
We’d like to thank all the folks at Apress who have helped us ship this book: Gwenan Spearing for getting involved in the first place; Christine Ricketts for her patience and perseverance in keeping us on track; Tom Welsh and Matthew Moodie for their great editing; and James Fraleigh for his copyediting. We’d also like to thank Liam Westley for his technical reviews of the chapters.

Thank you and apologies to Michele, Carmel, Tegen, and Ewan for bearing with me as I paced around the house with writer’s block. I couldn’t have gotten here without your understanding and support.

—Richard Blewett

Thanks to Jules, Emily, and Joseph for putting up with me juggling so many things over the last 12 months and for picking up the things I dropped. Thanks to my Mum and Dad, who through the purchase of many home computers set me off on the most incredible of journeys.

—Andrew Clymer

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