
The journey through Portfolio Management has been very rewarding for me, as it has given me the opportunity to work for some of the best companies in the world and learn from some of the greatest business minds. Throughout this journey, I have been able to forge strong professional and personal relationships while implementing Portfolio Management at Johnson & Johnson and MGM Mirage. Along the way, several individuals have been instrumental in providing me with the guidance, opportunities, and insights I needed to excel in this field. I would also like to recognize and thank my fellow EPMC members who worked countless hours to make this book a reality. Lastly, I would like to thank my wife and family for all of their support and understanding, which have enabled me to pursue my passion for Portfolio Management and spend time away from them writing this book.

Michael Gosnear

I thank my family for their support and Franklin Templeton Investments for allowing me to learn, grow, and apply the profession.

Mike Mee

I owe a deep debt of gratitude to my parents, who encouraged and supported me to be all that I could be. I also had many wonderful teachers that informed and inspired me. Of many great teachers, Professor Ron Howard of Stanford University made a particularly profound impression and set me on a life long career in decision consulting. I learned most of what I know about portfolio management from colleagues at, and clients of, SRI and SDG, as well as all the great clients I had during 7 years at HP. I also must single out my wife, Kasee, and two kids, Chris and Jennie, who were shortchanged for years while I put career first. Of them all, I dedicate this book to my loving wife, Kasee.

Michael M. Menke

First and foremost, I give thanks to my family who supported my quest to create this book with my EPMC colleagues. To my Tony, who often played Mr. Mom and indulged my late nights. To our wonderful children, Jordan and Malana, who give meaning to my life. Many thanks to the business leaders who invested time to coach/mentor me through the business quagmire. And those who saw my potential and gave me a chance. Also, thanks to my core friends and extended family who are there when I need them. Lastly, most sincere thanks to those who said that I couldn't. You made me fight harder, which made me stronger; and now I am better for it. May this serve as a small inspiration for others to stay their course despite the noise. I dedicate this to book to those with big dreams for whom failure is not an option.

Diane D. Miller

There will never be enough space to thank everyone I'd like. As a start, I'd like to thank my wife, Anandhi, and three young sons, Gian, Myan, and Ashan, for allowing me to steal some quality time away from them to contribute to the book. To my mother, sister, and uncle 'Pancho' for providing me with the love, inspiration, support, and guard rails in life. To the many organizations, coaches, and leaders that saw the potential in me, gave me the opportunities to stretch, and supported me through the challenging times. To my professional mentors, teams, and reports for providing me with unique perspectives and insights. As it relates to this book, I want to thank my EPMC colleagues for the opportunity to lead the group for the last four years and for their incredible collaboration, foresight, and support. Finally, I'd like to dedicate this book to my Aunt, Monique Panchalingam, for her love, guidance, and support.

San Retna

In our lives we are all influenced, shaped, and molded by many people and experiences to become the people we are today. I am no different. The list could fill pages, but certain folks stand out for me whom I would like to thank here. First and foremost, I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, without whom I would be nothing. My family has stood by me, loved, supported, and encouraged me in all I do—I couldn't ask for a better clan—thank you Candice, Shaun, Marissa and Darby—my daughter, son, daughter-in-law, and son-in-law, respectively. Thank you to my grandchildren who bring such joy and love into my life: Aria, Lilje, Josiah, Benjamin, and Annabel. Thank you to my parents, David and Wanda Stratton, who gave me life and encouraged me. I dedicate this book to my soul-mate, best friend, and the love of my life—my wife, Cheryl. Honey, I love you and thank you for marrying me.

Michael J. Stratton

Life is a sum of all the choices we make. Our choices define who and what we are today. I am fortunate to have made the choice to associate with the individuals in the EPMC group. They are the finest, hard working, collaborative professionals I have known. My heartfelt thanks to EPMC for having me share and learn with you on this project. My thanks to all my colleagues at work whose support and insight helps me enhance my knowledge. My contributions to this book couldn't have been possible without the sacrifices made by my wife, Anuradha, and daughters, Sravanti and Sruti, who had to give up some of their pleasures so that I can have mine. I dedicate this book to my family, friends, and colleagues who help define who I am today.

Sarma Tekumalla

First and foremost, I would like to thank my immediate family—my wife, Kristin, and my children, Alexa, Michael and Matthew. You are my foundation and inspiration for all that I do and still hope to be. To my parents, who remain my role models to this very day, for their unconditional and enduring love, support, and sacrifice. To my extended family, friends, and professional colleagues for the many good times we have shared and the tough times that drew us closer together and wiser as a result. To my mentors, professional peers, and associates for their advice, counsel, and insights that help me more than you know. I count my blessings each day for you all being a part of my life. I love you all very much! I dedicate this book to my dear friend Zackarie Lemelle. You have been a tremendous influence on me in so many ways and I am so very fortunate for all that you have done for me.

Mark A. Wybraniec

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