2 through 9 progressively explain object-oriented design. Chapter 2, Designing Classes with a Single Responsibility, covers how to decide what belongs in a single class. Chapter 3, Managing Dependencies, illustrates how objects get entangled with one another and shows how to keep them apart. These two chapters are focused on objects rather than messages.

In Chapter 4, Creating Flexible Interfaces, the emphasis begins to shift away from object-centric towards message-centric design. Chapter 4 is about defining interfaces and is concerned with how objects talk to one another. Chapter 5, Reducing Costs with Duck Typing, is about duck typing and introduces the idea that objects of different classes may play common roles. Chapter 6, Acquiring Behavior Through Inheritance, teaches the techniques of classical inheritance, which are then used in Chapter 7, Sharing Role Behavior with Modules, to create duck typed roles. Chapter 8, Combining Objects with Composition, explains the technique of building objects via composition and provides guidelines for choosing among composition, inheritance, and duck-typed role sharing. Chapter 9, Designing Cost-Effective Tests, concentrates on the design of tests, which it illustrates using code from earlier chapters of the book.

Each of these chapters builds on the concepts of the last. They are full of code and best read in order.

How to Use This Book

This book will mean different things to readers of different backgrounds. Those already familiar with OOD will find things to think about, possibly encounter some new points of view, and probably disagree with a few of the suggestions. Because there is no final authority on OOD, challenges to the principles (and to this author) will improve the understanding of all. In the end you must be the arbiter of your own designs; it is up to you to question, to experiment, and to choose.

While this book should be of interest to many levels of reader, it is written with the particular goal of being accessible to novices. If you are one of those novices, this part of the introduction is especially for you. Know this: object-oriented design is not black magic. It is simply things you don’t yet know. The fact that you’ve read this far indicates you care about design; this desire to learn is the only prerequisite for benefiting from this book.

Chapters 2 through 9 explain OOD principles and provide very explicit programming rules; these rules will mean different things to novices than they mean to experts. If you are a novice, start out by following these rules in blind faith if necessary. This early obedience will stave off disaster until you can gain enough experience to make your own decisions. By the time the rules start to chafe, you’ll have enough experience to make up rules of your own and your career as a designer will have begun.

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