base classes, Inheritance, Abstract Classes, Reimplementation of Interfaces, Reimplementation of Interfaces, The new Modifier and Polymorphism, Casting, Casting, Casting, Overriding Generic Methods, IDisposable.Dispose, Unsafe Keyword
(see also )
as return values, Casting
casting, The new Modifier and Polymorphism, Casting
defined, Inheritance
inheritance table, Casting
late binding, Reimplementation of Interfaces
memory management, IDisposable.Dispose
overriding generic methods, Overriding Generic Methods
polymorphism, Reimplementation of Interfaces
unsafe code, Unsafe Keyword
base keyword, Identifiers, Overriding Inherited Behavior
basetype element, Enumeration
binary expressions, Lambda Expression, Namespaces
binary operators, Unary operators, Unary operators, Boolean operators, Mathematical and Logical Operators
listed, Unary operators
overloading, Mathematical and Logical Operators
type operators, Boolean operators
BinaryFormatter class, Serialization
Binder class, Dynamic Invocation, Binders, Binders, Binders, Binders, Binders, Binders, Binders
BindToField method, Binders
BindToMethod method, Binders
ChangeType method, Binders
overview, Dynamic Invocation
ReorderArgumentArray method, Binders
SelectMethod method, Binders
SelectProperty method, Binders
binding, Reimplementation of Interfaces, Browsing Type Information, Binders
(see also )
dynamic, Browsing Type Information
late, Reimplementation of Interfaces (see )
BindingFlags enumeration, Browsing Type Information
bit values, ArrayList Collection
BitArray collection class, Collections, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, Enumerators, Enumerators
And method, ArrayList Collection
Clone method, BitArray Collection
code example, BitArray Collection
constructor, ArrayList Collection
CopyTo method, BitArray Collection
description, Collections, ArrayList Collection
enumeration support, Enumerators
Get method, BitArray Collection, Enumerators
GetEnumerator method, BitArray Collection
ICloneable interface, BitArray Collection
ICollection interface, BitArray Collection
IEnumerable interface, BitArray Collection
IsReadOnly property, BitArray Collection
IsSynchronized property, BitArray Collection
Item property, BitArray Collection
Length property, BitArray Collection
Not method, BitArray Collection
Or method, BitArray Collection
Set method, BitArray Collection
SetAll method, BitArray Collection
SyncRoot property, BitArray Collection
Xor method, BitArray Collection
bitmaps, Unmanaged Resources
BitVector32 structure, Stack Collection
bitwise enumeration, Bitwise Enumeration, Programmer-Defined Custom Attributes
blittable types, Unsafe Code, The stackalloc Command, CharSet
Blob heap, Metadata Heaps
block comments, Delimited comments: /* and */
bool type, Primitives, Types
boolean operators, Binary operators
boxing, Casting, Casting, IEnumerator Problem, Managing Types, Garbage Collection Overview
defined, Casting
enumerator problem, IEnumerator Problem
limitations, Garbage Collection Overview
MSIL support, Managing Types
branching, Branching
break statement, Iterative Statements, Iterative Statements, Identifiers, Yield Statement
description, Iterative Statements
keyword defined, Identifiers
yield statement, Yield Statement
breakpoints, Debug Settings for a Project, Debug Settings for a Project, Debug Settings for a Project, Breakpoints Window, When Hit Command, Trace Points, Display Memory Commands
defined, Debug Settings for a Project
function breakpoints, Debug Settings for a Project
symbols supported, Trace Points
trace points, When Hit Command
Visual Studio Breakpoints window, Breakpoints Window
WinDbg breakpoint memory commands, Display Memory Commands
Breakpoints window (Visual Studio), Breakpoints Window, Breakpoints Window, Breakpoints Window, Breakpoints Window, Breakpoints Window, Location, Hit Count, When Hit Command, When Hit Command, When Hit Command, Visualizers, Expressions
Address Breakpoint dialog box, Breakpoints Window
Breakpoint Condition dialog box, Location
Breakpoint Filter dialog box, When Hit Command
Breakpoint Hit Count dialog box, Hit Count
debugger expressions, Expressions
File Breakpoint dialog box, Breakpoints Window
Function Breakpoint dialog box, Breakpoints Window
overview, Breakpoints Window, Visualizers
When Breakpoint Is Hit dialog box, When Hit Command
window toolbar, When Hit Command
buffers, fixed-size, Fixed-Size Buffers
byte type, Primitives
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