
About the Author

About the Technical Reviewer

images Part 1: Getting Ready

images Chapter 1: Putting the ASP.NET Platform in Context

What Is the ASP.NET Platform?

What Do You Need to Know?

What’s the Structure of This Book?

Part 1: Getting Ready

Part 2: The ASP.NET Platform Foundation

Part 3: The ASP.NET Services

Are There Lots of Examples?

Where Can You Get the Example Code?

What Software Do You Need for This Book?

Preparing Visual Studio

Getting Google Chrome


images Chapter 2: Pattern and Tools Primer

Understanding the MVC Pattern

Understanding the Benefits of the MVC Pattern

Creating the Example Project

Creating the MVC Components

Testing the Application

Adding Packages to the Project

Using Bootstrap


images Part 2: The ASP.NET Platform Foundation

images Chapter 3: The ASP.NET Life Cycles

Preparing the Example Project

The ASP.NET Application Life Cycle

Understanding the Application Life Cycle

Receiving Notifications When the Application Starts and Ends

Testing the Start and Stop Notifications

The ASP.NET Request Life Cycle

Understanding the Request Life Cycle

Understanding Modules and Handlers

Handling Request Life-Cycle Events Using Special Methods

Handling Request Life-Cycle Events Without Special Methods

The ASP.NET Context Objects

Understanding the ASP.NET Context Objects

Working with HttpApplication Objects

Working with HttpRequest Objects

Working with HttpResponse Objects


images Chapter 4: Modules

Preparing the Example Project

ASP.NET Modules

Creating a Module

Registering a Module

Testing the Module

Creating Self-registering Modules

Creating the Project

Creating the Module

Creating the Registration Class

Testing the Module

Using Module Events

Defining the Module Event

Creating the Consuming Module

Generating HTML

Understanding the Built-in Modules


images Chapter 5: Handlers

Preparing the Example Project

Adding the System.Net.Http Assembly

ASP.NET Handlers

Understanding Handlers in the Request Life Cycle

Understanding Handlers

Handlers and the Life-Cycle Events

Creating a Handler

Registering a Handler Using URL Routing

Registering a Handler Using the Configuration File

Testing the Handler

Creating Asynchronous Handlers

Creating Modules That Provide Services to Handlers

Targeting a Specific Handler

Custom Handler Factories

Controlling Handler Instantiation

Selecting Handlers Dynamically

Reusing Handlers


images Chapter 6: Disrupting the Request Life Cycle

Preparing the Example Project

Adding the Bootstrap Package

Creating the Controller

Creating the View

Testing the Example Application

Using URL Redirection

Understanding the Normal Redirection Process

Simplifying the Redirection Process

Managing Handler Selection

Preempting Handler Selection

Transferring a Request to a Different Handler

Terminating Requests

Responding to a Special URL

Avoiding Brittle Application Components

Handling Error Notifications


images Chapter 7: Detecting Device Capabilities

Preparing the Example Project

Detecting Device Capabilities

Getting Browser Capabilities

Improving Capability Data

Creating a Custom Browser File

Creating a Capability Provider

Using Third-Party Capabilities Data

Adapting to Capabilities

Avoiding the Capabilities Trap

Tailoring Content to Match Devices


images Chapter 8: Tracing Requests

Preparing the Example Project

Logging Requests

Responding to the Logging Events

Tracing Requests

Enabling Request Tracing

View Request Traces

Adding Custom Trace Messages

Using Glimpse

Installing Glimpse

Using Glimpse

Adding Trace Messages to Glimpse


images Part 3: The ASP.NET Platform Services

images Chapter 9: Configuration

Preparing the Example Project

ASP.NET Configuration

Understanding the Configuration Hierarchy

Working with Basic Configuration Data

Using Application Settings

Using Connection Strings

Grouping Settings Together

Creating a Simple Configuration Section

Creating a Collection Configuration Section

Creating Section Groups

Overriding Configuration Settings

Using the Location Element

Using Folder-Level Files

Navigating the ASP.NET Configuration Elements


images Chapter 10: State Data

Preparing the Example Project

Application State Data

Using Application State

Understanding the Synchronization Effect

Sessions and Session State Data

Working with Session Data

Using Session State Data

Understanding How Sessions Work

Understanding the Synchronization Effect

Configuring Sessions and Session State

Tracking Sessions Without Cookies

Storing Session Data


images Chapter 11: Caching Data

Preparing the Example Project

Adding the System.Net.Http Assembly

Caching Data

Using Basic Caching

Using Advanced Caching

Using Absolute Time Expiration

Using Sliding Time Expirations

Specifying Scavenging Prioritization

Using Cache Dependencies

Depending on Another Cached Item

Creating Custom Dependencies

Creating Aggregate Dependencies

Receiving Dependency Notifications

Using Notifications to Prevent Cache Ejection


images Chapter 12: Caching Content

Preparing the Example Project

Using the Content Caching Attribute

Controlling the Cache Location

Managing Data Caching

Controlling Caching with Code

Dynamically Setting Cache Policy

Validating Cached Content


images Chapter 13: Getting Started with Identity

Preparing the Example Project

Setting Up ASP.NET Identity

Creating the ASP.NET Identity Database

Adding the Identity Packages

Updating the Web.config File

Creating the Entity Framework Classes

Using ASP.NET Identity

Enumerating User Accounts

Creating Users

Validating Passwords

Validating User Details

Completing the Administration Features

Implementing the Delete Feature

Implementing the Edit Feature


images Chapter 14: Applying ASP.NET Identity

Preparing the Example Project

Authenticating Users

Understanding the Authentication/Authorization Process

Preparing to Implement Authentication

Adding User Authentication

Testing Authentication

Authorizing Users with Roles

Adding Support for Roles

Creating and Deleting Roles

Managing Role Memberships

Using Roles for Authorization

Seeding the Database


images Chapter 15: Advanced ASP.NET Identity

Preparing the Example Project

Adding Custom User Properties

Defining Custom Properties

Preparing for Database Migration

Performing the Migration

Testing the Migration

Defining an Additional Property

Working with Claims

Understanding Claims

Creating and Using Claims

Authorizing Access Using Claims

Using Third-Party Authentication

Enabling Google Authentication

Testing Google Authentication



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