THIS BOOK DISCUSSES THE CLASSIC DESIGN PATTERNS that were first mentioned in the famous book by the GoF1 and updates them specifically for Java EE 6 and 7.

In every chapter we describe the traditional implementation of each pattern and then show how to implement it using Java EE-specific semantics.

We use full code examples to demonstrate both the traditional and Java EE implementations and color each chapter with real-life stories that show the use (or misuse) of the pattern.

We investigate the pros and cons of each pattern and examine their usages. Each chapter finishes with some exercises that challenge your understanding of the pattern in Java EE.


This book is for everyone with any level of experience. It covers almost everything about a pattern, from how it is referred to in other books, to code on basic Java implementation, to Java EE implementation, and finally real life examples of how and when to use a specific pattern. It also has real life war stories that talk about good and bad practices.

Having some basic knowledge of design patterns and Java EE will aid you as you read this book.

If you are already experienced with patterns and basic Java implementations, you may prefer to jump into Java EE implementations. Refreshing your memory and knowledge of design patterns could prove helpful.


This book covers all classical design patterns that Java EE offers as part of standard implementation, besides some new patterns. The coverage goes back to Java EE5 and is up to date for the latest version available, which is Java EE 7.

We hope this book will be a reference you will keep on your shelf for a long time.


Each chapter focuses on a design pattern. If the pattern is classical, a simple Java implementation is given after the explanation of the pattern. Each chapter offers war stories telling a good or bad real life example about the pattern focused on/in the chapter. The war story is followed by a Java EE implementation, example, and explanation. Each code sample given can be run by itself. Finally, each chapter ends with when and how to use the pattern effectively.


Any modern computer with an operating system that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) implementation is sufficient to run the samples given in this book. For ease of coding, you need an integrated development environment (IDE) of your own choice. The sample can run on any popular modern IDEs including Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ.

You need the Java Development Kit (JDK) for Java EE7 to be able to compile and run the code samples, but some of the code samples would also work on previous Java EE JDKs.

You can use any Java EE7–compliant application server to run the samples. We ran all the code samples on Glassfish, which is the reference implementation server, and TomEE, which is the Java EE version of the popular Java web server Tomcat. You can use any server, but because Glassfish is the reference implementation, you might want to try it for the samples.

To run the samples in this book, you need the following:

  • An operating system that has a JDK for Java EE7, such as Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows
  • Java EE 7 JDK
  • An IDE of your choice, such as Eclipse for Java EE Developers, NetBeans, or IntelliJ
  • Java EE 7–compliant application server such as GlassFish or TomEE

The source code for the samples is available for download from the Wrox website at:


In November 2011, after having a debate on Java EE versus Spring for a project, I went back to my desk and wrote a blog post titled “Java EE 6 and the Ewoks,”2 which became popular pretty quickly. The story was based on the TV show How I Met Your Mother. In this show, Barney, who is the playboy character, introduced a theory that was focused on Ewoks, the teddy bear–like creatures introduced in Episode VI of Star Wars. Fans have mixed feelings on Ewoks.

According to Barney, those born before May 25, 1973, when Return of the Jedi was released, think Ewoks are childish and simply hate them. However, those born after that date find Ewoks cute because they remind them of teddy bears.

Now back to my story. Engaging in a debate with a customer about Java EE versus Spring made me realize that it’s similar to the Ewok theory. Those who are old enough to have used J2EE 1.4 (EJB 1.0/2.0/2.1) in corporate projects had a slow, unproductive development environment with RAM-eating and buggy IDEs and servers taking several minutes to boot. The architecture was over engineered and probably failed, resulting in a migration to Spring. Those users tended to hate Java EE with a passion, no matter what version they used. The release of Java EE 5 was underrated and did not really impress anyone.

Java EE will never be J2EE again. It is now open, has a large community and reshapes itself by assimilating good ideas from frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate. The first great change was the architecture and style of coding. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) followed the lightweight Plain Old Java Object (POJO) model, almost unusable entity beans were replaced with Java Persistence API (JPA), REST and Web Services became standard and integral parts of the run time, and annotations replaced XML configuration. Still, some might argue that Java EE 5 was not ready for the huge shift because it was not as mature as Spring, and the development environment was still not responsive enough. Using Spring on Tomcat instead of EJBs and Java EE 5 on an application server greatly increased the development productivity, but Java EE 5 was still a big step forward towards designing, leveraging, and architecting the Enterprise Java platform from scratch.

This shift was followed by Java EE 6 and 7, which used the same principles and ideas as Java EE 5. Java EE is a great choice for development, but the debate was not over, thanks to the Ewok theory.

It was a hot August day when I first got a call from Wrox/Wiley about whether I would be interested in writing a Spring book. I was experienced and confident with implementing and developing in Spring, but there were already tons of books written about it, which made it hard to see the value in writing a new one.

Besides, I was using Java EE more than ever since version 6 had been released. Considering the Spring versus Java EE debates, my blog posts, and the Ewoks, I felt like writing about Java EE. However, just like Spring, there were many great Java EE books that I admired. I always had the feeling that some properties of Java EE were underrated. Java EE has great built-in implementations of design patterns with simple use of annotations.

The classic patterns listed in the GoF book were used extensively in almost all languages, frameworks, and platforms. J2EE was no exception and neither was Java EE. Actually Java EE took a bold step in providing default implementations for many of those patterns, but still even most of the experienced developers underestimated the value of those out of the box implementations.

I had been blogging about those patterns for almost a year, so I decided to present a counteroffer to write a book on the “classic” design patterns in Java EE. As you are reading this book now, you may guess the feedback was positive.

This book fills the gap between the Java EE platform with the classic design patterns from the GoF book as well as talking about new patterns. This way we did not write just another Java EE book but a catalogue for design patterns in Java EE.

I started blogging, writing and giving talks on design patterns in Java EE to extend my knowledge and experience on a platform I really believed in, so the best thing about writing this book for me was that I had the chance to write about something I was really passionate about. Although my blog had simpler examples, I was already using it as a reference when I needed, so writing a book, which is more formally and properly formatted while still following the same idea was a great opportunity.

Every chapter that my coauthor Alex and I wrote had the same goal: Write content that we would like to read ourselves. The result is a book that we both want to keep as a reference.

We hope that you enjoy reading this book as much as we enjoyed writing it.


To help you get the most from the text and keep track of what’s happening, we’ve used a number of conventions throughout the book.

As for styles in the text:

  • We highlight new terms and important words when we introduce them.
  • We show keyboard strokes like this: Ctrl+A.
  • We show file names, URLs, and code within the text like so:
  • We present code in two different ways:

    We use a monofont type with no highlighting for most code examples.

    We use bold to emphasize code that is particularly important in the present context or to show changes from a previous code snippet.


As you work through the examples in this book, you may choose either to type in all the code manually or to use the source code files that accompany the book. All the source code used in this book is available for download at Specifically for this book, the code download is on the Download Code tab at:

You can also search for the book at by ISBN (978-1-118-84341-3) to find the code. A complete list of code downloads for all current Wrox books is available at

Each chapter starts with introducing a basic Java implementation of the pattern, if there is any. Next, the chapter lists a Java EE implementation of the pattern that can only compile and run on the Java EE JDK and a Java EE–compliant application server.

Most of the code on is compressed in .ZIP, .RAR, or a similar archive format appropriate to the platform. Once you download the code, just decompress it with an appropriate compression tool.


We make every effort to ensure that there are no errors in the text or in the code. However, no one is perfect, and mistakes do occur. If you find an error in one of our books, like a spelling mistake or a faulty piece of code, we would be very grateful for your feedback. By sending in errata, you may save another reader hours of frustration. At the same time, you will be helping us provide even higher quality information.

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If you have any questions regarding the contents of this book, the code, or any other related matter you can contact the authors directly on their blogs and via Twitter.

Murat Yener:

  • Blog—
  • Twitter—@yenerm

Alex Theedom:

  • Blog—
  • Twitter—@alextheedom


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