abstract classes, Abstract Classes, Constructors and Destructors, The new Modifier and Polymorphism, The new Modifier and Polymorphism, Constrained Execution Region
casting, The new Modifier and Polymorphism
inheritance, Abstract Classes, Constrained Execution Region
interfaces and, Constructors and Destructors
abstract keyword, Identifiers, Abstract Classes
abstract methods, Abstract Classes
abstract modifier, Classes, Member Attributes
abstract properties, Abstract Classes
accessibility, Classes, Classes, Class Members, Implementing Inheritance, Interfaces, Defining a Delegate
class members, Classes, Class Members, Implementing Inheritance
delegates, Defining a Delegate
interfaces, Interfaces
Activator class, Array.CreateInstance Method, Type Creation, Type Creation, Type Creation, Type Creation, Type Creation, Type Creation, Type Creation, Creating Generic Types
CreateComInstanceFrom method, Type Creation
CreateInstance method, Array.CreateInstance Method, Type Creation, Type Creation, Creating Generic Types
CreateInstanceFrom method, Type Creation, Type Creation
GetObject method, Type Creation
ADPlus tool, DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute, Advanced Debugging, Advanced Debugging, Debuggers, SOS Example, Part II, Dumps, Dumps, ADPlus, ADPlus
debugging example, ADPlus
downloading, Debuggers, Dumps
functionality, DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute, Advanced Debugging, Advanced Debugging, SOS Example, Part II
syntax, Dumps
aggregation operators, LINQ Operators
aliases for debug commands, Immediate Window
ALM (Application Lifetime Management), Introduction to Visual Studio 2008
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), CallingConvention, CharSet
anonymous methods, Anonymous Methods, Anonymous Methods, Anonymous Methods, Outer Variables, Outer Variables, Generic Anonymous Methods, Limitations of Anonymous Methods, Expressions, Expressions
debugger expressions, Expressions
defined, Anonymous Methods
generic, Generic Anonymous Methods
limitations, Limitations of Anonymous Methods
local variables, Outer Variables
outer variables, Outer Variables
overview, Anonymous Methods
syntax, Anonymous Methods
anonymous types, Anonymous Types, LINQ Essentials
AnonymousPipeServerStream type, LINQ Query Expression Syntax
ANSI (American National Standards Institute), CallingConvention, CharSet
API class, PreserveSig, Blittable Types
APIs (application programming interfaces), Main Entry Point, COM Exceptions, COM Exceptions, Loading Assemblies, Memory Management, Memory Management, Memory Management, Memory Management, Memory Management, Memory Management, Memory Management, Memory Management, Memory Management, Threads, Threads Example #2, The stackalloc Command, DllImport, DllImport, DllImport, PreserveSig
AtIReportError API, COM Exceptions
CreateFileMapping API, Memory Management
FormatMessage API, PreserveSig
GetDC API, DllImport
GetDeviceCaps API, DllImport
GetExitCodeProcess API, Main Entry Point
HeapAlloc API, Memory Management
HeapCreate API, Memory Management
HeapFree API, Memory Management
LoadLibrary API, The stackalloc Command
MapViewOfFile API, Memory Management
memory management, Memory Management
QueryPerformanceCounter API, Loading Assemblies
RaiseException API, Threads Example #2
ReleaseHandle API, DllImport
UnmapViewOfFile API, Memory Management
VirtualAlloc API, Memory Management
VirtualFree API, Memory Management
WaitForMultipleObjects API, Threads
AppDomain class, Unhandled Exceptions, Type Creation, Type Creation, Finalizers, Finalizers
CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap method, Type Creation
finalizers, Finalizers
IsFinalizingForUnload method, Finalizers
UnhandledException event, Unhandled Exceptions
application exceptions, Exception Handling, Exception Handling, Application Exceptions, Remote Exceptions
overview, Exception Handling, Application Exceptions
serialization, Remote Exceptions
Application Lifetime Management (ALM), Introduction to Visual Studio 2008
application programming interfaces, COM Exceptions (see )
Application_Start event, Limitations of Anonymous Methods
Application.ThreadException event, Unhandled Exceptions
Array class, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, System.Array, Array.Clone Method, Array.CreateInstance Method, Array.CreateInstance Method, Array.CreateInstance Method, Array.CreateInstance Method, Array.CreateInstance Method, Array.CreateInstance Method, Array.CreateInstance Method, System.Array and Predicates, System.Array and Predicates, System.Array Properties, System.Array Properties, System.Array Properties, System.Array Properties, System.Array Properties, System.Array Properties, System.Array Properties, Array.SyncRoot Property, Array.SyncRoot Property, Array.SyncRoot Property, Array.SyncRoot Property, Comparable Elements, Comparable Elements, Comparable Elements, Comparable Elements, Comparable Elements, IEnumerable, IEnumerable, IList Interface, Array Conversion, Derivation Constraints, tail
arrays as instances, Arrays and Collections
AsReadOnly generic method, System.Array, System.Array
BinarySearch method, System.Array, Comparable Elements
casting arrays, Array Conversion
Clear method, System.Array
Clone method, System.Array, Array.Clone Method
comparable elements, Array.SyncRoot Property
ConstrainedCopy method, System.Array
constraint limitations, Derivation Constraints
ConvertAll generic method, System.Array
Copy method, System.Array
CopyTo method, System.Array
CreateInstance method, System.Array, Array.CreateInstance Method
Exists generic method, System.Array, Array.CreateInstance Method
Find generic method, System.Array, Array.CreateInstance Method
FindAll generic method, System.Array, Array.CreateInstance Method
FindIndex generic method, System.Array
FindLast generic method, System.Array
FindLastIndex generic method, System.Array, Array.CreateInstance Method
ForEach generic method, System.Array
GetEnumerator method, System.Array
GetLength method, System.Array
GetLongLength method, System.Array
GetLowerBound method, System.Array
GetUpperBound method, System.Array
GetValue method, System.Array
ICloneable interface, Arrays and Collections, Comparable Elements
ICollection interface, Arrays and Collections, Comparable Elements
IComparable interface, System.Array, Comparable Elements
IEnumerable interface, Arrays and Collections, IEnumerable
IList interface, Arrays and Collections, IEnumerable
indexers, IList Interface
IndexOf method, System.Array, Array.SyncRoot Property
Initialize method, System.Array
IsFixedSize property, System.Array Properties
IsReadOnly property, System.Array Properties
IsSynchronized property, System.Array Properties
LastIndexOf method, System.Array, Array.SyncRoot Property
Length property, System.Array Properties
LongLength property, System.Array Properties
methods listed, System.Array
overview, System.Array, tail
predicates, Array.CreateInstance Method
properties listed, System.Array and Predicates
Rank property, System.Array Properties
Resize generic method, Arrays and Collections, System.Array, System.Array and Predicates
Reverse method, System.Array, Comparable Elements
SetValue method, System.Array, Array.CreateInstance Method
Sort method, System.Array, Array.SyncRoot Property
SyncRoot property, System.Array Properties
TrueForAll generic method, System.Array
array covariance, Array Conversion
array elements, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays, Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Collections, Collections
ArrayList collection class, Collections
defined, Arrays and Collections
in multidimensional arrays, Multidimensional Arrays
indexes, Arrays and Collections, Arrays
overview, Arrays
array lists, Collections
array operator, Operator Overloading
ArrayList collection class, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Collections, Collections, Collections, Collections, Collections, Collections, Collections, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, Core Elements, Enumerators
Adapter method, Collections
Add method, Collections
AddRange method, Collections
BinarySearch method, ArrayList Collection
Capacity property, ArrayList Collection
Clear method, ArrayList Collection
Clone method, ArrayList Collection
code example, ArrayList Collection
constructor, Collections
Contains method, ArrayList Collection
CopyTo method, ArrayList Collection
Count property, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection
description, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters
enumeration support, Enumerators
FixedSize method, ArrayList Collection
GetEnumerator method, ArrayList Collection
GetRange method, ArrayList Collection
ICloneable interface, ArrayList Collection
ICollection interface, Collections, ArrayList Collection
IComparable interface, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection
IEnumerable interface, ArrayList Collection
IList interface, Collections, ArrayList Collection
IndexOf method, ArrayList Collection
Insert method, ArrayList Collection
InsertRange method, ArrayList Collection
IsFixedSize property, ArrayList Collection
IsReadOnly property, ArrayList Collection
IsSynchronized property, ArrayList Collection
Item property, ArrayList Collection
LastIndexOf method, ArrayList Collection
query expressions, Core Elements
ReadOnly method, ArrayList Collection
Remove method, ArrayList Collection
RemoveAt method, ArrayList Collection
RemoveRange method, ArrayList Collection
Repeat method, ArrayList Collection
Reverse method, ArrayList Collection
SetRange method, ArrayList Collection
Sort method, ArrayList Collection
Synchronized method, ArrayList Collection
SyncRoot property, ArrayList Collection
ToArray method, ArrayList Collection
TrimToSize method, ArrayList Collection
arrays, Main Entry Point, Types, Project File, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Multidimensional Arrays, Jagged Arrays, IList Interface, params Keyword, params Keyword, Array Conversion, Array Conversion, Array Conversion, Array Conversion, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Contravariance and Covariance, Exception Information Table
as collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters
as function returns, Array Conversion
as parameters, Arrays and Collections, Array Conversion
as reference types, Main Entry Point, Types, Arrays and Collections, Array Conversion
as value types, Arrays and Collections
benefits, Arrays and Collections
casting, Array Conversion
defined, Arrays and Collections
empty vs. null, params Keyword
Exception Information Table, Exception Information Table
fencepost errors, Arrays and Collections
indexers and, IList Interface
jagged, Jagged Arrays (see )
multicast delegates, Contravariance and Covariance
multidimensional, Multidimensional Arrays (see )
overview, Project File
params modifier, params Keyword
single-dimensional, Arrays and Collections (see )
syntax, Arrays and Collections
as clause (MSIL), Assembly Directives
as operator, Boolean operators, Type Operators, Type Operators, Operator Overloading
casting, Type Operators
defined, Boolean operators
overloading considerations, Operator Overloading
ASP.NET Web servers, MSBuild Example
ASP.NET Web Service, Migrating to Visual Studio 2008
ASP.NET Web Site, Migrating to Visual Studio 2008
assemblies, Metadata and Reflection, ILDASM, Obtaining a Type Object, Loading Assemblies, Loading Assemblies, Attributes, Attributes
attributes and, Attributes
defined, ILDASM
diagramming through reflection, Obtaining a Type Object
loading, Loading Assemblies
metadata about, Metadata and Reflection
probing, Loading Assemblies
Assembling Binding Log Viewer tool, Loading Assemblies
assembly directives, .property (see )
Assembly object, ILDASM, ILDASM, ILDASM, ILDASM, Obtaining a Type Object, Loading Assemblies, Loading Assemblies, Loading Assemblies, Loading Assemblies, Loading Assemblies, Loading Assemblies
defined, ILDASM
GetCurrentAssembly method, Obtaining a Type Object
GetExecutingAssembly method, Loading Assemblies
GetTypes method, ILDASM
Load method, Loading Assemblies
LoadFrom method, Loading Assemblies
obtaining Type objects, ILDASM
ReflectionOnly property, Loading Assemblies
ReflectionOnlyLoad method, Loading Assemblies
ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom method, Loading Assemblies
Assembly table, Metadata
AssemblyInfo.cs file, Metadata and Reflection
AssemblyVersion attribute, Attributes
assignment operators, Operator Overloading
Association attribute, Associations, Associations, Associations
OtherKey property, Associations
ThisKey property, Associations
associations, Association, Association, Association, Associations
class diagrams, Association
defined, Association
overview, Associations
asynchronous delegate diagram, Asynchronous Delegate Diagram
asynchronous invocation, Generics and Delegates, Asynchronous Invocation, Asynchronous Invocation, Asynchronous Invocation, BeginInvoke Method, Asynchronous Delegate Diagram, Asynchronous Delegate Diagram
asynchronous delegate diagram, Asynchronous Delegate Diagram
BeginInvoke method, Asynchronous Invocation
EndInvoke method, BeginInvoke Method
IAsyncResult properties, Asynchronous Invocation
overview, Generics and Delegates
templates, Asynchronous Invocation
Attribute class, Attributes, Programmer-Defined Custom Attributes, Attributes and Reflection, Attributes and Reflection
GetCustomAttribute method, Attributes and Reflection
inheritance, Programmer-Defined Custom Attributes
overview, Attributes
attributes, Classes, Class Members, Visibility, Partial Method, Interfaces, Attribute Inheritance, ILDASM, Attributes, Attributes, Attributes, Attributes, Attributes, Attributes, Attributes, Anatomy of an Attribute, Anatomy of an Attribute, Programmer-Defined Custom Attributes, Attributes and Reflection, .stackreserve, .class header {members}, Configuration File, Configuration File, The sharedListeners Element, DebuggerDisplayAttribute, Directional Attributes
anatomy of, Attributes
assemblies and, Attributes
class members, Class Members
ClassVersionAttribute class, Programmer-Defined Custom Attributes
combining, Attributes
defined, Classes
directional, Directional Attributes
for interfaces, Interfaces
inheritance, Attribute Inheritance
listeners element, Configuration File
metadata, Attributes
methods and, Visibility
MSIL .class directive, .stackreserve
MSIL .method directive, .class header {members}
positional parameters, Anatomy of an Attribute
predefined custom, Attributes
programmer-defined, Anatomy of an Attribute
pseudo-custom, Attributes
reflection and, Attributes and Reflection
Reflection namespace, ILDASM
sources element, Configuration File
structures, Partial Method
switches element, The sharedListeners Element
Visual Studio debugger, DebuggerDisplayAttribute
AttributeUsage attribute, Attribute Inheritance
Autodump+ tool, DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute, Advanced Debugging
AutoRecover feature, AutoRecover
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