The Service Bus Bindings

The service bus offers multiple bindings for relaying messages, yet the three main bindings this chapter focuses on are the NetTcpRelayBinding, NetOnewayRelayBinding, and NetEventRelayBinding. A fourth binding, the WS2007HttpRelayBinding, is available as well, yet the likelihood of using it is low, as it is reserved for the case of interoperable messages to the service bus and it is inferior in performance to the NetTcpRelayBinding (which can also use HTTP ports).

The TCP Relay Binding

The TCP relay binding is the binding of choice in the majority of cases involving relayed Internet connectivity. It yields the best performance and throughput while minimizing the overhead for both the service and the relay service. It supports request-reply operations, one-way operations, and even duplex callbacks, all through the relay service. For scheme, the TCP relay always uses sb:

   address  = "sb://"
   binding  = "netTcpRelayBinding"
   contract = "..."

The TCP relay binding offers unlimited message size (up to the configured message size, as with the regular TCP binding). The TCP relay binding always maintains a transport session, so with a session-full service, calls made on the same proxy channel always end up reaching the same service instance. However, because this binding uses the TCP binary encoding, it is not interoperable—it assumes the other side is also using the TCP relay binding.

Adding default endpoints

You cannot rely on the AddDefaultEndpoints() method of ServiceHostBase. This is first because presently the protocol mapping (presented in Chapter 1) does not recognize the sb scheme. While you could easily add that mapping, the second problem is that unlike regular WCF, where you can open multiple endpoints on the same base address, with the service bus no endpoint address can be the prefix of another. To rectify that I added default endpoint support with my AddServiceBusDefaultEndpoints() host extension method implemented as:

public static partial class ServiceBusHelper
   Type[] GetServiceContracts(Type serviceType)//Uses reflection 

   public static void AddServiceBusDefaultEndpoints(this ServiceHost host)
      Type[] contracts = GetServiceContracts(host.Description.ServiceType);
      Binding binding = new NetTcpRelayBinding();

      foreach(Uri baseAddress in host.BaseAddresses)
         if(baseAddress.Scheme != "sb")
         foreach(Type contract in contracts)
            string address = baseAddress.AbsoluteUri + contract.Name;

For each host service bus base address, AddServiceBusDefaultEndpoints() adds per contract an endpoint whose address is the base address suffixed with the contract name, and whose binding is a plain instance of the NetTcpRelayBinding. For example, for this service definition:

interface IMyContract

interface IMyOtherContract

class MyService : IMyContract,IMyOtherContract

This hosting code:

ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyService),
                             new Uri("sb://"));

is equivalent to this configuration:

<service name = "MyService">
         <add baseAddress = "sb://"/>
      address  = "IMyContract"
      binding  = "netTcpRelayBinding"
      contract = "IMyContract"
      address  = "IMyOtherContract"
      binding  = "netTcpRelayBinding"
      contract = "IMyOtherContract"

Connection modes

The TCP relay binding offers two connection modes, called relayed and hybrid. Configure the connection mode using the TcpRelayConnectionMode enum and the ConnectionMode property of NetTcpRelayBindingBase:

public enum TcpRelayConnectionMode

public abstract class NetTcpRelayBindingBase : Binding,...
   public TcpRelayConnectionMode ConnectionMode
   //More members
public class NetTcpRelayBinding : NetTcpRelayBindingBase

TCP relayed mode

When configured with TcpRelayConnectionMode.Relayed, all calls to the service always go through the relay, as shown in Figure 11-6. Relayed connection is the default mode of the TCP relay binding.

Relayed TCP connection

Figure 11-6. Relayed TCP connection

TCP hybrid mode

When configured with TcpRelayConnectionMode.Hybrid, the service first connects to the relay service and authenticates itself (step 1 in Figure 11-7), and then the client connects and authenticates itself (step 2 in Figure 11-7). However, at this point, the relay service will promote the connection to a direct connection between the client and the service by telling the client how to reach the service directly (step 3 in Figure 11-7). With that in place, the client can continue to call the service directly (step 4 in Figure 11-7).

Hybrid TCP connection

Figure 11-7. Hybrid TCP connection

The relay service will try to promote the connection to the most direct connection possible; that is, if the client and the service are part of the same intranet, it will provide the client with “better” coordinates, much the same way it will if they are on the same network segment and even machine.

If a direct connection is impossible (typically if the relay service failed to correctly identify the service address), the connection stays relayed. Example 11-3 shows how to configure the TCP binding for hybrid connection (both on the client and the service side).

Example 11-3. Configuring the TCP relay binding for hybrid connection

      address  = "sb://"
      binding  = "netTcpRelayBinding"
      bindingConfiguration = "Hybrid"
      contract = "..."
      <binding name = "Hybrid"
         connectionMode = "Hybrid"

Hybrid mode is the preferred connection mode compared with TCP relay binding. However, hybrid mode has one constraint: it requires the binding to use Message security. As you will see later in the chapter, Message security requires additional configuration and setup—while the steps are simple, they do preclude hybrid as a viable working option by default.

Duplex callbacks

As mentioned already and worth explicit highlight, the TCP relay binding supports duplex callbacks through the relay, as shown in Figure 11-8. Duplex callbacks are identical to the regular TCP binding in terms of setting up the duplex calls, accessing the callback reference, and all the other details of the duplex callbacks. Presently, the TCP relay binding is the only relay binding that supports duplex callbacks.

Duplex TCP relay callback

Figure 11-8. Duplex TCP relay callback

The WS 2007 Relay Binding

The WS relay binding sends and receives interoperable WCF messages over HTTP (or HTTPS) with non-.NET services. Like the regular WS binding, it uses text encoding by default, and when Message security or reliable messaging is employed, it will maintain transport session over the relay. The scheme for the address is either http or https.

   address  = ""
   binding  = "ws2007HttpRelayBinding"
   contract = "..."

As far as capabilities and use, the WS relay binding is just like the TCP relay binding, except it only supports relayed connections. You should use this binding only when you have an explicit need to interoperate; in all other cases, use the TCP relay binding.

The One-Way Relay Binding

The one-way relay binding allows the client to send its message to a buffer maintained at the relay service, not to the service itself, and to later have the relay service try to deliver the message to the service. To curtail the load on the service bus, messages are limited to 64 KB. This includes the 4 KB or so WCF uses for message headers, so the net size is roughly 60 KB. As with the TCP and WS relay bindings, the service must be listening for incoming messages, otherwise the client gets EndpointNotFoundException.

It is impossible to get a reply from the service; in fact, the one-way relay binding verifies that all operations on the endpoint’s contract are defined as one-way operations.

As with the TCP and the WS relay binding, there can be only one service monitoring the relayed address, while there can be any number of clients calling that service. For the scheme, the one-way relay always uses sb:

   address  = "sb://"
   binding  = "netOnewayrelayBinding"
   contract = "..."

Fire-and-forget semantics

The one-way relay binding is intended to provide fire-and-forget unicast messaging semantics, allowing (in theory) the client to send messages to the relay service regardless of the service state and call outcome. The reality, however, is that the one-way relay binding falls short of that objective. As mentioned, the service must be running when the client sends the message to the relay service. This precludes clients that are independent of the service state. Furthermore, the service bus will maintain a transport session between the client and the relay service. Any communication error (including the service not running) will terminate the transport session with an exception and force the client to resort to a new proxy. While this is a best practice with regular calls, when it comes to fire-and-forget calls, it would be much better if not having a service running would not constitute an error toward the client. The only step toward fire-and-forget call semantics is that the service bus will not maintain a transport session between the relay service and the service itself, so service-side exceptions will not prevent the client from issuing subsequent calls on the same proxy.

Note that you should only choose the one-way relay binding when the client does not care about both service-side exceptions and the order of the calls.

The Event Relay Binding

The event relay binding is a light but crucial specialization of the one-way relay binding:

public class NetEventRelayBinding : NetOnewayRelayBinding

It allows any number of services to monitor the same URI in the relay service. Once a client sends a message to the relay, all monitoring services receive it. Given the fact there is no limitation on the number of clients, this, in effect, provides for N:M communication, where both N and M can be any natural number. Since the specialization is on the service side, the client can use either the one-way relay binding or the event relay binding, while the services must use the event relay binding. In addition, unlike any other relay binding, you can also have services listening concurrently on nested URIs. As with the one-way relay binding, there is no guarantee of message order or of successful processing on the services side.

Events publishing

The canonical case for using the events relay binding is event publishing and subscription, as shown in Figure 11-9. In this case, you view the service bus as an events hub, not merely a relay service. The clients, called publishers, call the events hub, delivering the events to any number of services, called subscribers.

The service bus as an events hub

Figure 11-9. The service bus as an events hub

However, there is much more to event publishing than an event hub, especially if you are after a full publish-subscribe pattern. Appendix D describes several options for a publish-subscribe solution, including using the NetEventRelayBinding.


WCF also offers the BasicHttpRelayBinding and WebHttpRelayBinding. As their names imply, these bindings are the relayed equivalent of the regular WCF bindings.

Table 11-1. Ports used as a product of binding and connectivity mode


Connectivity Mode


TCP Relay



TCP Relay















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