Keep Separate accounts, 228

Keogh account, 33–34, 237, 241–244

keyboard mappings, 508, 520

keyboard shortcuts

   copying report to clipboard, 476

   customizing Toolbar buttons, 518

   file management, 507

   using, 507–508

   Windows 7 and 8, 38


labels, printing Address Book, 202

large cap stocks, 275

Large Fonts, 38

ledger types, 32

lender loans, 291, 304–305

License Agreement, installing Quicken, 6

life expectancy section, Lifetime Planner, 372

Lifetime Planner

   About You section, 370–372

   expenses section, 382–385

   homes and assets section, 379–380

   income section, 372–376

   inflation section, 376

   investment data integration with, 239

   loans and debt section, 380–382

   other planning tools, 389

   overview of, 368–369

   reviewing and changing assumptions, 385–386

   savings and investment section, 377–379

   setting plan assumptions, 369–370

   tax rate section, 376

   viewing plan results, 386–388

   “What If” scenarios, 388–389

line of credit, linking to property, 326

lines, split transactions, 124

Link option, downloaded account, 81

list, printing Address Book, 202

list windows, 37

living expenses, Lifetime Planner, 382–383

Loan Calculator, 397–398

loans/loan accounts

   Action gear options, 312–314

   asset and debt accounts associated with, 296

   asset and debt accounts vs., 297

   changing information, 309

   creating, 298

   in Debt view, 327–332

   defined, 293

   details, 298–301

   Equity button, 311–312

   interest rate, 291

   lender loans, 304–305

   in Lifetime Planner, 379–380

   Lifetime Planner, 380–382

   making payments, 306–308

   minimizing expenses, 292

   overview of, 290

   payment reminders, 302–304, 307

   in Property view, 326–327

   terms of, 291

   types of, 290–291, 298–300

   using Paycheck Setup for payments, 244

   vehicle accounts and related, 294

   viewing information, 306

   viewing payment details, 309–311

   “What If” tool, 312

log files, Help, 42

login, password-protecting, 48

logout, Quicken Mobile app, 65


Main view, Home tab

   creating reminders for recurring bills, 175–176

   displaying, 510–511

   Quicken opening to, 42–43

Make A Plan dialog, Debt Reduction Planner, 408

Manage Saved Reports dialog, 471–472

Manage Toolbar Reports dialog, 470–471

manual backup reminders, files, 492

manual-entry accounts, 82, 120

manual reminders, backups, 492

market index, 275–276

matched downloaded transactions, 159–162

memorized payees

   adding selected transaction to list of, 140

   categorizing downloaded transactions, 523

   making loan payments to, 307–308

   preference settings, 524–525

   QuickFill and, 189–190

   shortening data entry time with, 166

   using Memorized Payee List, 190–193


   adding to checks, 132

   adding to transactions, 122

   entering online payment instructions, 168


   choosing commands from, 38

   creating reports from contextual, 463

   creating reports using, 462–463

   Help, 40–41

   other useful, 39

   shortcut, 38

merging categories, 100

Microsoft Money files, 499

military loans, 299

Mobile & Alerts tab

   account settings, 55–56

   alert settings, 56–59

   budget information, 59

   defined, 37

   opening Quicken Mobile, 52

   profile settings, 54–55

mobile applications

   Quicken Mobile. See Quicken Mobile app

   understanding, 50

mobile devices

   enabling Mobile app, 60

   getting started, 60–61

   Quicken Mobile requirements, 51

Money Market Funds, 238

monitor resolution, requirements, 5

Monthly Savings Targets snapshot, 386, 388

Monthly view, of budget, 418

More Actions menu, 137–141, 144–146

Morningstar, mutual fund ratings, 351


   creating asset and debt accounts, 295

   creating house account with related, 292, 294

   defined, 290, 299

   entering information about, 296

   house accounts and related, 294

   including in debt account name, 293

   interest rates and terms, 291

   minimizing expenses, 292

   reappraisal alerts, 205, 333

   Refinance Calculator and, 395

   types of loans, 290

Move Transaction, 139–140

multicurrency transactions

   investments, 249

   setting preferences, 520

multiple transactions, changing, 531

mutual funds

   conversion of, 266

   distribution alerts, 361

   dividend payments, 265, 270

   downloading asset class information, 283

   Morningstar ratings, 351

   as security. See securities

   tracking investment, 33, 36, 237

   updated quotes for, 282

   using Quote Lookup, 286



   setting preferences, 519

   tabs, 19, 35–37

net worth

   accessing registers for property/debt accounts, 332

   Account Balances Report, 324–325

   by account type, 324

   by assets and liabilities, 322–324

   Debt view, 327–332

   Property & Debt tab, 319–320

   Property view, 325–327

   reporting Taxable Income YTD, 455

   showing in Account Bar, 91, 110

   Summary Report, 324

   view, 320–322

   working with property and debt alerts, 334

Net Worth by Account Type, 324

Net Worth Summary Report, 324

Net Worth view, Property & Debt tab, 320–325

new in Quicken 2015

   Credit Score, 110, 146

   Portfolio X-Ray, 239, 342–345

news, security, 371


   accessing Notes and Flags dialog, 138

   adding to transactions, 138, 142–143

   calendar, 521

   modifying Address Book records, 202

notify options, setting preferences, 525

NUM LOCK key, password errors, 487

number field, entering transactions, 119

number of years, Loan Calculator, 398


One-Click Scorecard, 371

One Intuit Password

   new users, 26

   overview of, 25

   secure custom passwords vs., 485

   upgrading users, 26

One Step Update

   changing schedules, 25

   downloading investment transactions, 249–250

   downloading online bank transactions, 156–158

   downloading online quotes, 279–280

   reconciling online bank accounts, 211

   reconciling transactions for online accounts, 114

   scheduled updates, 23–25

   sending online payment instructions, 169

   setting up, 20–22

   Toolbar icon, 40

   transferring funds between accounts, 171

   updating investments, 352

   using, 20

Online Account Access

   reconciling bank accounts, 210–211

   reconciling credit card accounts, 222–223

Online Account Services

   checking status of online account, 152–154

   downloading transactions, 148–149

   getting started, 151–152

   setting up for Direct Connect, Express Web Connect and Bill Pay, 152

online backup, 491, 494–495

online banking

   accepting all downloaded transactions, 164

   adding downloaded transactions to register automatically, 526

   Address Book, 200–203

   BillMinder, 196–197

   canceling payments, 169–170

   checking status of account, 152–154

   costs of, 150

   deleting downloaded transactions, 162

   downloaded transactions vs. register, 159–162

   downloading transactions, 156

   downloading Web Connect file, 156–158

   e-mailing financial institution, 172

   financial calendar, 193–196

   getting started with Online Account Services, 151–152

   making online payments, 166–172

   managing reminders, 185–189

   moving transactions, 162–164

   opening Online Center window, 154–155

   overview of, 148

   Paycheck Setup, 197–200

   payee information, 166–167

   paying bills, 150

   payment instructions, 168–169

   QuickFill and memorized payees, 189–193

   renaming downloaded payees, 164–166

   sending payment instructions, 169

   Transaction Download feature, 148–149

   transferring funds between accounts, 170–172

   viewing alerts, 203–206

   working with Bills tab, 180–184

   working with reminders, 172–177, 184–185

Online Bill Pay

   Account List options, 91

   canceling payment, 169–170

   connection type, 149

   entering online payee information, 166–167

   entering payment instructions, 168–169

   managing reminders, 185

   process of, 150

   scheduling repeating online payments, 187–189

   sending payment, 119

   sending payment instructions, 169

   setting up Online Account Services, 152

   setting up transfer detection, 171–172

   stopping payments, 189

   transferring money between accounts, 170–172

   using Write Checks, 130–131

Online Center. See also Online Payment

   downloading investment transactions, 249–250

   using, 155–156

Online Payee List, 155

Online Payment

   canceling, 169–170

   credit cards, 221–222

   defined, 148

   entering instructions, 168–169

   entering online payee information, 166–167

   managing reminders, 185

   process of, 150

   scheduling repeating online payments, 187–189

   sending instructions, 169

   setting up transfer detection, 171–172

   stopping payments, 189

   transferring money between accounts, 170–172

   using Write Checks window, 131

Online Research, 282, 286–288

online services

   modifying account information, 78

   One Step Update setup, 21

   overview of, 19

   preferences, 528–529

   setting up accounts manually, 44–45

   setting up in account register, 114

   updating, 24

   watching credit score, 146

Online Services tab, 85–86

online tax tools, 439–441

Onscreen Help system, 40–41

orientation, printing reports, 478

Outlook, 22, 303

overbudget alerts, 58

overdraft, risk of, 177

Overview page, Quicken Mobile app

   Account totals, 69

   Budget window, 68–69

   Search tool, 62–64

   Settings dialog, 65–66

   spending reports, 66–68

   Transaction Detail window, 70–71

   Transaction tool, 64–65

Overview screen, Quicken Cloud, 54–55


page-oriented checks, 504–507

page scale, report printing options, 478

paper statements, reconciling to, 208–211, 213–216

partial pages, printing, 505

partner (spouse) section, Lifetime Planner, 371

passcode, Quicken Mobile app, 66

password-protection, data files, 484–487

Password Removal Tool, 488

Password Vault

   creating first account, 46–47

   One Intuit Password in, 25–26

   One Step Update setup, 21–22

   overview of, 20

   saving passwords to, 15

   security options, 24

   understanding, 26–28


   Assisted Password Removal Service, 488–489

   creating first account, 15, 46–47

   error messages, 487–488

   file, 487–488

   One Intuit Password, 25–26

   One Step Update, 20–21, 24–25

   Password Removal Tool, 488

   Password Vault. See Password Vault

Paste command, transactions, 139

Paycheck Setup

   creating 401(k) or 403(b) accounts, 244

   setting tax-related items, 437

   tax alerts, 456

   working with, 197–200


   automatic categorization of, 120

   canceling payment, 169

   categorizing transactions for, 465

   changing transactions, 140–142

   checking new transactions, 160

   creating Address Book, 201–202

   creating reminders in Bill tab, 178–180

   customizing report/graph, 468

   drop-down list and QuickFill, 120

   editing transaction reminders, 174

   entering credit card transactions, 127–128

   entering information for online bill pay, 166–167

   entering loan payment directly, 307

   entering payment instructions, 168

   list of online, 155

   memorized. See memorized payees

   Quicken Mobile transactions, 64

   renaming downloaded, 164–166

   Report button activated by field for, 118

   scheduling repeating online payments, 187–188

   searching for specific, 133–135

   setting reminders in Bill tab, 178, 180

   transactions in Write Checks, 132

   transferring funds between accounts, 171

   using Online Center, 155

   using online payment, 168


   canceling online, 140–141

   credit card, 75, 128, 221–222

   inquiry, 141

   online. See Online Payment

   showing in Account Bar, 91

payments, loan

   making, 306–308

   reminders, 302–304, 307

   terms of, 291

   using Paycheck Setup for, 244

   viewing details, 309–311


   deductions, 437

   using Paycheck Setup Wizard, 197–200

   using Tax Withholding Estimator, 452–453

   withholding threshold alerts, 456

PDF format, 476, 534

pension, Lifetime Planner, 375–376

performance, investment, 345–349, 352–353, 357

periods per year, Loan Calculator, 398

Personal Expenses category, 96

Personal Identification Number (PIN), Online Account Services, 151

Personal Income category, 96

personal loans, 291

PIN (Personal Identification Number), Online Account Services, 151

placeholder entries, 244–248

plan assumptions, Lifetime Planner, 367–368, 385–386

Plan Comparison chart, 389


   accessing planning tools, 389

   retirement, 366–367

   setting “What If” options, 388–389

   taxes. See Tax Planner

   tools for future, 389

   using financial calculators. See financial calculators

   using Lifetime Planner. See Lifetime Planner

Planning tab

   defined, 36

   including tax information in accounts, 436

   Lifetime Planner, 387–388

   Tax Planner, 444

   TurboTax, 442

pop-up registers, 519–520, 524

pop-up-window preferences, 520

portfolio. See also investment evaluation

   choosing right type of account, 238

   defined, 236

   downloading online quotes to, 279–282

   exporting, 285–286

   managing your, 238–239

   Quicken Premier enhancements, 239

   tracking value at Investing.Quicken.com, 285

   types of investment accounts, 236–238

   updating investments, 352

Portfolio Analyzer, 357–358

Portfolio Rebalancer, 356–357

Portfolio Value vs. Cost Basis graph, 346

Portfolio view, Investing tab, 260, 336–342

Portfolio X-Ray, 336, 342–345

preference settings

   Account Bar, 519

   account registers, 116, 523–524

   alerts, 521

   All Reports menu, 462

   animation, 520

   attachments, 522

   backups, 490–492, 521

   buttons, 119

   calendar and currency, 520

   Cloud, 528–529

   downloading quotes, 336

   exporting investment portfolio, 285–286

   graphs/charts, 527–528

   Intuit ID, 528–529

   investing.Quicken.com, 522

   investment transactions, 522

   memorized payees, 191, 524–525

   multicurrency transactions, 520

   navigation, 519

   notify options, 525

   online services, 528–529

   placeholder entries, 247

   pop-up-windows, 520

   privacy, 41–42, 521

   Quicken Mobile app, 528–529

   QuickFill, 524–525

   register, 523

   Renaming Rules, 526–527

   reports, 527–528

   setup, 520–521

   sound effects, 520

   startup, 518–519

   subreports, 469

   Transaction Download, 526

   transactions, 523

   transfer detection, 171–172

   Web Connect, 521

   working calendar, 520

   Write Checks, 525–526

preview, of printed reports, 478

Price alerts, 360–361

printers, Quicken requirements, 5


   Account List, 90–91

   Address Book lists, labels and envelopes, 202–203

   checking file integrity, 503

   checks, 504–506

   CTRL-P keyboard shortcut, 507

   from current location, 506–507

   investment reconciliation reports, 254

   memorized payee list, 193

   overview of, 504

   passwords, 28

   reconciliation reports, 224–225

   setting up printers, 504

   summary of tax deductions, 449

   transactions in Payments tab, 155

privacy preferences, 41–42, 521

Privacy Statement, installing Quicken, 6

profile, mobile settings, 54–55

projected balances, savings goals, 428

Projected Balances view, Bill tab, 177, 183–184

Projected Tax snapshot, Tax Center, 453–454

Property & Asset accounts. See assets/asset accounts; property accounts

Property & Debt accounts

   in Account Bar, 34–35, 88

   asset accounts. See assets/asset accounts

   debt accounts. See debt/debt accounts (liabilities)

   property accounts. See property accounts

   types of, 292–294

Property & Debt tab

   accessing registers for, 332

   Debt view, 327–332

   defined, 36

   Net Worth view, 320–325

   overview of, 319–320

   Property view, 325–327

property accounts. See also assets/asset accounts

   accessing registers for, 332

   creating alerts, 332–334

   loans. See loans/loan accounts

   Refinance Calculator, 394–395

   using Property view, 325–327

Property view, Property & Debt tab, 325–327, 332

publications, online tax, 441


Qcards, View Guidance, 40

QIF (Quicken Interchange Format) files, 498–499

Quicken Checkbook Edition, 5

Quicken Cloud. See Cloud

Quicken Deluxe, 4–5

Quicken editions, 4–5

Quicken Home & Business, 4, 42

Quicken Live Community link, 41

Quicken Mobile app

   account totals, 69

   alert settings, 56–59

   budget information on, 59, 68–69

   Cloud services and, 50

   getting started from desktop, 52–53

   getting started on device, 60–61

   installing on mobile device, 60

   Intuit ID for, 51

   new user startup, 10

   overview of, 50

   preferences, 528–529

   requirements for using, 50–51

   setting up from Overview screen, 54–56

   signing in with Intuit ID, 61

   spending categories, 66–67

   splitting downloaded transactions, 70–71

   syncing accounts, 17, 80

   tool options, 62–66

   transaction details, 70

   understanding mobile applications, 50

   viewing spending reports on, 67–68

   working with Overview page, 62

Quicken Premier

   Buy/Sell Preview, 358

   defined, 4–5

   downloading quotes every 15 minutes, 336

   Investing Activity report, 352

   investment performance, 345–349

   investment tracking, 239

   mutual fund ratings from Morningstar, 351

   Portfolio X-Ray, 239, 344–345

Quicken Rental Property Manager, 4, 42

Quicken Starter, 4–5

Quicken Support link, 41

Quicken window

   Account Bar, 18–19, 34–35

   dialogs, 38

   list windows, 37

   menus, 37–39

   Quicken Toolbar, 39–40

   report windows, 37

   shortcut menus, 38

   tabs, 19, 35–36

   View Guidance, 40


   data entry preferences and, 524

   memorized payee list with, 120, 190–193

   memorized payee preferences and, 524–525

   overview of, 189–190

   Write Checks and, 132

QuickZoom, 469

Quote Lookup, 286


   downloading every 15 minutes, 336

   updating investments, 351

.QXF (Quicken Transfer Format) files, 498–499

QxxFiles folder, 7


rainy days, saving for, 429

RAM, system requirements, 5

ratings and analysis alerts, investment notifications, 361

real estate

   adjusting for market value, 416

   creating house account for, 292

   creating online payment reminders, 180

   mortgages secured with, 290

   tracking holdings as assets, 238

real estate investment trusts (REITs), 237

reappraisal alerts, mortgage, 205, 333

rebates, recording credit card transactions, 128

receive transactions, cash accounts, 75

Reconcile command, transactions, 140

Reconcile Details dialog, 114, 209–210

Reconcile window, 213–215

reconciled accounts, Account List options, 91

Reconciled transactions, 217

reconciling bank accounts

   to bank statement, 215–216

   button options, 214–215

   comparing transactions to paper statement, 213

   finishing up, 218–219

   identifying reconciled items, 217–218

   making adjustments, 219

   with online access, 210–213

   to online balance, 216–217

   overview of, 207–208

   printing reconciliation report, 224–226

   starting, 208–209

   undoing reconciled transactions, 226

   without online access, 209–210

reconciling credit card accounts

   choosing payment method, 221–222

   making register adjustments, 223

   with online access, 222

   overview of, 220

   printing reconciliation report, 225–226

   streamlining process, 223–224

   undoing reconciled transactions, 226

   without online access, 220–222

reconciling investment accounts, 253–254

Record Check button, Write Checks, 131

records, Emergency Records Organizer, 532–534

Reference field, entering banking transactions, 119

Refinance Calculator, 394–396

refresh, Portfolio X-Ray, 344

register, Spending tab, 232

registers. See account registers

registration, new user startup, 8, 10–11

REITs (real estate investment trusts), 237

reminders. See also Bill and Income Reminders

   investment account, 266, 361

   loan payment, 302–304, 307

   managing, 185–187

   manual backup, 492

   property and debt, 333

   saving time with scheduled, 166

   setting in account register, 111–113, 115

Reminders menu, 112–113

Renaming Rules

   customizing preferences for, 526–527

   downloaded payees, 164–166

   investment transactions, 253

   payee in memorized payee list, 192–193

repeating payments

   in Online Center, 155

   scheduling online, 187–189

Repeating tab, Online Center, 155

Report button, 118

reports. See also Reports & Graphs Center

   Account Balances, 324–325

   account register, 115

   adding saved reports to Toolbar, 516

   category, 100

   copying to clipboard, 476

   creating, 459–463

   customizing, 459, 466–469

   customizing preferences, 527–528

   Emergency Records Organizer, 533–534

   exporting to Excel compatible format, 473–476

   exporting to PDF format, 476

   hiding/displaying details, 465

   how account displays in, 88

   investment evaluation, 352–353

   investment reconciliation, 254

   managing saved, 471–473

   memorized payee, 191–192

   Net Worth Summary Report, 324

   overview of, 457

   printing, 476–478, 504

   QuickZoom for on the fly, 469

   report window options, 37, 463–466

   saving, 459, 470–473

   security, 277

   showing categories for transactions, 92

   spending reports on Quicken Mobile app, 67–68

   Spending tab, 232

   Spending Trend report, 465–466

   standard, 458–459

   subreports, 469

   tax, 440

   Toolbar icons in report window, 464

   of transactions using selected tag, 102

   using All Reports menu, 462

   viewing saved, 470–471

   working with saved Excel file, 474–476

Reports & Graphs Center

   All Reports menu, 461

   credit card reconciliation report in, 225

   saved reports and graphs in, 471

   toolbar Back arrow link to report in, 464

   working with, 460–461

Reports & Graphs center

   creating reports and graphs, 460–461

   customizing report, 466–468

research, Online Research, 286–288

Reset Account, Online Account Services, 153–154

Reset button, Spending tab, 230

Reset View button, Portfolio view, 339–340


   data files from recent backup, 495–496

   transactions, 138

Results area, Lifetime Planner, 386–387

Retirement Benefits tab, Lifetime Planner, 374–375

Retirement Calculator, 391–393

retirement/retirement accounts

   account types, 33–34, 237

   calculating information, 391–393

   displaying as Account Intent, 88

   investment accounts for, 36

   as investment goal, 278

   organization in Account Bar, 33–34

   planning for, 366–367

   Portfolio X-Ray of, 343–345

   tracking, 237–238

   using Lifetime Planner. See Lifetime Planner

returns on investments, Lifetime Planner, 378–379

reverse equity loan (or reverse mortgage), 290

risk profile, Portfolio Analyzer, 357

rollovers, budget, 422, 425–427


salary, Lifetime Planner, 372–374

Sanitize Data File copy link, 41

Save A Copy As command, 483–484, 495, 497


   automatic backup files, 491

   current file to another location, 483

   reports or graphs, 470–473

   reports to Toolbar, 516

Savings Calculator, 396–397

savings/savings accounts

   calculating current retirement savings, 392

   calculating for college education, 394

   creating, 79–80

   customizing Summary view, 512–513

   defined, 74

   entry techniques, 117–123

   forecasting financial future, 428–429

   Lifetime Planner, 377–379

   modifying information, 77–78

   organization in Account Bar, 33

   reasons for, 429

   strategic saving, 429–430

   using savings goals, 430–433

scanners, attaching images to transactions, 143–144


   creating Tax Planner, 447

   “What If.” See “What If” scenarios

Schedule A (itemized deductions), 450–451, 455–456

Schedule B (interest and dividends), 436

Schedule These? list, Bill and Income Reminders, 187

Schedule Updates dialog, 23

scheduled transactions

   creating, 174–175

   creating new, 196

   entering in account register, 108

   managing reminders, 185–187

   monitoring with BillMinder, 196–197

   reminders for, 112–113, 173, 184–185, 205

   repeating online payments, 187–189

   Schedule These? list, 23

   stopping all future payments, 189

   stopping repeating online payments, 189

   transferring money to savings account, 432

   using Bill and Income Reminders, 112, 185–187

   viewing in Bills tab, 181–185

   viewing in list window, 37

   for Web Connect, 158


   College Calculator, 394

   Loan Calculator, 398

   Retirement Calculator, 393

   update, 23–25


   for account register transactions, 111

   editing transactions, 133–136

   Find and Replace. See Find and Replace dialog

   Find command, 134–135

   global search feature, 40

   in Quicken Mobile app, 62–64

   in Spending tab, 230–231

   Toolbar icon, 40

   using Find command, 140

second mortgage, 290


   adding new, 273–275

   assigning type to, 277–278

   buying shares, 267–268

   choosing market index, 276

   creating report, 277

   customizing Portfolio view, 340–341

   customizing report, 468

   defined, 236

   deleting, 277

   downloading asset class information, 283

   downloading online quotes, 279–282

   editing, 276–277

   entering held, 242–243

   evaluating allocation of, 351

   holding period alerts, 361

   importing prices for CSV file, 499

   Investing Goal List, 278–279

   Quicken Mobile app settings, 65

   renaming, 252

   selecting, 284

   selling shares, 268–269

   working with placeholder entries, 244–248

   working with Security List. See Security List

Security Detail View, 280–283, 287

Security List

   downloading asset class information, 283

   downloading online quotes, 279–282

   making selections, 284

   viewing, 273–279

security, One Intuit Password and, 485

selling shares, 268–270

Separate account, Account Details dialog, 86–88

service costs, online, 150

Settings tool, Quicken Mobile app, 65–66


   Advanced. See Advanced Setup

   customizing preferences, 520–521

   One Step Update, 20–22

   Paycheck Setup. See Paycheck Setup

   Simple Setup, 78–79, 241

shares. See also securities

   buying, 267–268

   selling, 268–269

shortcut menus, 38

shortcuts, Quicken Toolbar, 515

Show options, Portfolio view, 337–338

Show This File On My Computer command, 484

SIC (standard industrial classification), 523

Simple Setup, 78–79, 241

small cap stocks, 275

smart phones. See Quicken Mobile app


   Analysis & Reports view, 513–514

   portfolio value in Premier, 239

   Projected Tax, 453–454

   spending reports on Quicken Mobile app, 67–68

   Spending tab, 227–231

   Summary view, 512–513

   Tax-Related Expenses YTD, 455

   Taxable Income YTD, 455

snapshots, Lifetime Planner

   Event Status, 387

   Monthly Savings Targets, 388

   Plan assumptions, 385

   Results, 386–387

snowball method, paying off debt, 413–414

Social Security benefits, Lifetime Planner, 374–375

sound effect preferences, 520

Specify Lots option, selling shares, 269

spending graph, 227–231

spending register, 231–232

spending/spending accounts

   basic entry techniques, 117–123

   cash accounts, 75

   creating, 79–80

   customizing Summary view, 512–513

   forecasting in budgets, 428–429

   organizing in Account Bar, 33

   Quicken Mobile app alerts, 57–58

   reasons for saving, 429

   searching for existing transactions, 134

   setting future bill reminders, 429

   setting savings goals, 430–433

   spending plan. See budgets/budgeting

   strategic saving, 429–430

   using account registers, 108–117

   viewing in Quicken Mobile app, 63, 66–68

   where your money goes, 427–428

Spending tab

   defined, 36

   overview of, 226–227

   register for, 232

   spending graph, 227–231

   spending register, 231–232

   View Guidance button on, 40, 232

Spending Trend report, 464–465

split transactions

   changing transactions to, 138

   creating reports in, 463

   defined, 32

   opening Split window, 138

   in Quicken Mobile app, 70–71

   recording, 123–125

   using Allocate button in, 125

   using Write Checks, 130

spouse (partner) section, Lifetime Planner, 371

standard checks, 505–506

standard industrial classification (SIC), 523

standard reports, 459–463

starting Quicken

   creating first account, 14–17

   customizing, 518–519

   existing user startup on new computer, 13

   new user startup, 8–12

   overview of, 14

   setting up other banking accounts, 17

Stay On Top Of Monthly Bills

   Home tab view, 510

   reminders from downloaded transactions, 174–175

   What’s Left section, 176–177

   working with Bill tab, 177–178, 181

Stock Evaluator, 287

stock intersection, Portfolio X-Ray, 345

stopping, Portfolio X-Ray, 345

student loans, 299


   adding, 100

   entering, 121

   establishing, 92

   excluding from budget, 425

   using, 92

Submit Feedback on Quicken link, 41

subreports, 476–479

subscription, online backup, 494–495

Summary tab, Deduction Finder, 449–450

Summary view, customizing, 512–513

Super Validate, 503


   how to contact Quicken, 41, 42, 487, 494

Symbol Lookup, 242

synchronizing accounts

   for mobile and alerts, 80

   with Quicken Cloud, 29, 55

   Quicken Mobile settings, 17, 53, 55

system requirements, Quicken 2015, 5


TAB key, 117


   Quicken window, 19

   types of, 35–37

Tag List window, 101–103


   creating new, 102

   creating reminders in Bill tab, 179

   customizing report, 468

   including in transactions, 122–123

   overview of, 101

   working with, 103

Target Allocation graph, 350

target asset allocation, 355

task bar, starting Quicken from, 14

Tax Calendar, 454, 456

Tax Center

   defined, 453

   displaying tax information, 440

   Projected Tax snapshot, 453–454

   tax alerts, 456

   Tax Calendar snapshot, 454

   Tax-Related Expenses YTD, 455

   Taxable Income YTD, 455

Tax Line Item, 437–439

Tax Planner

   closing, 447–448

   creating scenarios, 447

   entering data, 444–447

   opening window, 444

   overview of, 443–444

   resetting values quickly, 447

   saving time with, 440

tax reports

   category for, 94–95

   creating, 439

   exporting TurboTax, 443

   overview of, 440

   Tax-Related Expenses YTD, 455

   Tax Summary Report, 454

   Taxable Income YTD, 455

Tax Schedule Information dialog, 437

tax schedules

   Account Details dialog, 85

   exporting TurboTax report, 499

   including tax information in accounts, 78, 85, 436–437

   reports, 440

   Tax-Related Expenses YTD report, 455

Tax Withholding Estimator

   avoiding surprises with, 443

   opening, 439

   using, 452–453

Taxable Income YTD snapshot, 455


   alerts, 205–206, 361, 456

   in asset and debt accounts, 296

   avoiding surprises by planning for, 443–444

   calculating retirement, 393

   calculators for, 441

   connecting information with categories, 94–95, 138, 437–439

   Deduction Finder, 448–450

   exporting TurboTax reports, 443

   forms and publications, 441

   including tax information in accounts, 436–437

   Itemized Deduction Estimator, 450–451

   Lifetime Planner, 376

   online tools, 439–-441

   Paycheck Setup deductions, 199–200

   planning. See Tax Planner

   Portfolio Analyzer, 357

   Portfolio view options, 341–342

   recording investment accounts, 255

   tax reports. See tax reports

   Tax Withholding Estimator, 452–453

   using Tax Center. See Tax Center

   using TurboTax, 441–443

terms of loan, 291


   alerts, 57–59

   customizing Toolbar button to show, 517

Text Import Wizard, Excel files, 474–476

thumb drives, backup to, 492–494, 498

ticker symbols, 273–274, 339

Tips & Tutorials tab, 37

To Do bar, 38


   adding buttons to, 516

   adding saved reports to, 470–471

   customizing, 514–518

   customizing for loan payments, 307

   customizing for reconciliations, 223–224

   displaying, 515

   Emergency Records Organizer, 532–534

   features, 39–40

   icons in report window, 464

Transaction Download

   account register settings, 111–112

   automatic categorization of, 120

   categorization of, 523

   creating first account, 17

   customizing preferences, 526

   reconciling credit card online without, 222–223

Transaction Download, investments

   adjusting holdings, 255

   applying for, 240

   automatic transaction entry, 250–252

   cash balance adjustments, 253

   downloading transactions, 249–250

   reconciling, 253–254

   renaming transactions, 252–253

   reviewing and accepting transactions, 250

   using Online Center window, 249

Transaction Download, online banking

   accepting all downloads, 164

   connecting to financial institution, 156

   creating reminders, 174–175

   defined, 148

   deleting new transaction, 162

   downloaded vs. register transactions, 159–162

   methods for, 156

   moving transactions, 162–164

   new transactions, 160–161

   reconciling bank account with, 210–211

   reconciling bank account without downloading, 211–213

   renaming downloaded payees, 164–166

   understanding, 148–149

   for Web Connect files, 156–158

Transaction List, investments, 247, 272


   Account List options, 91

   bookkeeping and, 32

   cash account, 75

   changing multiple, 531–532

   credit card account, 74–75

   customizing investment, 522

   identifying reconciled items, 217–218

   link to All Transactions register, 18

   One Step Update setup, 21

   password-protecting existing, 486–487

   Quicken Mobile app tool, 64–65

   renaming investment, 253

   setting preferences, 523

   split, 32

   tracking, 31–32

   viewing details in Quicken Mobile app, 70–71

transactions, entering new

   credit cards, 123–128

   entry techniques, 117

   opening account register, 108–109

   overview of, 107–108

   reconciling accounts with online services, 114

   splits, 123–125

   transfers, 133

   using account register window, 111–112

   using Actions menu of account register, 113–117

   writing checks, 129–132

Transactions section, account register, 114

Transactions window, financial calendar, 195–196

transactions, working with existing

   adding downloaded transactions to register, 154

   adding notes, flags and alerts, 142–143

   attaching images to, 143–144

   changing multiple transactions, 141–142

   changing transactions, 137–141

   creating new transactions, 139

   editing transactions, 136–137, 139

   searching for transactions, 133–135

   sorting transactions, 137

   working with attachments, 144–145

Transfer (TXFR), 133


   for accounts with online services, 114, 119

   adding reminders for, 181

   customizing detection of, 527

   detection of, 171–172

   Go To Transfer command, 140

   online, 170–172

   in and out, 436

Transfers category, 97


   entering data into Tax Planner, 444

   exporting reports, 443, 499

   importing files, 442–443, 499

   overview of, 441–442

   preparing tax return with, 440

   using, 442–443


Uncleared transactions, identifying, 217

undoing reconciled transactions, 226

uninstalling Quicken, 57, 503

Upcoming view, Bill tab, 181–182, 184–185

updates. See also One Step Update

   cash balance, 253

   investment, 351–352

   portfolio value, 285


   from earlier version, 12–13

   Help, 42

   during installation, 6–7

   One Intuit Password for, 26

   Password Vault setup for, 26–28

   QxxFiles folder, 7

Use Pop-up Registers option, 38

User Guide, Portfolio X-Ray, 345

user name, Online Account Services, 151


   startup for existing, 13

   startup for new, 8–12


Validate and Repair command, 502–503, 529–531

vehicle account

   creating asset accounts, 293–294

   defined, 292–293

   related mortgage or loan on, 294

View Guidance button, 40, 232

View Schedule button, 393, 398

voiding transactions, 140

Volume alerts, investments, 360–361

voucher checks, 505


wallet checks, 505

Watch List

   adding securities to, 273–274

   creating, 284–285

   downloading quotes to, 279–281

   selecting items in Security List for, 284, 352

   tracking on investing.quicken.com, 286, 522

   viewing securities, 273

Web Connect

   downloading file, 156–158

   importing files, 498

   passwords, 154

   setting preferences, 521

   transaction download and, 148–149

“What If” scenarios

   Debt Reduction Planner, 412–415

   Lifetime Planner, 388–389

   monitoring loans, 312

   Tax Planner, 447

what you owe

   accounts as records of, 44

   credit card accounts tracking, 74–75

   liabilities as. See debt/debt accounts (liabilities)

what you own

   accounts as records of, 44

   assets as. See assets/asset accounts

Windows 8 tile, 14

withdraw funds, savings goal, 432–433

working calendar, preferences, 520

Write Checks

   for accounts with online services, 114

   creating Address Book, 200–203

   customizing preferences, 525–526

   displaying selected transaction as check, 141

   entering transactions, 108, 132

   ordering checks, 506

   overview of, 128–131

   printing checks, 132–133, 504–506

   tracking credit card payments, 125


   X-Ray feature, Portfolio, 239, 344–345


Year-End Copy command, 500–502

year view, budget, 421–424

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