How Do You Get There?

In this chapter, we’ve looked at features of your brain, including the L-mode and R-mode cognitive processes, and at rewiring your brain through practice. You should also begin to appreciate the underutilized power of R-mode.

So if this R-mode thing is so great—or at least so necessary at this particular point in time—what can you do to experience more R-mode processing yourself? What can you do to cultivate R-mode and better integrate L-mode and R-mode?

We’ll look at some specifics of how to achieve better cultivation and integration in the next chapter.

Next ActionNext Actions
  • Make a short list of your favorite software applications and a list of the ones you just despise. How much does aesthetics play a role in your choices?

  • Consider what aspects of your work and home life target L-mode. What aspects of your work and home life target R-mode? Do you feel they are in balance? If not, what will you do differently?

  • Keep a doodle pad on your desk (and in your car, with your laptop, by your bed), and use it.

  • In addition, keep something on your person for 24×7 note taking (which may or may not be paper/pen based).

Try This

  • Make a conscious effort to learn something new primarily by synthesis, instead of analysis.

  • Try creating your next software design away from your keyboard and monitor (and we’ll talk more about this in detail a bit later in the book).



A central source of movement variability [CAS06].


Let’s hope you have just the one.


See Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind: How Intelligence Increases When You Think Less [Cla00].


See Shufflebrain: The Quest for the Hologramic Mind [Pie81].



Verbal overshadowing of visual memories; some things are better left unsaid [SE90].


Technically, of course, there is no indexing going on, so it’s more like being at the end of a very long hash bucket with decreasing activation energy at each link. But metaphorically, just think of it as an index.


Folks also recommend the Zebra T3 series; see for both a pen and mechanical pencil version.


Remember to use your hands-free device per local laws :-).


If you doubt this, just ask any venture capitalist.


The cortex, which comes from the Latin word for tree bark, is the outer layer of folded gray matter and is key to conscious thinking.


As described in The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain [Edw01] et al.


They aren’t even measurable. HR can’t measure or reward most of these skills, at least not as easily as they can the L-mode traits.


That was in 2006. The automotive business remains tough, however.


Rumor has it that this parody was in fact created by a design group within Microsoft, possibly to complain about the constraints they were operating under.


Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things [Nor04].


Apparent Usability vs. Inherent Usability: Experimental Analysis on the Determinants of the Apparent Usability [KK95].


Aesthetics and Apparent Usability: Empirically Assessing Cultural and Methodological Issues [Tra97].


A Neuro-psychological Theory of Positive Affect and Its Influence on Cognition [AIT99].


Automatic effects of brand exposure on motivated behavior: how Apple makes you "Think Different" [FCF07].


Thanks to June Kim for this one.


Interhemispheric Interaction During Global/Local Processing in Mathematically Gifted Adolescents, Average Ability Youth and College Students [SO04].


Described in The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science [Doi07].

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