

% string formatting operator, Output Formatting
⇒ object, The copy Module
& (ampersand), Markup Languages
* (asterisk)
apply function, using in place of, Calling a Function with Arguments from a Tuple or Dictionary
fnmatch module and, The fnmatch Module
glob module and, The glob Module
.dat (binary files), using dumbdbm module, The dumbdbm Module
.dir (text files), using dumbdbm module, The dumbdbm Module
(backward slashes), as directory separators, The dospath Module
N{} excapes, mapping unicode characters, The ucnhash Module
/ (forward slash), as directory separators, The dospath Module
< (less then), in markup languages, Markup Languages
<P> (paragraph) tag, Markup Languages
> (greater than), Markup Languages
? (question mark)
fnmatch module and, The fnmatch Module
glob module and, The glob Module
[ ... ] (brackets)
fnmatch module and, The fnmatch Module
glob module and, The glob Module
[:] syntax (full slice), The copy Module


abstract syntax tree (AST), The parser Module
AbstractFormatter class, The formatter Module
AbstractWriter class, The formatter Module
accept loop, The socket Module
advisory lock, using fcntl module for locking files, The fcntl Module
aifc module, The aifc Module
ampersand (&), Markup Languages
anydbm module, The anydbm Module
Apache, using mimetypes, The mimetypes Module
apply function, building function argument lists, Calling a Function with Arguments from a Tuple or Dictionary
archive formats, Archive Formats
gzip module and, The gzip Module
zipfile module and, The zipfile Module
arguments, calling a function with, Calling a Function with Arguments from a Tuple or Dictionary
ArithmeticError(StandardError), The exceptions Module
array module, The array Module, The struct Module
article method, Downloading Messages
AST (abstract syntax tree), The parser Module
asterisk (*)
apply function, using in place of, Calling a Function with Arguments from a Tuple or Dictionary
fnmatch module and, The fnmatch Module
glob module and, The glob Module
asynchat module, The asynchat Module, The urllib Module
asyncore module, The asyncore Module, The asyncore Module
atexit module, The atexit Module
atoi function, The string Module
AttributeError(StandardError), The exceptions Module
attributes, Markup Languages
AU (Sun) audio files, The sunau Module
audio files, The wave Module
audiodev module, The audiodev Module
AutoList class, The UserList Module


backward slashes (), as directory separators, The dospath Module
base64 module, The base64 Module, The binhex Module
BaseHTTPServer module, The BaseHTTPServer Module
bass constructors, using apply function, Calling a Function with Arguments from a Tuple or Dictionary
Bastion module, The Bastion Module
bdb module, The bdb Module
begin lines, The uu Module
binary data, Binary Data
converting, The base64 Module, The binascii Module
binary files (.dat), using dumbdbm module, The dumbdbm Module
binascii module, The binascii Module
binhex module, The binhex Module
bisect module, The bisect Module
bmp file formats, The imghdr Module
<body> tag, Markup Languages
brackets ([ ... ])
fnmatch module and, The fnmatch Module
glob module and, The glob Module
bsddb database handler, The dbhash Module
_ _builtin_ema_ module
exceptions module and, The exceptions Module
_ _builtin_ _ module, The _ _builtin_ _ Module
overloading functions from, Overloading Functions from the _ _builtin_ _ Module
builtin_module_names list, Working with Modules
byte code
compiling, The py_compile Module
converting, The dis Module


calendar module, The calendar Module, The sched Module
_ _call_ _ method, Checking an Object’s Type
callable function, Checking an Object’s Type
callback function, The re Module
case-sensitivity in markup languages, Markup Languages
cgi module, The cgi Module
CGIHTTPServer module, The CGIHTTPServer Module
character entities in markup languages, Markup Languages
chdir function, Working with Directories
chmod function, Working with File Attributes
CJK ideograph properties, in Python 2.0, The unicodedata Module
CLIs (command-line interfaces), The cmd Module
cmath module, The cmath Module
cmd module, The cmd Module
cmp module, The cmp Module
cmpcache module, The cmpcache Module
code module, The code Module, The code Module
code, compiling/executing, Compiling and Executing Code, Compiling and Executing Code
colorsys module, The colorsys Module
command-line arguments, Working with Command-line Arguments
command-line interfaces (CLIs), The cmd Module
commands module, The commands Module
compile function, Compiling and Executing Code, Compiling and Executing Code
compileall module, The compileall Module
compile_command function, The code Module
compiling to byte code, The py_compile Module
compression modules, The zlib Module, The code Module
ConfigParser module, Configuration Files, The ConfigParser Module, The netrc Module
configuration files, Configuration Files
connect method, connecting sockets, The socket Module
conversions of data, Overview, The binascii Module
cookie module, The cookie Module
copy function, The shutil Module
copy module, The copy Module
copytree function (see )
copy_reg module, The copy_reg Module, The pprint Module
core modules, Introduction, The gc Module
cPickle module, The cPickle Module
crypt module, Digests and Encryption Algorithms, The crypt Module
cStringIO module, The cStringIO Module
curses module, The curses Module


daemon processes, Working with Daemon Processes
data representation, Overview, The binascii Module
data storage, Overview, The gdbm Module
dates, using time module, The time Module
dbhash module, The dbhash Module
anydbm module and, The anydbm Module
dbm module, The dbm Module
anydbm module and, The anydbm Module
dbm-compatible interface, The dbhash Module
debugger (Python), The pdb Module
declarations in SGML, Markup Languages
decodestring function, The base64 Module
dedent methods, adding structure, Compiling and Executing Code
deepcopy(), The copy Module
dictionaries, calling a function with arguments from, Calling a Function with Arguments from a Tuple or Dictionary
digests, Digests and Encryption Algorithms
dir function, Looking in Namespaces
dircache module, The dircache Module
dircmp module, The dircmp Module
directories, using os module, Working with Directories
DirectoryWalker class, traversing filesystems, Traversing a Filesystem, The stat Module
dis module, The dis Module
disassembler (Python), The dis Module
dispatcher class, The asyncore Module
dispatcher_with_send class, The asyncore Module
do methods, The cmd Module
<document> tag, Markup Languages
document type description (DTD), Markup Languages
DOS path, handling, The dospath Module
dospath module, The dospath Module
downloading files using the ftplib module, The ftplib Module
DTD (document type description), Markup Languages
dumbdbm module, The dumbdbm Module
anydbm module and, The anydbm Module
DumbWriter class, The formatter Module


echo flag, using termios module, The termios Module
elements, in markup languages, Markup Languages
encoded binary data, Encoded Binary Data
encodestring function, The base64 Module
encoding directives, in XML, The xml.parsers.expat Module
encrypting, The crypt Module
algorithms, Digests and Encryption Algorithms
end tags, in markup languages, Markup Languages
ENDENT error code, The errno Module
end_tag method, using XML parsers, The xmllib Module
entity references in markup languages, Markup Languages
EnvironmentError, The exceptions Module
EPERM error code, The errno Module
errno module, The errno Module
error condition in socket signals, The select Module
eval function, Evaluating Python Expressions, Evaluating Python Expressions
exceptions module, The exceptions Module, The exceptions Module
creating classes, The exceptions Module
exec function, Compiling and Executing Code, Compiling and Executing Code, Working with Processes
execfile function, Compiling and Executing Code
exit handlers, Exiting the Program
expanduser function, Working with Filenames
expandvars function, Working with Filenames
evaluating, Evaluating Python Expressions, Evaluating Python Expressions
regular, Regular Expressions
Extensible Markup Language (XML), Markup Languages, The htmllib Module
external data representation (XDR), The xdrlib Module
extract_tb function, The traceback Module


FancyURLopener class, using the urllib module, The urllib Module
fcntl module, The fcntl Module
file formats, Markup Languages, The gzip Module
File Transfer Protocol (FTP), using the ftplib module, The ftplib Module, The gopherlib Module
filecmp module, The filecmp Module
fileinput module, Files and Streams, The fileinput Module
filenames, working with os.path module, Working with Filenames, Traversing a Filesystem
files, Files and Streams
attributes, working with, Working with File Attributes, Working with Processes
os module and, Working with Files
filesystems, traversing, Traversing a Filesystem, The stat Module
find module, The find Module
float functions, The string Module
FloatingPointError(ArithmeticError), The exceptions Module
flock function, placing advisory locks on files, The fcntl Module
fnmatch module, The fnmatch Module
fork functions, Working with Processes
formatter module, The formatter Module, The ConfigParser Module
forward slashes (/), as directory separators, The dospath Module
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), using the ftplib module, The ftplib Module, The gopherlib Module
ftplib module, The ftplib Module, The gopherlib Module
full slice syntax ([:]), The copy Module
calling with arguments, Calling a Function with Arguments from a Tuple or Dictionary


gauss function, The random Module
gdbm module, The gdbm Module
anydbm module and, The anydbm Module
GET request handler, The SimpleHTTPServer Module
get value method, The StringIO Module
getcwd function, Working with Directories
getgrall function, using grp module, The grp Module
getgrgid function, using grp module, The grp Module
getgrnam function, using grp module, The grp Module
getitem function, Threads
_ _getitem_ _ method, Traversing a Filesystem
getmembers function, Looking in Namespaces
getopt module, The getopt Module
getpall function, using pwd module, The pwd Module
getpass module, The getpass Module
getrefcount function, Working with Reference Counts
gettime function, The socket Module
ghostscript viewer, using mailcap module, The mailcap Module
gif file formats, The imghdr Module
glob module, The glob Module
global interpreter lock, Threads
GNU dbm database handler, using gdbm module, The gdbm Module
gopherlidb module, The gopherlib Module
grep module, The grep Module
groupinfo function, The grp Module
grp module, The grp Module
GZIP formats
gzip module and, The gzip Module
support for, Archive Formats
gzip module, The gzip Module


handle_accept method, The asyncore Module
handle_close method, The asyncore Module
handle_connect method, The asyncore Module
handle_error(type, value, traceback) method, The asyncore Module
handle_expt method, The asyncore Module
handle_read method, The asyncore Module
handle_write method, The asyncore Module
Hangul syllable properties, in Python 2.0, The unicodedata Module
HEAD request handler, The SimpleHTTPServer Module
<header> tag, Markup Languages
help methods, The cmd Module
helper class for MimeWriter module, The MimeWriter Module
hexadecimal strings, converting to/from binary data, The binascii Module
HLS color value, using functions for converting to, The colorsys Module
host platforms, checking, Checking the Host Platform
HSV color values, using functions for converting to, The colorsys Module
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), Markup Languages
htmllib module, The htmllib Module, The asyncore Module
htmllib parser, Markup Languages
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTP servers
BaseHTTPServer module and, The BaseHTTPServer Module
CGIHTTPServer module and, The CGIHTTPServer Module
posting data to, Posting Data to an HTTP Server
httplib module, The httplib Module, The poplib Module


I/O streams, working with, Working with Standard Input and Output
ihooks module, The ihooks Module
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), The imaplib Module
imaplib module, The imaplib Module
imghdr module, The imghdr Module
imNumberType function, using operator module, The operator Module
imp module, The imp Module
import behaviors, implementing with imp module, The imp Module
_ _import_ _ function, Loading and Reloading Modules, The whichdb Module
import statement, Working with Modules
ImportError(StandardError), The exceptions Module
indent methods, adding structure, Compiling and Executing Code
IndentationError(SyntaxError), The exceptions Module
index function, Traversing a Filesystem
IndexError(LookupError), The exceptions Module
infolist method, Listing the Contents
inMappingType function, using operator module, The operator Module
inplace keyword, The fileinput Module
input function, The fileinput Module
input/output, working with, Working with Standard Input and Output
int function, The string Module
InteracticeConsole class, The code Module
internationalization, The locale Module, The ucnhash Module
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), The imaplib Module
Internet Time Protocol, Internet Time Protocol
IOError(EnvironmentError), The exceptions Module
is operator, Checking an Object’s Type
isinstance function, checking objects, Checking an Object’s Type
ISO Latin-1 characters, translating to a XML string, The htmlentitydefs Module
isSequenceType function, using operator module, The operator Module
issubclass function, checking objects, Checking an Object’s Type


James Clark’s Expat XML parser, The xml.parsers.expat Module
jpeg file formats, The imghdr Module


kbhit function, using the msvcrt module and, The msvcrt Module
keyboard echo, disabling, The termios Module
KeyboardInterrupt(StandardError), The exceptions Module
keyword module, The keyword Module
knee module, The knee Module


language support modules, Language Support Modules
linecache module, The linecache Module
listdir function, Working with Directories
listen call, accepting connections, The socket Module
locale module, The locale Module
lock objects, Threads
threading module and, The threading Module
log messages, overriding, The asyncore Module
LookupError(StandardError), The exceptions Module
loops, using in threads, Threads


Macintosh computers, Checking the Host Platform
binhex module and, The binhex Module
macpath module and, The macpath Module
mapping between files and URLs, The macurl2path Module
macpath module, The macpath Module
macurl2path module, The macurl2path Module
madedirs function, Working with Directories
mail message processing, Overview, The multifile Module
mailbox module, The mailbox Module
mailcap module, The mailcap Module
markup languages, Markup Languages, The gzip Module
marshal module, Self-Describing Formats, The marshal Module
match function, The re Module
math module, The math Module
md5 module, Digests and Encryption Algorithms, The md5 Module, The md5 Module
MemoryError(StandardError), The exceptions Module
Message class (rfc822 module), The mimetools Module
Message object, downloading messages, Downloading Messages
messages, using nntplib module, Listing messages
Microsoft Visual C/C++ Runtime Library (MSVCRT), The msvcrt Module
Microsoft WAV audio files, The wave Module
MIME (Multipurpose Internet mail Extensions), The mimetools Module
mimetools module, The mimetools Module
mimetypes module, The mimetypes Module
mimewriter module, The MimeWriter Module, The mailbox Module
mimify module, The mimify Module
mmap modules, The mmap Module
modules, Introduction, The gc Module, Working with Modules
aifc, The aifc Module
anydbm, The anydbm Module
array, The array Module, The struct Module
asynchat, The asynchat Module, The urllib Module
asyncore, The asyncore Module, The asyncore Module
atexit, The atexit Module
audiodev, The audiodev Module
base64, The base64 Module, The binhex Module
BaseHTTPServer, The BaseHTTPServer Module
Bastion, The Bastion Module
bdb, The bdb Module
binascii, The binascii Module
binhex, The binhex Module
bisect, The bisect Module
_ _builtin_ _ module, The _ _builtin_ _ Module
calendar, The calendar Module, The sched Module
cgi, The cgi Module
CGIHTTPServer, The CGIHTTPServer Module
cmath, The cmath Module
cmd, The cmd Module
cmp, The cmp Module
cmpcache, The cmpcache Module
code, The code Module, The code Module
colorsys, The colorsys Module
command, The commands Module
compileall, The compileall Module
ConfigParser, The ConfigParser Module, The netrc Module
cookie, The cookie Module
copy, The copy Module
copy_reg, The copy_reg Module, The pprint Module
cPickle, The cPickle Module
crypt, The crypt Module
cStringIO, The cStringIO Module
curses, The curses Module
dbhash, The dbhash Module
dbm, The dbm Module
dircache, The dircache Module
dircmp, The dircmp Module
dis, The dis Module
dospath, The dospath Module
dumbdbm, The dumbdbm Module
error codes and, The errno Module
exceptions, The exceptions Module, The exceptions Module
fcntl, The fcntl Module
filecmp, The filecmp Module
fileinput, The fileinput Module
find, The find Module
fnmatch, The fnmatch Module
formatter, The formatter Module, The ConfigParser Module
ftplib, The ftplib Module, The gopherlib Module
gdbm, The gdbm Module
getopt, The getopt Module
getpass, The getpass Module
glob, The glob Module
gopherlib, The gopherlib Module
grep, The grep Module
grp, The grp Module
gzip, The gzip Module
htmllib, The htmllib Module, The asyncore Module
httplib, The httplib Module, The poplib Module
ihooks, The ihooks Module
imaplib, The imaplib Module
imghdr, The imghdr Module
imp, The imp Module
keyword, The keyword Module
knee, The knee Module
linecache, The linecache Module
loading and reloading, Loading and Reloading Modules
locale, The locale Module
macpath, The macpath Module
macurl2path, The macurl2path Module
mailbox, The mailbox Module
mailcap, The mailcap Module
marshal, Self-Describing Formats, The marshal Module
math, The math Module
md5, The md5 Module, The md5 Module
mimetools, The mimetools Module
mimetypes, The mimetypes Module
MimeWriter, The MimeWriter Module, The mailbox Module
mimify, The mimify Module
mmap, The mmap Module
msvcrt, The msvcrt Module
multifile, The multifile Module
netrc, Configuration Files, The netrc Module, The shlex Module
new, The new Module
nis, The nis Module
nntplib, The nntplib Module, Downloading Messages
nt, The nt Module
ntpath, The ntpath Module
nturl2path, The nturl2path module
operator, The operator Module
os, The os Module
os.path, The os.path Module, The stat Module
packmail, The packmail Module
parser, The parser Module
pdb, The pdb Module
pickle, Self-Describing Formats, The pickle Module
sheleve module and, The shelve Module
pipes, The pipes Module
popen2, The popen2 Module
poplib, The poplib Module
posix, The posix Module, The posixpath Module
posixfile, The posixfile Module
pprint, The pprint Module
pre, The pre Module
profile, The profile Module
pstats, The pstats Module
pwd, The pwd Module
pyclbr, The pyclbr Module, The filecmp Module
py_compile, The py_compile Module
queue, The Queue Module, The Queue Module
quopri, The quopri Module
random, The random Module, The random Module
random numbers and, Random Numbers
re, The re Module
readline, The readline Module
reconvert, The reconvert Module
regex, The regex Module
regex_syntax, The regex_syntax Module
regsub, The regsub Module
repr, The repr Module
resource, The resource Module
rexec, The rexec Module
rfc833, The rfc822 Module
rlcompleter, The rlcompleter Module
robotparser, The robotparser Module
rotor, The rotor Module
sched, The sched Module
select, The select Module
sgmllib, The sgmllib Module, The htmllib Module
sha, The sha Module
shelve, The shelve Module
shlex, The shlex Module
shutil, The shutil Module
signal, The signal Module
SimpleHTTPServer, The SimpleHTTPServer Module
smtplib, The smtplib Module
sndhdr, The sndhdr module
socket, The socket Module, The select Module
SocketServer, The SocketServer Module
soundex, The soundex Module
sre, The sre Module
stat, The stat Module
statcache, The statcache Module
statvfs, The rlcompleter Module
string, The string Module, The string Module
StringIO, The StringIO Module
strop, The strop Module
struct, The struct Module
sunau, The sunau Module
sunaudio, The sunaudio Module
symbol, The symbol Module
sys, The sys Module, Exiting the Program
syslog, The syslog Module
tabnanny, The tabnanny Module
telnetlib, The telnetlib Module
tempfile, The tempfile Module
termios, The termios Module
thread, The thread Module
threading, The threading Module
time, The time Module, The gc Module
timing, The timing Module
token, The token Module
tokenize, The tokenize Module
traceback, The traceback Module
tty, The tty Module
type support, Type Support Modules
types, The types Module
tzparse, The tzparse Module
ucnhash, The ucnhash Module
unicodedata, The unicodedata Module
urllib, The urllib Module
urlparse, The urlparse Module
UserDict, Type Wrappers, The UserDict Module
UserList, Type Wrappers, The UserList Module
UserString, Type Wrappers, The UserString Module
util, The util Module
uu, The uu Module
wave, The wave Module
webbbrowser, The webbrowser Module
whatsound, The whatsound Module
whichdb, The whichdb Module
whrandom, The whrandom Module
_winreg, The _winreg Module
winsound, The winsound Module
xdrlib, The xdrlib Module
xml.parsers.expat, The xml.parsers.expat Module
xmllib, The xmllib Module, The xml.parsers.expat Module, The asyncore Module
zipfiles, The zipfile Module, The gzip Module
zlib, The zlib Module, The code Module
msvcrt module, The msvcrt Module
multifile module, The multifile Module
multimedia, Overview, The colorsys Module
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), The mimetools Module
MutableString class, The UserString Module


NameError(StandardError), The exceptions Module
namelist method, Listing the Contents
namespaces, Looking in Namespaces, Looking in Namespaces
nesting in markup languages, Markup Languages
netrc module, Configuration Files, The netrc Module, The shlex Module
Netscape configuration files, using mimetypes module, The mimetypes Module
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP), The nntplib Module
network protocols, Overview, The webbrowser Module
new module, The new Module
news message processing, Overview, The multifile Module
NIS (yellow pages) services, The nis Module
nis module, The nis Module
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol), The nntplib Module
nntplib module, The nntplib Module, Downloading Messages
non-blocking mode in sockets, The select Module
nt module, The nt Module
ntpath module, The ntpath Module
nturl2path module, The nturl2path module
NullWriter class, The formatter Module


objects, checking types, Checking an Object’s Type, Evaluating Python Expressions
open function, Overloading Functions from the _ _builtin_ _ Module, Working with Files
creating a database with, The anydbm Module
open method, using the urllib module, The urllib Module
operating system interface modules, Operating System Interface Modules
operator module, The operator Module
checking objects, Checking an Object’s Type
os module, Operating System Interface Modules, The os Module
os.listdir function, using dircache module, The dircache Module
os.path module, The os.path Module, The stat Module
OSError(EnvironmentError), The exceptions Module
output formatting, Output Formatting
OverflowError(ArithmeticError), The exceptions Module


packmail module, The packmail Module
paragraph (<P>) tag, Markup Languages
parser module, The parser Module
parsers, Markup Languages
htmllib module and, The htmllib Module, The asyncore Module
pyclbr module and, The pyclbr Module, The filecmp Module
rfc833 module and, The rfc822 Module
sgmllib module and, The sgmllib Module, The htmllib Module
xml.parsers.expat module and, The xml.parsers.expat Module
xmllib module and, The xmllib Module, The xml.parsers.expat Module, The asyncore Module
getpass module and, The getpass Module
netrc module and, The netrc Module
path list, Working with Modules
pathnames, working with os.path module, The os.path Module
pdb debugger module, The cmd Module
pdb module, The pdb Module
pdm file formats, The imghdr Module
pgm file formats, The imghdr Module
pickle module, Self-Describing Formats, The pickle Module
sheleve module and, The shelve Module
pilview, using mailcap module, The mailcap Module
pipes module, The pipes Module
platform-specific modules, Overview, The posix Module
plug-in modules, Loading and Reloading Modules
png file formats, The imghdr Module
popen2 module, The popen2 Module
poplib module, The poplib Module
posix module, The posix Module
posixfile module, The posixfile Module
posixpath module, The posixpath Module
POST command, Posting Data to an HTTP Server
PostScript documents, using mailcap module, The mailcap Module
ppm file formats, The imghdr Module
pprint module, The pprint Module
pre module, The pre Module
processes, Working with Processes, Working with Processes, Overview, The signal Module
daemon, Working with Daemon Processes
profile module, The profile Module
profiler (Python), The profile Module
exiting, Exiting the Program
tracing, Tracing the Program
pstats module, The pstats Module
pwd module, The pwd Module
pyclbr module, The pyclbr Module, The filecmp Module
Python expressions, evaluating, Evaluating Python Expressions, Evaluating Python Expressions
PYTHONPATH environment variable, Working with Modules
py_compile module, The py_compile Module


question mark (?)
fnmatch module and, The fnmatch Module
glob module and, The glob Module
queue module, The Queue Module, The Queue Module
quopri module, The quopri Module


random module, Random Numbers, The random Module, The random Module
rast (Sun raster) file formats, The imghdr Module
raw_input function, The code Module
re module, Regular Expressions, The re Module
readline module, The readline Module
reconvert module, The reconvert Module
recv method, The socket Module
recvfrom method, The socket Module, The select Module
reference counts, Working with Reference Counts
regex module, The regex Module
regex_syntax module, The regex_syntax Module
regsub module, The regsub Module
regular expressions, Regular Expressions
reload function, Loading and Reloading Modules
remote procedure call (RPC), The xdrlib Module
removedirs function, Working with Directories
repr module, Output Formatting, The repr Module
resource module, The resource Module
retr function, downloading files, The ftplib Module
rexec module, The rexec Module
rfc822 module, The rfc822 Module
rgb (SGI) file formats, The imghdr Module
RGB color values, using functions for converting to, The colorsys Module
rlcompleter module, The rlcompleter Module
rmtree function, Working with Directories, The shutil Module
robotparser module, The robotparser Module
rotor module, Digests and Encryption Algorithms, The rotor Module
RPC (remote procedure call), The xdrlib Module
RuntimeError(StandardError), The exceptions Module


sched module, The sched Module
search function, The re Module
select module, The select Module
sendto methods, The socket Module
server sockets, creating, The socket Module
HTTP, Posting Data to an HTTP Server, The BaseHTTPServer Module, The BaseHTTPServer Module
news, listing messages with nntplip module, Listing messages
setblocking method, The select Module
setpgrp function, Working with Daemon Processes
setprofiler function, Tracing the Program
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), Markup Languages
sgmllib module, Markup Languages, The sgmllib Module, The htmllib Module
sha module, Digests and Encryption Algorithms, The sha Module
shell archives (Unix), creating with packmail module, The packmail Module
shelve module, The shelve Module
shlex module, The shlex Module
reading configuration files, Configuration Files
shutil module, The shutil Module
removing directories, Working with Directories
signal module, The signal Module
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), The smtplib Module
SimpleHTTPServer module, The SimpleHTTPServer Module
smtplib module, The smtplib Module
sndhdr module, The sndhdr module
socket module, The socket Module, The select Module
SocketServer module, The SocketServer Module
softspace attribute, Working with Standard Input and Output
sound files, The winsound Module
soundex module, The soundex Module
spawn method, Working with Processes
sre module, The sre Module
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), Markup Languages
sgmllib module and, The sgmllib Module, The htmllib Module
StandardError(Exception), The exceptions Module
start tags, Markup Languages
start_tag method, using XML parsers, The xmllib Module
stat module, The stat Module
statcache module, The statcache Module
statvfs module, The rlcompleter Module
stderr variable, Working with Standard Input and Output
stdin variable, Working with Standard Input and Output
stdout variable, Working with Standard Input and Output
streams, Files and Streams
string module, The string Module, The string Module
StringIO module, Files and Streams, The StringIO Module
StringIO objects, The base64 Module
match functions and, The re Module
time values and, Converting Time Values to Strings, Converting Time Values
strop module, The strop Module
struct module, Binary Data, The struct Module
Sun AU audio files, The sunau Module
sunau module, The sunau Module
sunaudio module, The sunaudio Module
symbol module, The symbol Module
symbolic error codes, The errno Module
SyntaxError(StandardError), The exceptions Module
sys module, The sys Module, Exiting the Program
sys.exit function, Exiting the Program
syslog module, The syslog Module
system function, Working with Processes
system logger facility (syslogd), The syslog Module
SystemError(StandardError), The exceptions Module
SystemExit(Exception), The exceptions Module


TabError(IndentationError), The exceptions Module
tabnanny module, The tabnanny Module
telnetlib module, The telnetlib Module
tempfile module, The tempfile Module
TemporaryFile function, The tempfile Module
termios module, The termios Module
text files (.dir), using dumbdbm module, The dumbdbm Module
thread module, The thread Module
threading module, The threading Module
threads, Overview, The signal Module
tiff file formats, The imghdr Module
time module, The time Module, The gc Module
connecting time value to/from strings, Converting Time Values to Strings, Converting Time Values
execution of programs, timing with, Timing Things
time tuple to time values, Converting Time Values
timeclient module, The socket Module
timing module, The timing Module
token module, The token Module
tokenize module, The tokenize Module
tools, Tools and Utilities, The tabnanny Module
traceback module, The traceback Module
tty module, The tty Module
tuples, calling a function with arguments from, Calling a Function with Arguments from a Tuple or Dictionary
type codes in the marshal module, The marshal Module
type function, Checking an Object’s Type
type support modules, Type Support Modules
type wrappers, Type Wrappers
TypeError(StandardError), The exceptions Module
types module, The types Module
tzparse module, The tzparse Module


ucnhash module, The ucnhash Module
UnboundLocalError(NameError), The exceptions Module
Unicode string, encoding XML files, The xml.parsers.expat Module
unicodedata module, The unicodedata Module
UnicodeError(ValueError), The exceptions Module
Unix, Checking the Host Platform
command module and, The commands Module
dbm module and, The dbm Module
packmail modules and, The telnetlib Module
platform-specific modules, Overview, The msvcrt Module
terminal control facilities and, The termios Module
Unix shell archives, creating with packmail module, The packmail Module
unpickler, The copy_reg Module
urllib module, The urllib Module
urlopen function, using the urllib module, The urllib Module
urlparse module, The urlparse Module
URLs, mapping between files, The macurl2path Module
UserDict module, Type Wrappers, The UserDict Module
UserList module, Type Wrappers, The UserList Module
UserString module, Type Wrappers, The UserString Module
UTF-8, encoding XML file, The xml.parsers.expat Module
util module, The util Module
utilities, Tools and Utilities, The tabnanny Module
utime function, Working with File Attributes
uu module, The uu Module


ValueError(StandardError), The exceptions Module


wait function, Working with Processes
walk function, Traversing a Filesystem
WAV (Microsoft) audio files, The wave Module
wave module, The wave Module
Wave sound files, The winsound Module
webbrowser module, The webbrowser Module
well-formed tags in markup languages, Markup Languages
what function, using sndhdr module, The sndhdr module
whatsound module, The whatsound Module
whichdb module, The whichdb Module
whrandom module, Random Numbers, The whrandom Module
Windows, Checking the Host Platform
mapping between files and URLs, The nturl2path module
mmap module and, The mmap Module
platform-specific modules, The msvcrt Module, The posix Module
Wave sound files on, The winsound Module
WindowsError(OSError), The exceptions Module
_winreg module, The _winreg Module
winsound module, The winsound Module
write method, Working with Standard Input and Output, Writing Data to a ZIP File
write method, adding statements, Compiling and Executing Code
Writer class, The formatter Module


xbm file formats, The imghdr Module
XDR (external data representation), The xdrlib Module
xdrlib module, The struct Module, The xdrlib Module
XML (Extensible markup Language), Markup Languages, The htmllib Module
xml.parsers.expat module, The xml.parsers.expat Module
xmllib module, The xmllib Module, The xml.parsers.expat Module, The asyncore Module


yellow pages (NIS) services, The nis Module
YIQ (video) color values, using functions for converting to, The colorsys Module


ZeroDivisionError(ArithmeticError), The exceptions Module
ZIP formats
support for, Archive Formats
zipfile module and, The zipfile Module
zipfile module, The zipfile Module, The gzip Module
ZipInfo instances, Listing the Contents
zlib data compression module, Archive Formats
zlib module, The zlib Module, The code Module
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