
Page numbers followed by f and t refer to figures and tables respectively.


access (in ACT learning), 58–59

accountability, attendee, 172–173

account profile, 199–200

act (in RPA process), 115

activities, with mixed in-person and online audiences, 110

ACT learning process, 57–61, 58f, 115, 195

administration and logistics, 193–204

about, 194

learning, 30

login and account profile, 199–200

mobile application versions, 203

polls, tests, and other content options, 202

session scheduling, email integration, and audio types, 200–202

site, settings, and software, 197–199

steps to manage, 195–196, 196t–197t

technical issues with, 33

usage and data tracking, 202–203

administrative features checklist, 196t–197t

Adobe Connect

attendee connection to, 50

breakout rooms on, 133

as Builder, 54

computer audio for, 71

feedback tools on, 76

file sharing in, 81

file transfer feature on, 87

learning, 30

login for, 199

note features on, 86

polling on, 130, 202

session scheduling on, 201

teleconferencing with, 119

advanced interaction features, 65t–66t, 84–90

breakout, 88–90

file transfer, 87

notes, 85–86

polling, 84–85

Q&A, 86–87

troubleshooting for, 129–134

AirPods, 71

all hands meeting, 20

alternate hosts, defined, 67

alternate moderators, defined, 67

alternate organizers, defined, 67

alternate plans, 32–33, 35, 37–38

analyzing, for technical or participant support, 37–38


features for, 65t, 80–81

and file sharing, 82

troubleshooting, 127, 136t

appearance, 41–42

attendee preparation, 161–173

about, 162

accountability for, 172–173

for communication, 166–168

for equipment, software, and connection, 165–166

and establishing “culture” of the session, 168–169

importance of, 162–163

Learning Launch for, 169, 170t–171t

for physical environment, 164–165

before the session, 163–168

during the session, 168–169


defined, 67

with hearing impairment, 68

materials for, 103

remote, 108

attendees checklist, 102–104


materials for, 154–156, 155–156, 156f–158f

mixed online and in-person, 108–110


computer, 70, 120

features for, 65t, 68–71

getting attendees connected to, 106–107

having a backup for, 99

for introductory communications, 31

with mixed in-person and online audiences, 109

monitoring, 107

options for, 17

preparing, 96, 106

professionalism with, 41–42

providing technical support with, 35

recording, 122–123

and session scheduling, 201–202

on technology checklist, 98

troubleshooting, 118, 135t

audio broadcast, 69


background, with webcams, 74

backup platforms, 98

basic interaction features, 65t, 75–84

annotation, 80–81

chat, 77–78, 78f

feedback, 75–76

share file (upload), 81–82, 82f

share screen, 82–84

troubleshooting for, 124–129

whiteboard, 79, 79f

Blackboard, 54

breakout rooms

challenges with, 15–16

features for, 66t, 88–90

instructions for, 156, 158f, 159f–160f

preparation for, 36, 100, 105

rehearsals for, 60–61

session scheduling for, 201

troubleshooting, 132–134, 137t

whiteboards used for, 79, 79f

breaks, 108


about, 53–54, 204

breakout rooms on, 88

challenges with, 54–55

Revealers vs., 55t–56f, 57, 57f

whiteboarding on, 127

building successful working relationships, 188–190


calendar placeholders, 101


angle of, 74

troubleshooting, 122

captions, 68

Carnegie, Dale, 72

chat channels, 191, 191f, 192f


features for, 65t, 77–78, 78f

for introductory communications, 31

monitoring, 107

preparation for, 36

for technical support, 191, 191f

troubleshooting, 125–126, 136t

chatversations, 77, 78f, 125


administrative features, 196t–197t

attendees, 102–104

content, 99–100

for presenters, 101–102

session, 151–152, 153f–154f

technology, 97–99

for virtual production capabilities, 43–45

click (in ACT learning), 59–60

closed captioning, 68


attendee preparation for, 166–168

emails (See email[s])

in-session, 102

nonverbal, 75, 110

participant (examples), 207–213

in team of producers, 190–191

through chat (See chat)

virtual production capabilities, 38–42

company meeting, 20

computer audio, 70, 120

confidence, 42

connecting, 34–35

content checklist, 99–100

content rehearsals, 102, 185–187

COVID-19 pandemic, 5


listening for, 39

visual, for audience, 154, 155f

“culture” of the session, 168–169

customer support professionals, 28


Dale Carnegie Digital, 54

data tracking, 202–203

delivery plan, 185

design process, 143–146

determining what’s social (Step 2 of design process), 144–145

devices, preparing, 94, 94f, 95f. See also equipment

disconnection, 35, 39

disruptive chats, 125–126

documentation, 146–154, 166–167

dry run. See rehearsals


echoes, 120

editing a recording, 123–124


examples of, 207–213

final completion of training, 212–213

follow-up, 112, 211–212

integration of, 200–202

reminder, 103–104, 210–211

welcome, 103, 207–209

ending a session, 110–112


challenges of, 5

and feature use, 31

fixing problems of, 5–6

producing, 9–10

with Revealers vs. Builders, 55


attendee preparation of, 165–166

for audio, 68, 71

for webcams, 74

establishing “culture” of the session, 168–169

events, defined, 8



for online meetings, 23–24

for virtual classroom training, 22

for webinars, 23

facilitative producers, 177, 181–182

facilitative production rehearsals, 186–187

facilitator guides, 105, 147–149, 149f–151f


advanced interaction (See advanced interaction features)

basic interaction (See basic interaction features)

fixing, 32–33

get started (See get started features)

mapping interactions to, 145–146

preparation for, 36

technical knowledge capabilities with, 30–33

updates to, 30

using, 31


for facilitators, 40–41

features for, 65t, 75–76

troubleshooting audio, 120

troubleshooting of features for, 124–125, 136t

file transfer, 66t, 87, 131–132, 137t

final completion of training emails, 212–213

final remarks, 111

fixing features, 32–33

follow-up emails, 112, 211–212

Furini, Sonia, 152


get started features, 65t, 66–75

audio, 68–71

participant panel, pane, or pod, 72

recording, 74–75

roles, 66–68

troubleshooting for, 116–124

webcam, 73–74

goals, identifying, 144

GoToMeeting, 117, 132


breakout rooms on, 132

polling on, 84

Q&A features on, 86, 131

as Revealer, 52–53


handouts, 99–100

hearing impaired attendees, 68

help desk, 28


alternate, defined, 67

defined, 66–67

defining, 17

joining breakout rooms, 88

login for, 199


identifying goals and objectives (Step 1 of design process), 144

in-session communication, 102

in-session features, 63–90

about, 64, 65t–66t, 66

advanced interaction features (See advanced interaction features)

basic interaction features (See basic interaction features)

get started features (See get started features)

instructions, 155–156, 156f–157f

Interact and Engage! 50+ Activities for Virtual Training, Meetings, and Webinars (La Borie and Stone), 8, 18

internet connections

attendee preparation for, 165–166

and computer audio, 70

preparing, 95

invitations, 101, 103, 201


Jigsaw, 54


learning platforms, 30

lighting, 74

listening skills, 38–39

live test sessions, 167–168


in ACT learning, 59

logistics for, 199–200

technical issues with, 33

on technology checklist, 97

logistics. See administration and logistics


map the interactions to the features (Step 3 of design process), 145–146

materials, 141–159

about, 142–143

for attendees, 103

for audience, 154–156

audience instructions, 155–156, 156f–158f

design process for, 143–146

documentation, 146–154

PowerPoint notes, 147, 147f

session checklist, 151–152, 153f–154f

virtual facilitator and producer guides, 147–149, 149f–151f

visual cues for audience, 154, 155f

microphones, enabling and disabling, 70, 121

Microsoft Teams, 52, 122, 191

Miner, Nanette, 147–149

mixed audiences, 108–110

mixed online and in-person audiences, 108–110

mobile application versions, 203

moderators, defined, 66–67

multimedia, preparation for, 100

multi-session training programs, follow-up for, 211–212

muting participants, 70–71, 119–121


nonverbal communication, 75, 110


features for, 65t, 85–86

taking, during session, 108

troubleshooting, 130–131, 137t


objectives, identifying, 144

online meetings

defined, 8

production tasks for, 20, 23–24


defined, 66–67

joining breakout rooms, 88

oversharing screen, 128–129


panelists, 67, 88

participant communications, 207–213


defined, 66

features showing list of, 72

list of, 65t, 121, 135t

muting, 70–71, 119–121

support for, 33–42, 89

partnerships, 175–192

about, 176

building successful working relationships for, 189–191

with different producer types, 177–183

rehearsals when working in, 184–189

and technical or participant support, 36

physical environment

attendee preparation of, 164–165

professionalism of, 41

setting up your, 93–96

pinpoint (in RPA process), 115

Plantronics telephone headsets, 71

platform archetypes, 49–61

about, 50–51

ACT learning process for, 57–61

Builders, 53–55

choosing, 55–57

Revealers, 51–53

platform experience, 21


administration and logistics for, 202

features for, 65t, 84–85

preparation for, 36, 100, 105

with Revealers, 52

technical knowledge for, 29

troubleshooting, 117, 130, 137t

positivity, 42

PowerPoint notes, 147, 147f

PowerPoint slides, 99

practicing producers speaking voice in, 187–188

preparation for attendees. See attendee preparation

preparation for virtual session, 93–104

attendees checklist, 102–104

with Builders, 53–54

content checklist, 99–100

importance of, 50

presenter checklist, 101–102

and providing technical support, 31–32

setting up your space, 93–96

technology checklist, 97–99


checklist for, 101–102

defined, 67

joining breakout rooms, 88

rehearsals with, 185–186

remote, 109

switching to a different, 117–118


guidelines for, 36

producing a virtual session while, 104–108

producing vs., 14f

skills for, 40–41

tips for, 104–108

pre-work, for attendees, 103

producer guides, 147–149, 149f–151f


facilitative, 177, 181–182

for mixed in-person and online audiences, 109–110

webinar, 178–179, 180t

producing a virtual session, 91–112

about, 92–93

and ending a session, 110–112

for mixed online and in-person audiences, 108–110

preparation for (See preparation for virtual session)

during presentation, 104–108

presenting vs., 14f

and session follow-up, 110–112

production tasks, 16–20

in all virtual sessions, 17–18

facilitation vs., 20–24

for online meetings, 20, 23–24

session checklist for, 153f–154f

and successful working relationships, 190–191

types of, 15

for virtual classroom training, 18, 22

for webinars, 19–20, 23

professionalism, 41

public speaking, 40. See also presenting



features for, 66t, 86–87

troubleshooting, 131, 137t


recording of sessions

features for, 65t, 74–75

just before start time, 107

troubleshooting, 122–123, 136t

registration invitations, 201

rehearsals, 184–189

about, 184

content, 102, 185–187

facilitative production, 186–187

for partnerships, 36

practicing producers speaking voice in, 187–188

reviewing plan for content in, 185–187

technical checks in, 184–185

when working in partnerships, 184–189

of “yes, and” technique, 188–189

relax (in RPA process), 115

reminder emails, 103–104, 210–211

remote attendees, 108

remote control, when screen sharing, 83–84

remote presenters, 109


about, 51–52, 204

breakout rooms on, 88

builders vs., 55t–56f, 56, 56f

challenges of, 52

screen sharing on, 83

whiteboarding on, 127

Rigney, Elizabeth, 189–190


about, 65t

features for identifying, 66–68

for troubleshooting, 116–117, 135t

roster, 102, 105

RPA process, 115–116, 116f


Saba Classroom, 54

scavenger hunts, 177–178

scheduling the session, 17

session checklist, 151–152, 153f–154f

session follow-up, 110–112

sessions, defining, 8

session scheduling, 200–202

setting context, 28

settings, administration and logistics for, 197–199

setting up your space, 93–96

share file

features for, 65t, 81–82, 82f

troubleshooting, 127–128, 136t

share screen, 51

features for, 65t, 82–84

troubleshooting, 128–129, 137t

unintentional, 129

site, accessing platform, 197–199

site administrator, 198–199, 201, 202–203

site settings, technical issues with, 33

Skype, 122

Skype for Business, 52

Slack, 191

smiling, 74

snacks, 96


administration and logistics for, 197–199

attendee preparation for, 165–166

for mobile application versions, 203

speaking voice, 187–188

standing desks, 93–94

start-time producers, 183


team up (in ACT learning), 60–61

technical assistance

listening to provide, 39

providing, 31–32

technical checks, in rehearsals, 184–185

technical directions, 40

technical issues, 32–33

with administration and logistics, 33

dealing with, 37

and importance of attendee preparation, 162–163

reporting, 111

technical knowledge, 29–33, 204

technical producers, 177–179

technical rehearsals, 101–103

technical support

identifying, for session prep, 99

virtual production capabilities for, 33–42

technical tasks. See production tasks


challenges with, 7

managing, in for meetings, 24t

managing, in virtual classroom training, 22t

managing, in webinars, 23t

meetings with less, 21

separating content from, 7–8

technology checklist, 97–99

teleconference, 69–70, 71, 118–119

test links, 167

tests, administration and logistics for, 202

tracking, data and usage, 202–203

troubleshooting, 113–134, 135t–137t

about, 114

for advanced interaction features, 129–134

for basic interaction features, 124–129

of features, 32–33

for get started features, 116–124

RPA process for, 115–116, 116f


unintentional screen sharing, 129

URL, 197

usage tracking, 202–203

USB Logitech headset, 71

using features, 31


variety, of features, 31


for attendee preparation, 167

with mixed in-person and online audiences, 109

preparation for, 100

professionalism with, 41–42

virtual classroom training

defined, 18

facilitative producers for, 181–182

production tasks for, 18, 22

speaking voice for, 188

Virtual Learning Collaborative, 151–152

virtual meetings, defined, 8

virtual production

capabilities for (See virtual production capabilities)

skill set for, 6

terminology for, 8

virtual production capabilities, 27–45

about, 28–29

checklist for, 43–45

communication, 38–42

technical and participant support, 33–38

technical knowledge, 29–33

virtual session production, defining, 14–16

virtual sessions

commonalities of, 17–18

preparation for (See preparation for virtual session)

producing (See producing a virtual session)

virtual training, defined, 8

visual cues, for audience, 154, 155f

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), 70, 118, 120–121


walk-throughs. See rehearsals


features for, 65t, 73–74

testing, 106

troubleshooting, 121–122, 135t


audio on, 71

author experience with, 9–10, 28, 181

breakout rooms on, 132–133

feedback tools on, 76, 125

file sharing in, 81

file transfer feature on, 132

hosts on, 67

note features on, 85–86

polling on, 84–85, 130, 202

as Revealer, 52

session scheduling for, 200

troubleshooting in, 117

webinar producers, 178–179, 180t


defined, 8–9, 19

fostering engagement in, 16

introductory slide for, 147f

production tasks for, 19–20, 23

speaking voice for, 187

technical producers for, 177–179

welcome email, 103, 207–209


for annotation, 80

features for, 65t, 79, 79f

troubleshooting, 126–127, 136t

Wojcik, Caleb, 74

“work a room,” 6

working relationships, 189–190


“Yes, and” technique, 188–189


Zolotykh, Dmitriy, 189–190


attendee connection on, 50

breakout rooms on, 133–134

computer audio for, 71

features on, 64

feedback tools on, 76, 124–125

file transfer feature on, 87, 132

Learning Launch on, 169, 170t–171t

polling on, 84, 130

as Revealer, 52–53

teleconferencing with, 119

user profiles on, 200

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