
This book is dedicated to my wife, Julie, daughters Lori and Kelli, son, Marty, and grandchildren, Kaleb and Jillian. Thanks to Merrill and Barbara Bishir, Marilyn Prater, and Walter Weaver for being such wonderful examples. A very special thanks to Weiqi Gao, Stephen Chin, Dean Iverson, Johan Vos, and Carl Dea, with whom I had the privilege of writing this book. Thanks also to the amazing JavaFX teams at Oracle and the talented editors at Apress. “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Jim Weaver

I would like to thank my wife, Youhong Gong, for her support, understanding, and encouragement during the writing process. My thanks also go to the author and technical review team: Jim Weaver, Stephen Chin, Dean Iverson, Johan Vos, and Carl Dea for making this book a fun project. I share with my coauthors the appreciation to the JavaFX team at Oracle and the editorial team at Apress.

Weiqi Gao

To my wife, Justine, and daughter, Cassandra, who supported me in writing this book on top of all my other responsibilities. Also, a huge thanks to the entire author team, including our newest members, Johan Vos and Carl Dea, who both went above and beyond in their contributions to this title. Finally, a great debt of gratitude to the JavaFX team and JVM language designers who have produced technology that will profoundly change the way we design and code UIs going forward.

Stephen Chin

I would like to thank my family, Sondra, Alex, and Matt, for their support and understanding during yet another writing project. You guys make this possible. I would also like to thank the writing and review team of Jim Weaver, Stephen Chin, Weiqi Gao, Johan Vos, and Carl Dea for their dedication and their patience. The editorial team at Apress was, as usual, first rate and utterly professional. And of course none of this would be possible without the hard work of an extremely talented team of engineers on the JavaFX team at Oracle.

Dean Iverson

Writing a book is often done in spare time. I want to thank my wife, Kathleen, and our son, Merlijn, for allowing me to spend evening and weekend time in front of my computer. I'm very pleased to be involved in this JavaFX book, and I want to thank authors Jim Weaver, Weiqi Gao, Stephen Chin, and Dean Iverson, technical reviewer Carl Dea, and the Apress team for their trust in me. A special thanks to my colleagues Joeri Sykora and Erwin Morrhey for helping me with the examples. The JavaFX team at Oracle did a great job releasing JavaFX 2. The combination of their efforts and those of the Java community makes Java an excellent platform for an increasing number of clients.

Johan Vos

I would like to thank my wife, Tracey, and my daughters, Caitlin and Gillian, for their loving support and sacrifices. A big thanks to Jim Weaver for recommending me to this project. I also want to thank the amazing authors Jim Weaver, Weiqi Gao, Stephen Chin, Dean Iverson, and Johan Vos. Thanks to the wonderful people at Apress for their professionalism especially Stephen Moles for keeping the team laser focused. Lastly, I want to give a big kudos and acknowledgment to the people at Oracle involved with moving Java and JavaFX forward by growing the community. “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” (Proverbs 27:17)

Carl Dea

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