Chapter 13. Implementation Support Modules

The dospath Module

The dospath module, shown in Example 13-1, provides os.path functionality on DOS platforms. You can also use it to handle DOS paths on other platforms.

Example 13-1. Using the dospath Module


import dospath 

file = "/my/little/pony"

print "isabs", "=>", dospath.isabs(file)
print "dirname", "=>", dospath.dirname(file)
print "basename", "=>", dospath.basename(file)
print "normpath", "=>", dospath.normpath(file)
print "split", "=>", dospath.split(file)
print "join", "=>", dospath.join(file, "zorba")

isabs => 1
dirname => /my/little
basename => pony
normpath => mylittlepony
split => ('/my/little', 'pony')
join => /my/little/ponyzorba

Note that Python’s DOS support can use both forward ( / ) and backward slashes ( ) as directory separators.

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