Bill continued and the tone of his voice lowered as if to emphasize the importance of what he was about to say. "John, what I've just described to you is more than just a methodology for calculating the impact of change on an organization. It's a tool that will allow you, and the senior management team, to build a more resilient organization, one that's better able to absorb change and that, over time, increases its capacity to change—as your people see that they can cope with change, so their capacity to handle it will grow. You'll be in a position to predict with greater accuracy which projects are going to succeed because you're planning for success from the start. And if you start to see potential problems looming on your planning horizon, you'll be able to react in time to prevent major issues, or at least mitigate their effects. This is what portfolio management is all about. Let me just email you one more thing—an EPMC working document on Enterprise Change Management that sort of sums up what we've been talking about."

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