
It’s more important than ever before to be fluent in the language of data. Our world is full of an ever-increasing amount of data in the form of tables, spreadsheets, and databases about our businesses, our interactions, our cities, our environment, our personal health. The topics and applications are endless.

When it comes to quickly and effectively processing data to find and share impactful stories, there’s no software quite like Tableau. It allows you to drag and drop your data onto a digital canvas that brings it to life. In addition, Tableau gives you the ability to share what you create with your audience so they can come to understand as well.

And there’s no resource quite like this book as you embark on the journey from beginner to expert and develop your skills working with data using Tableau. Ryan Sleeper is a true master of the art and science of data visualization, and he has created an amazing resource of practical tutorials that start with the basics, move to more advanced topics, and include often missed but critically important design tips along the way.

Ryan has earned the coveted title of Tableau Zen Master not only by becoming an expert in the software, but also by graciously and effectively helping others to build their skills as well. His award-winning Tableau Public visualizations have enlightened and delighted people all over the world on topics such as baseball player valuation, the cost of living, traffic patterns, and stock valuations, to name just a few.

So in picking up this book, you’re setting off on a journey to learn from the best. The combination of Tableau’s powerful software and Ryan’s clear and concise way of explaining how to use it mean each step along the way will be a pleasure.

I wish you all the best. The world in which we live—our communities and our planet itself—are depending on each one of us becoming not just fluent in the language of data, but eloquent.

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