© Aswin Pranam 2018
Aswin PranamProduct Management Essentialshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3303-0_1

1. Introduction

Aswin Pranam
Santa Clara, California, USA
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
—Arthur C. Clarke
Back in the early years, smack dab in the middle of my undergraduate studies at the University of Washington, I was unmotivated, lackadaisical, and uninspired by my general course list. Physics. Chemistry. Philosophy. Dinosaurs (yes, dinosaurs). The classes came and went, and none of the subjects captured my interest, or managed to convince me to formally sign away my remaining two years of dedicated focus. One day, as I was munching on a stale cinnamon roll and frantically trying to sign up for courses after sleeping through pre-registration, my friend sat down across from me and inquired about the level of stress visibly present on my face. We chatted about my difficulty in finding a topic that I connected with on a deeper level, and I had just about given up for the day until she said softly “why not computer or information science?” Full of ignorance and a false sense of understanding, I fired back with a hint of brashness: “you mean troubleshooting technical issues and plugging in ethernet cords? No thanks.” She laughed, shrugged off the sharp response, and proceeded to educate me for the next ten minutes about the power of product development, and the potential it had to change the state of the world. An architecture major, she likened software products as the virtual equivalent of constructing real-life dreamscapes with a blueprint, tools, materials, and labor. After ten minutes of drawn-out lecture, I decided to give in and slotted myself into an introductory computer science course. Hell, why not? The other majors weren’t clicking for me, so I had nothing to lose in this temporary pivot. Little did I know, those ten weeks to come would spark the drive I was desperately searching for, and completely immerse me into the challenging world of technological innovation and product creation.
Fast forward half a decade, and the technology industry is booming now more than ever. Students and aspiring technologists alike are ditching the traditional high-prestige titles of “investment banker” and “management consultant” to join the ranks of startups and established tech behemoths, all with the intention of adding their digital fingerprints to a piece of tech history. Empires are being built almost overnight, and company valuations have ballooned to heights the world has never seen. Perhaps the most compelling argument to be made for working in tech industry is the raw ability to create and deploy products that millions of people can use in a matter of minutes. Couple that with the growing demand for software engineers, product managers, and technical staff, and you quickly begin to realize that the opportunities are endless.
That’s where this book comes in.
The past few years have given rise to a relatively new role in technology: the product manager. Understandably, this creates a bit of confusion for practitioners who have become accustomed to titles like project manager, program manager, engineering manager, and so on. What’s the difference? Isn’t the product manager just a glorified idea guy? Is the PM part of the formal management team? What does a product manager actually DO? Over the course of the next couple hundred pages or so, I’ll attempt to break down the PM role, provide real-life examples of PMs and their daily set of duties, and dissect the three main knowledge areas that make up the ideal product manager (technical, design, and product/business strategy). Everything will be explained from a ground-up, basic principles view, and I will attempt to trim the fat and avoid the fluff as much as possible. In the end, I want this to serve as a handbook for any new or aspiring PM to kickstart their journey and lay the foundation for their career in product.
And with that, let’s begin.

What are the learning goals for this book?

At a high level, this handbook is meant to act as a primer for anyone interested in product management and strategy. Whether you’re a software engineer, first-time entrepreneur, or experience designer, the book will tackle the following areas of development in detail:

Technical Foundations

  • The web software stack
    Dive into standard web technologies (HTML, CSS, Javascript) and describe their role in building web apps. Also, touch on the front-end / back-end paradigm.
  • Mechanics of the internet
    Trace the route of a typical web request, and describe the technologies touched before content is served on the browser (DNS, CDN, load balancers, etc.).
  • SQL
    Spend time learning about the fundamentals of SQL, and why it is critical as a PM to know how to issue queries to a relational (or noSQL) database.
  • Data analytics
    Data is a PMs best friend, and being aware of the current tools on the market and how to use them effectively will come in handy. We will take a bird's-eye view of the current products PMs use to make informed decisions.
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
    Walk through the differences between waterfall and agile (SCRUM) methodologies, and the typical process for running a development sprint.
  • System Design
Deconstruct system design questions and increase awareness of the components that make up a typical tech product.

Design Foundations

  • Low-fidelity / High-fidelity wireframes
    Develop wireframes with Balsamiq and brainstorm best practices in UI design
  • UI mocks & rapid prototyping
    Develop a rough, fleshed-out user interface for a mobile app using Sketch
  • UX techniques
    Cover the advantages of user research, storyboarding, diary studies, etc.
  • Design in everyday life
Examine good design from bad design. Learn to spot the differences between a product that is intuitive for the user versus a product that needs improvement.

Product / Business Strategy Foundations

  • Product vision
    Develop a product roadmap, product requirements document (PRD), and go-to market strategy.
  • Leadership
    Learn to negotiate your views, lead without authority, and gain the respect of the development team.
  • Product release
Touch on the post-launch phases and dealing with the aftermath of a product that is pushed into the wild.

Small Steps to Mastery

As you can see, we’re ambitiously trying to cover a ton of knowledge areas in the span of just a few hundred pages. Just remember: the goal here is breadth, not depth. You won’t magically become technical by reading through the technical foundations section, nor will you have all the design knowledge required to become a product designer overnight. Each section (and subsection) listed in the contents can be covered extensively on its own, but we will skim over the basics in a noncomprehensive fashion. I’ll give you enough awareness and savvy to be dangerous as a product manager, but I leave it to you to further explore these areas at the conclusion of this book. If you’re keen on continuing your technical journey and becoming the best technical product manager on the planet, by all means continue. Likewise, if design is your passion, fool around with Sketch, Photoshop, and InVision on your own time and explore what the tools can do for you. The best teacher is experience, and you’ll be infinitely more prepared if you apply the skills you develop in this process and supplement your learning by building your own products, attending meetups, and networking at conferences.
Lastly, please skip around if you’re already an expert in one of the foundational areas. Software engineers will not benefit from spending time in technical foundations, so fast forward to design and product/business strategy to save yourself time and effort. The foundational areas are meant to educate those who are new to that particular vertical, so jump around at your own discretion. For new entrants into the tech industry, welcome, and read all the way through!

What the %&!# is product management?

When I’m at a bar and the conversation of career choice inevitably comes up when chatting with a new acquaintance, the back-and-forth usually goes as follows:
Them: So what do you do?
Me: I’m a product manager
Them: Oh, what’s that?
Me: I’m responsible for a portfolio of products and held accountable for the vision, roadmap, and probability of success around what the team builds
Them: So do you code?
Me: Well…I did in a past life, but now I focus on higher level decision making. Usually around how the products are designed.
Them: Oh, so you’re a designer?
Me: Eh….no. We have UI/UX designers for that
Them: Got it. So you essentially have to convince engineers, designers, analysts, and business development to get behind your vision and respect your input, with zero direct authority over their day-to-day, and build a successful, complete product that satisfies all of the needs of the end user?
At least that’s what I wish happened at the end of the conversation. Usually, I end up telling them I’m a project manager (a role they’re familiar with) and keep the conversation moving. Regardless, the sentiment stands: a product manager is the linchpin that holds the moving pieces together. If the product is a major hit, the team gets the credit. If the product dies as soon as it's shipped, the product manager usually takes the blame. A good PM understands the complexity of juggling the interests of distributed teams, and sources input from every single stakeholder to guarantee the best possible outcome.
In order to dig deeper into the archetype of a PM, let’s look at what real job postings for product manager roles ask for and tease out the similarities. Take a look at the descriptions below and try to notice overlaps in skill set.
Product Manager @ Google
  • BA/BS degree in Computer Science, related technical field or equivalent practical experience.
  • 4 years of product management or product design experience
  • Product design experience, including in collaboration with stakeholders across internal and external organizations.
  • Entrepreneurial drive and demonstrated ability to achieve stretch goals in an innovative and fast-paced environment
  • Demonstrated ability to gather user requirements across diverse functional areas and convert them into a compelling product vision
Product Manager @ Facebook
  • 5+ years product management or product design experience
  • Organizational and analytical skills
  • 5+ years of experience in technical architecture of web applications and/or media products.
  • 5+ years experience designing user interfaces
  • 5+ years experience creating examples through wireframes and mockups
Product Manager, Inspire @ Airbnb
  • Product management leadership in the consumer internet space
  • Experience Design centered approach. Candidates should have personalization, dynamic content, discovery experience
  • Success developing products from concept to launch
  • Incorporated data/insights into the user experience
  • Ability to interact with, present to, and distill feedback from stakeholders of varying backgrounds
  • Extremely capable communicator at all levels across all disciplines, clear presenter
Product Manager, Maps @ Uber
  • A computer science undergraduate degree or equivalent plus hands-on software engineering experience. Technical understanding should go from the highest abstractions down to the metal
  • 2–5 years experience delivering highly successful and innovative consumer Internet products with your fingerprints all over them. You’re very proud of what you’ve accomplished
  • Stellar design instincts and product taste
  • A high bar across the board, from your own contributions to the people you work with to the products you work on
  • Finger-tippiness with data: you just go get the data you need with no muss/fuss and can whip it into an insightful story with no help. You know how to leverage data to make decisions without getting stuck in analysis paralysis.
  • A never-ending desire to grow and learn.
Based on the job descriptions, do you notice any patterns? A lot of you may be wondering: where’s the mention of agile? Why is there no mention of knowledge related to methodologies and development processes? If you’re included in this vein of thinking, you’re identifying qualities that are closely associated with a “project manager” role at high-tech companies. Granted, knowing the inner workings of an agile environment is necessary for a product manager as well, but that alone won’t get you in the door.
If you distill the core requirements for a product manager into a set of terms based on the listings above, the overlaps that are most likely to surface are technical, design, data, user/customer experience, and strategy. No PMP, Scrum Master, or Agile certification necessary. Instead of settling on a process-focused view, the PM needs to be creative, flexible, and product-centric. Anyone can learn the ins-and-outs of running a successful sprint after they’re hired into the company (or by reading a textbook), but the other skills in a PM toolset take much longer to develop.

Project vs. program vs. product management

To further drive home the differences between a product manager and project / program manager, refer to Table 1-1. In a nutshell, a project manager role is task oriented and delivery minded, a program manager role is technically centered and implementation heavy, and a product manager role is aggressively strategic and long-term focused.
Table 1-1.
Project vs. Program vs. Product Management
Product Manager
Project Manager
Program Manager
- Responsible for the success / failure of product
- Often referred to as the “CEO of the product”
- Voice of the customer
- High-level vision setting and feature development
- Responsible for on-time delivery and tracking of a project
- Ability to execute and influence the timelines
- Breaks down milestones into manageable tasks
- Operations-focused
- Responsible for implementation and technical decisions
- Ownership over a set of projects in some organizations
- Works in tandem with engineering and often runs the daily sprints
Due to the rising popularity of the product manager role, companies have begun to re-label traditional project or program manager titles to product manager to generate interest. Be sure to ask questions, read the description, and uncover whether the role is truly focused on the product-level duties.

The big fundamentals

Tim Duncan was one of the most prolific power forwards in the history of professional basketball. Nicknamed “the big fundamental,” Duncan adopted a style of play that the majority of fans would classify as boring or monotonous. Duncan would either float near the basket and execute a turnaround hook shot, step back for the classic bank shot off the backboard, or simply lay it up if he could shake the defenders. Throughout his career, Duncan followed the same basic formula, over and over again, and ended up as a hall-of-fame caliber athlete.
Why am I telling you this? To drive home the point that fundamentals are everything, in basketball and in technology. If you exercise the part of your mind that gives you a competitive advantage over the competition, you distance yourself far away from the rest of the pack. Our approach will be to introduce the three pillars of product management and set the introductory seeds in your mind so they grow over time. The sharpest PMs who I’ve personally had the pleasure of working with have a potent mix of each individual area of study: technical, design, and product / business strategy. This doesn’t mean you need to transform yourself into a rockstar software engineer or UX designer to succeed as a PM, but building awareness of the terminology and raw concepts can go a long way in a conference room.
Technical Foundations - A PM is tasked with creating a tech product that produces a solution to a problem that currently exists. If you view your product as a black box that magically functions because your engineers are talented, it removes you from discussion about tradeoffs, technical capabilities, and the state of tech advancement. At a basic level, we will cover how common technologies work and cover principles of software development.
Design Foundations - Just as important as the tech itself, the user experience and design of the product needs to be distinctive. Why is Uber so successful when taxis were readily available to the masses? Because it enabled the user to call a car, set a destination, and pay for the service in an effortless and intuitive way. Design is rapidly shifting from being a brief afterthought in the product timeline to placing itself at the forefront of product success, so learning how to test the experience with users and crafting a plan for designing solutions that work as intended should be part of the core ethos of every product manager.
Product / Business Strategy - Great PMs have foresight into the future that isn’t immediately clear to the rest of the world. Everyone can spot current market trends and tell you “what’s hot” this year, but what about the next three, five, or ten years? Putting together a complete roadmap, requirements document, and business strategy is mandatory for any PM, so we’ll dig into the best practices for drafting up these artifacts as the book naturally progresses.
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