
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.


401(k)/403(b) accounts

   defined, 33–34

   overview of, 237

   setting up, 241–244

   using Paycheck Setup with, 197–199, 244

457 plans, 237

529 Educational Savings Plan accounts

   defined, 33–34

   overview of, 237

   setting up, 241–244

   tracking, 238


About Quicken, 42, 66

About You section, Lifetime Planner, 370–372

Account Bar

   accessing investment accounts, 255

   accessing property/debt accounts, 332

   Account Details dialog, 76–78

   account types, 33–34

   Add An Account button in, 17

   entering transactions, 117

   menu options, 110–111

   moving between fields, 117–123

   opening account registers from, 108–109

   overview of, 18–19, 34–35

   reorganizing accounts in, 88–90

   setting preferences, 519

   tax information in, 436

   using account registers, 109–111

   viewing account information, 82, 86–87

   viewing net worth and balances, 91

Account Details dialog

   Actions menu options, 114

   deleting savings goal, 433

   editing account name, 75

   editing loan details, 313

   investment transactions, 151, 217, 250–251, 259

   opening in Account Bar, 110

   tax schedule information, 296, 436–437

   viewing account information, 84–88

   working with accounts, 89–90

   working with bank accounts, 76–78, 378

account filter, spending graph, 228–229

Account Intent section, Account List, 88

Account List

   Account Intent section, 88

   adding new accounts, 78–79

   including tax information, 436

   options, 91

   printing, 90

   viewing account information, 82–88

   working with accounts, 88–90

Account Overview

   exploring, 260–263

   loans, 313

   opening, 258–259

account registers

   Account Bar, 109–111

   Actions menu, 113–117

   asset or debt accounts, 296–297

   Bill and Income Reminders in, 112

   cash transactions, 128–129

   changing multiple transactions, 531–532

   credit card accounts, 125–128

   downloaded transactions, 154, 526

   downloaded transactions vs. transactions in, 159–162

   entry techniques, 117–123

   overview of, 108, 111–112

   preference settings, 115–116, 523–524

   printing checks, 132–133

   property and debt accounts, 332

   reconciling accounts. See reconciling bank accounts

   Reminders menu, 112–113

   spending, 231–232

   split transactions, 123–125

   transfers, 133

   Use Pop-up Registers option, 38

   viewing reminders in, 181


   Account Intent section, 88

   Account List options, 91

   adding new, 17, 78–82

   bank accounts. See bank accounts

   creating first, 14–17, 45–48

   creating manual-entry, 82

   credit card. See credit card accounts

   customizing Portfolio view, 340

   data files vs., 42

   deb. See debt/debt accounts (liabilities)

   existing transactions. See transactions, working with existing

   Help icon, 90

   investment. See investment/investment accounts

   new transactions. See transactions, entering new

   overview of, 19–20

   Quicken Mobile app, 52–56, 64–65, 69

   as record of what you own or owe, 44

   registers. See account registers

   reorganizing, 88–90

   savings. See savings/savings accounts

   showing hidden, 90

   spending. See spending/spending accounts

   tax information in, 436–437

   tracking, 45

   types of, 33–34, 74–75

   understanding, 44–45

   viewing information, 82–88

Accounts Added list, 17, 48

Action Plan tab, Deduction Finder, 450

Actions menu

   Account Overview, 260–263

   connecting tax information with categories, 437

   entering loan payment, 307

   investment transactions, 258–260

   reconciling bank accounts, 208

   sorting transactions, 137

   writing checks, 129

Actions menu, account register, 113–117

Add Account dialog

   adding new accounts, 79–82

   choosing investing account type, 240

   creating asset and debt accounts, 294–297

   creating first account, 11–12, 14–15

   dimming feature, 82

Add An Account button

   adding new accounts, 78

   creating first account, 45

   setting up other banking accounts, 17, 73

   as shortcut to Add Account dialog, 91, 110

Add Loan Account dialog, 298

Add Mortgage/Loan Account dialog, 296

Add option, downloaded account, 80

Add Transaction dialog, Quicken Mobile, 64–65

Add View button, 511–512

Address Book, 200–203

addresses, adding to checks, 132

Adjust Balance dialog, 223

adjusting assets, for market value, 316

adjusting balances

   investment account holdings, 255

   reconciling bank accounts, 212–213, 216–217, 219

   reconciling credit card accounts, 223

Adjustments tab, Lifetime Planner, 383–384

Advanced Setup

   first account, 15, 46

   investment account, 241–242

   manual-entry account, 82

alerts. See also reminders

   adding to transactions, 142–143

   credit limit, 76

   customizing, 512–513, 521, 371

   investment account, 360–362

   overview of, 203

   preferences, 521

   property and debt account, 332–334

   Quicken Mobile app, 56–59

   setting up, 205–206

   syncing new account with, 80

   tax, 456

   viewing available groups, 203–205

   working with, 206

Alerts Center, 38, 332, 334, 360–361

Allocations view, Investing tab, 349–352

amortization schedule, Loan Calculator, 398

Analysis & Reports view, 513–514

animation preferences, 520

annual college costs, 393–394

annual contribution

   college education, 393

   retirement account, 392

annual interest rate, Loan Calculator, 398

annual retirement income, 392

annual return, investment evaluation, 347–349

annual view, budget, 421–424

annuities, brokerage accounts, 237

antivirus programs, and online backup, 494

Archive Data File, Year-End Copy command, 501

asset allocation

   monitoring, 355

   overview of, 349–351

   using Portfolio Analyzer, 357

   using Portfolio Rebalancer, 356–357

   viewing, 355–356

Asset Allocation Guide

   editing securities, 276–277

   selecting target allocations, 350

   using, 354–356

asset class information, 275, 283

assets/asset accounts

   adding and disposing of assets, 314–315

   bank accounts as. See bank accounts

   investment accounts as. See investment/investment accounts

   Lifetime Planner, 379–380

   linking credit accounts to, 327

   loans for. See loans/loan accounts

   market value adjustments, 316

   organizing in Account Bar, 34

   Property & Debt account types, 292–293

   real estate holdings as. See property accounts

   recording depreciation, 316

   recording improvements, 315–316

   searching for existing transactions, 134

   as something you own, 290

   tracking net worth. See net worth

   tracking with bookkeeping, 32

   types of, 33–34

Assisted Password Removal Service, 488–489

ATM transactions, entering, 119, 128

attachments, transaction

   adding to register entries, 8, 256, 294, 315

   backing up files with, 492

   opening Account Attachments dialog, 115, 259

   opening Transaction attachments dialog, 138

   preference settings, 522

   saving image of asset paperwork, 143–144

   sorting register columns list by, 122

   working with, 144–145

auto loans, 290, 299

Auto Reconcile, 212–213

automatic backups, 491–492, 495

automatic budgets

   annual view, 423–425

   budget rollovers, 425–427

   creating, 416–418

   graph view, 419–423

   working with, 418

automatic categorization, 120

automatic transaction entry, 154, 250–252



   automatic, 491–492

   to CD/DVD, hard drive, or thumb drive, 492–494

   copying files vs., 497

   creating, 44

   manual reminders, 492

   online, 494–495

   overview of, 489–490

   preferences, 490–492

   process of, 492

   restoring data files from, 495–496

   setting preferences, 521


   displayed in register columns, 122

   displaying asset account, 293

   finishing up reconciliation, 218–219

   mobile app alert for low, 58

   One Step Update settings, 21

   placeholder entries showing current, 247

   projecting, 428

   Reconcile window buttons, 214–215

   reconciling accounts with online access, 210–213

   reconciling credit cards with online access, 222–223

   reconciling to online, 216–217

   rounded in Account Bar, 18, 35, 90–91

   of selected debt accounts, 329–330

   setting up accounts manually, 44–45

   viewing in Account List, 90

Balance Only, Budget Only filter, 424–425

balloon mortgage, 290–291

bank accounts. See also checking accounts; online banking; savings/savings accounts

   in Account Bar, 33–35, 88

   adding new, 17, 78–82

   adding other information, 76–78

   alerts, 57–58

   mobile app alerts, 203–205

   reconciling. See reconciling bank accounts

   types of, 74–75

   working with, 75–76

bank routing number, online account setup, 151

Bill and Income Reminders

   account register settings, 112

   buttons, 185–186

   creating reminders from downloaded transactions, 174–175

   customizing, 112–113

   customizing Summary view, 512–513

   in Home tab Main view, 175–176

   managing reminders, 185

   overview of, 173

   scheduling payments, 187–189

   setting for future bill, 429

   setting up reminders in Bills tab, 177–180

   stopping payments, 189

   tabs, 186–187

   What’s Left section and, 176–177

   working with Bills tab, 181–185

Bill Pay. See Online Bill Pay

BillMinder feature, 196–197

Bills tab

   defined, 36

   managing reminders, 185

   setting up reminders, 177–180

   working with reminders, 181–185


   brokerage accounts tracking, 237

   calculating tax payments, 442

   categories of, 275

   investment accounts tracking, 33

   maturity dates, 353

   recording purchase of, 265

bookkeeping, 31–32

Break Even Analysis, 396

brokerage accounts, 237–238, 240–241

Budget Actions, 421–422

Budget Amount Options tool, 423


   annual view of automatic budgets, 423–425

   automatic, 416–418

   creating own, 426

   customizing view, 514

   deleting, 426–427

   forecasting future, 428–429

   graph view of automatic budgets, 419–423

   multiple budgets, 426

   overview of, 416

   rounded to nearest dollar, 418

   saving and, 429

   using rollovers, 425–426

   viewing on Quicken Mobile app, 58–59, 68–69

   where your money goes, 427–428

business loans, 299


   adding to toolbar, 516

   customizing keyboard shortcuts for Toolbar, 518

   customizing Toolbar, 515–517

   report window, 464

Buy/Sell Preview, Quicken Premier, 358

buying shares, 267–268



   financial. See financial calculators

   icon for accessing, 118

   loan and refinance, 292, 329

   for taxes, 441


   button options, 194–195

   setting preferences, 520

   syncing reminders to Outlook, 180

   Tax Center, 454

   in Transactions window, 195–196

   Upcoming view of Bill tab, 182, 184–185

   using, 193–194

cancel payment instruction, 169

capital gains

   calculating, 359–360

   Capital Gains Estimator, 359–360, 451

   investment alerts, 361

   managing portfolio, 238

   Portfolio Analyzer, 357

   reports, 352

   tax reports, 439, 499

Capital Gains and Losses (Schedule D), 255, 268

Capital Gains Estimator, 359–360, 439, 451

capital, return of, 265

CAPS LOCK key, 487

case-sensitivity, passwords, 483–485

cash accounts

   in Account Bar, 33

   building memorized payee list from all, 192

   creating, 79–80

   entering transactions, 128–129

   filtering in spending graph, 228

   Quicken Mobile app transactions, 64

   reconciling, 209

   reconciling investment account in, 253

   tracking all spending in, 76

   transactions, 75

cash balance

   adjusting investment accounts, 253, 266–267

   working with placeholder entries, 244, 246

cash expenditures, 129

cash flow planning, scheduled reminders, 113

cash receipts, 129


   adding, 42–43

   assigned to downloaded transactions, 523

   automatic budgets using, 418

   bookkeeping, 32

   connecting tax information with, 437–439

   creating new, 92–93

   creating reminders in Bill tab, 179

   customizing report, 468–469

   defined, 92

   editing, deleting, merging, 99–101

   entering multiple, 95, 121

   entering new, 121

   entering online payment instructions, 168

   establishing, 92

   excluding from budget, 425

   for existing transactions, 141

   in graph view of budget, 420–421, 423

   grouping, 96–101

   linking to tax forms, 455

   manual-entry accounts assigning, 120

   removing, 42–43

   spending by category, 66–67

   split transactions and, 123–125

   Tax Planner using, 444

   using rollovers in budget with, 425–427

   using subcategories, 92, 121

   working with Category List, 92–95, 120–121

   working with Write Checks, 130

Category List, 92–95, 437–439, 455

Category Report, 100


   backup to, 492–494, 498

   installation, 5–8

   installation using, 5–8

   susceptible to loss when backing up to, 498

CDs (certificates of deposit)

   as investment account, 74

   maturity dates for, 353

   tracking in Quicken, 238

characters, password, 486–487

charge cards, vs. credit cards, 401


   charge cards vs. credit cards, 401

   credit card transactions, 85

   entering individual credit card, 127

chart of accounts, 45

charting, multiple security, 371–372

charts. See graphs/charts

Check # field, entering banking transactions, 119

checking accounts

   creating, 79–80

   creating first account, 45–48

   creating manual-entry, 82

   denoting intent of, 88

   displaying in Account List, 88–91

   as first type of account created, 74

   modifying information, 77–78

   organization in Account Bar, 33

   Quicken Mobile transaction type, 64

   reconciling brokerage accounts from linked, 253

   showing checks for printing, 91

   tracking credit card payments, 125

   using downloaded accounts, 80–82

   using Write Checks, 128–131

   viewing information, 82–88

   working with categories. See categories

checks. See also Write Checks

   ordering, 506

   printing, 504–506

   printing page-oriented, 506–507

Classic Menus

   adding buttons to Toolbar, 516

   defined, 37–38

   for Emergency Records Organizer, 532–534

   for Paycheck Setup Wizard, 197

   for Portfolio Analyzer, 357–358

   startup navigation using, 519

cleared transactions, identifying, 217


   attaching images to transactions, 144

   copying report to, 476

Close Account, Account Details, 88


   appreciating, 50

   customizing preferences, 528–529

   Overview screen, 54–56

   protecting data on mobile device, 66

   syncing accounts for mobile access, 17, 29, 53

   syncing changes with, 29

   syncing new account for mobile and alerts, 80

Cloud ID. See Intuit ID

College Calculator, 393–394

college expenses

   529 plan account for, 237–238, 241–244

   calculating, 393–394

   Coverdell Education Savings Account for, 237

   Lifetime Planner for, 384

   student loans for, 299


   adding informational Account List, 83, 91

   adjusting on reports, 467

   customizing portfolio views, 339

   in graph view, 422

   sorting for investment transactions, 257

   using register, 115–116, 121–122

commands, menu, 38

commercial loans, 299

compounding period, loans, 300, 398


   converting older Quicken files to new, 529–531

   moving files between two, 496–498

construction loans, 300

consumer loans, 299

Contact Info, Online Center, 155

contextual menus, creating reports from, 463

continuous printing, 506

contributions, savings goal, 431–432

conversions, of Quicken versions, 529–531

copies, printing report, 478

copy commands

   moving files between two computers, 497

   overview of, 500

   Save A Copy As, 483–484, 495, 497

   working with transactions, 138–139

   Year-End Copy, 500–502


   online banking service, 150

   placeholder entries for, 246–248

   Premier investment accounts, 239

Coverdell ESA, IRA dialog, 237

Create Quicken File dialog, 482–483

credit accounts, linking with assets, 327

credit card accounts

   creating, 79–80

   creating first account, 14–17, 45–48

   customizing Summary view, 512–513

   in Debt view, 327–328, 331–332

   defined, 44

   entry techniques, 119, 127–128

   Quicken Mobile alert for, 57

   Quicken Mobile, getting started, 51–53

   Quicken Mobile transaction types, 64

   reconciling. See reconciling credit card accounts

   split transactions in, 124

   tracking money you owe, 74–75

   tracking techniques, 5, 125–126

   transaction types, 75

   as what you owe, 34

   credit limit

alerts, 57

   in Debt view, 331

   entering for credit card account, 76

   Quicken Mobile alert for getting near, 57

credit score, 58, 146, 291

credit transactions, credit card accounts, 75, 128

CSV (comma-separated variable) files, importing security prices for, 499

CTRL-B command, 492

CTRL-O command, 483, 507

CTRL-P command, 506, 507


   setting preferences, 520

   setting up multicurrency usage, 249

current location, printing from, 506–507

current savings

   calculating college education, 394

   calculating retirement, 392

current value graph, Debt view, 329–330, 332

custodial accounts, Quicken Premier, 239

customer ID

   Account List, 84

   Online Account Services, 78, 151

   online transfers, 170

Customize dialog, 183

Customize Toolbar, 40

customizing Quicken

   Account Bar, 19

   accounts in Debt view, 328

   Action Bar, 116–118, 224

   alerts, 521

   Analysis & Reports view, 513–514

   budget views, 427

   category groups, 97–98

   changing multiple transactions, 531–532

   Cloud service preferences, 528–529

   data entry and QuickFill options, 524

   Downloaded Transaction preferences, 526

   Emergency Records Organizer, 532–534

   graph preferences, 461–462, 527–528

   Home tab views, 510–512

   investment transactions, 522

   memorized payee options, 524–525

   notify options, 525

   online (or Cloud) services, 528–529

   passwords for Password Vault, 27–28

   Portfolio view, 338–341

   register preferences, 523–524

   Renaming Rule preferences, 526–527

   report preferences, 461–462, 527–528

   restoring default Toolbar, 517–518

   setup preferences, 520–521

   spending graph display, 228

   startup preferences, 518–519

   Summary view, 512–513

   Toolbar buttons, 514–518

   transfer detection, 527

   Write Checks preferences, 525–526


data entry, customizing, 524

data files. See also file management

   overview of, 20

   sanitizing in Help, 41

   setting up, 12

   understanding, 43–44

   upgrades to Quicken 2015, 12–13

date fields

   customizing account register, 111

   Debt view, 328–329

   financial calendar, 194–195

   online payments, 168

   Portfolio view options, 338, 341

   reminders in Bill tab, 178–180

   transactions, 118

date filter, Spending graph, 229–230

Deactivate button, Online Account Services, 152–153

debt/debt accounts (liabilities). See also loans/loan accounts

   accessing registers, 332

   creating, 294–297

   credit card accounts as, 289

   data for, 293–294

   displaying in Debt view, 327–332

   Lifetime Planner for, 380–382

   organizing in Account Bar, 34

   Property & Debt account types, 292–293

   setting up alerts, 332–334

   as something you owe, 290

   tracking net worth. See net worth

   types of, 33–34

   unlinking from property, 327

   viewing in Account list, 293

debt reduction

   breaking debt pattern, 400

   cards with better interest rates, 400

   consolidating debt, 401

   creating budgets. See budgets/budgeting

   getting help, 401

   living debt-free, 401

   overview of, 400

   reducing credit limits, 400

   using Debt Reduction Planner. See Debt Reduction Planner

Debt Reduction Planner

   getting details, 406–408

   making plan, 408–411

   modifying plan, 411–412

   overview of, 402

   starting from scratch, 415

   using with currently entered debt accounts, 403–404

   “What If” scenarios, 412–415

   what you owe, 404–406

Debt view, Property & Debt tab, 329–332

Deduction Finder, 443, 448–450


   entering in Paycheck Setup, 199–200

   Schedule A itemized, 450–451, 455–456

   tax alerts for personal, 456

   Tax-Related Expenses YTD options, 455

   using Deduction Finder, 448–449

   using Itemized Deduction Estimator, 450–451


   accounts, 85

   alerts, 206

   budgets, 426–427

   categories, 100–101

   check from list of checks to be printed, 131

   Home tab views, 512

   investing price history, 503

   investment alerts, 362

   item from Online Center, 155

   new downloaded transaction, 161

   passwords, 486

   payees from memorized payee list, 193

   report from Report History List, 464

   savings goal, 433

   security, 277

   selected transactions, 139

   showing in Home tab, 427

   subreports, 469

   tags, 102

   transactions, 139, 157, 195

   undoing for selected transactions, 139


   amount field for, 118

   EFT for direct, 119

   entering transactions, 119

   Quicken Mobile app alerts, 57

   using Paycheck Setup, 197–200

depreciation, recording asset, 316

desktop, opening Quicken Mobile from, 52–53

desktop shortcut, starting Quicken from, 14

Details, budget for current year, 424

dialogs, 38

dimming feature, 82

Direct Connect

   downloading transactions from financial institution, 156

   online transactions with, 155

   setting up Online Account Services for, 152

   transferring money between accounts, 170–171

display options

   accounts, 78, 86–88

   menus, 37–39

   reports, 468

Dividend Reinvestment Programs (DRIP), 237


   accurate reports for, 440

   entering cost basis, 261

   as income category, 92

   managing portfolio, 238

   as personal income, 96

   recording payments, 270–271

   Schedule B interest and, 436

   as taxable income YTD, 455

   working with investment transactions, 265

Documents folder, new user startup, 11–12

domestic bonds, 275

Done, Account List, 91

double-entry bookkeeping, 31–32

down payment amount, and interest rate, 291

Downloaded Posting Date field, Reconcile window, 216

downloads. See also Transaction Download

   Account List options, 91

   asset class information, 283

   creating first account, 16–17

   historical quote information, 282–283

   making selections on Security List, 284

   quotes, 279–282

   showing amount of transaction, 122

   using account, 80–82

DRIP (Dividend Reinvestment Programs), 237


   backing up to, 492–494, 498

   installing Quicken from, 5–7


e-mail, exchanging with financial institution, 171–172

Earned And Spent section, Quicken Mobile app, 66–67

EasyAnswer reports, 467


   account details, 76–78, 83–88

   account settings in Cloud, 55

   Address Book records, 201–202

   alerts, 206

   categories, 100

   investment transactions, 272

   memorized payee list, 191

   multiple transactions, 531–532

   Password Vault, 26

   Quicken Mobile app accounts, 55

   Quicken Mobile app alerts, 56–59

   Quicken Mobile app budgets, 59

   Quicken mobile app profile, 54–55

   savings goals, 433

   securities, 276–277, 281–282

   tags, 102

   tax information in accounts, 436

   transaction reminders, 174–175, 184–185

   transactions, 136–137, 195

educational costs. See college expenses

EFT (electronic funds transfer), 119

electronic funds transfer (EFT), 119

email alerts, 57–59

Emergency Records Organizer, 532–534

employee stock options, 237, 265

Employee Stock Purchase Plans. See ESPP (Employee Stock Purchase Plans)

Enter Key, advancing from field to field, 117

Enter Missing Transactions dialog, investment accounts, 246–248

Enter Transactions dialog, investment accounts, 246–248


   memo field for window, 132

   printing Address Book, 202–203

equity, viewing related to loan, 307, 311–312

error messages, password, 487–488

ESPP (Employee Stock Purchase Plans)

   adding manually, 274–275

   downloaded transactions and, 239

   investment transactions for, 266

   not editing, 272

   tracking in Brokerage account, 237


   minimizing taxes with Deduction Finder, 448–450

   overview of, 448

   Tax Withholding Estimator, 452–453

   utilizing Itemized Deduction Estimator, 450–451

Event Status snapshots, 387–388


   copying report into, 476

   exporting reports to compatible format, 473

   working with saved file, 474–476

exiting Quicken, 28–29


   in Analysis & Reports view, 514

   bookkeeping tracking, 32

   in Lifetime Planner, 380, 382–385

   Quicken Mobile transactions as, 64

   spending by category snapshot of, 66–67

   Tax-Related Expenses YTD snapshot, 455

   working with future, 388


   files, 499

   portfolio, 285–286

   reports, 464, 473, 476–477

   TurboTax reports, 443

   working with saved Excel file, 474–476

Express Web Connect

   connecting to financial institution, 156

   downloading file manually, 156–159

   passwords, 154

   setting up Online Account Services, 152


F1 key, Help, 507

F11 key, 38

fields, entering transactions between, 117–123

file management

   Assisted Password Removal Service, 488–489

   attaching images to transactions, 143

   automatic backups, 491–492

   backing up data files, 489–490

   backing up to CD/DVD, hard drive, or thumb drive, 492–494

   checking integrity of data file, 502–503

   converting older Quicken files to new computer, 529–531

   copy command, 500

   creating data file, 482–483

   exporting files, 499

   importing files, 498–499

   keyboard shortcuts, 507

   manual backup reminders, 492

   moving file between two computers, 496–498

   online backup, 494–495

   opening data files, 483

   password-protecting data files, 484–486

   password-protecting existing transactions, 486–487

   Password Removal Tool, 488

   printer setup, 504–507

   restoring data files, 495–496

   saving data files (Copy As), 483–484

   setting backup preferences, 490–492

   Show This File On My Computer command, 484

   working with passwords, 487–488

   Year-End Copy command, 500–502

File menu, closing Quicken, 28


   annual view of budget, 423–425

   graph view of budget, 419–420

   spending graph, 228–230

   Toolbar, 40

finance charges, credit card transactions, 128

financial calculators

   assessing, 390

   categorizing downloaded transactions from, 523

   College Calculator, 393–394

   evaluating loan deals, 292

   Loan Calculator, 397–398

   opening, 140

   overview of, 390

   Refinance Calculator, 394–396

   Retirement Calculator, 391–393

   Savings Calculator, 396–397

financial institutions

   applying to download investment transactions from, 240

   canceling payment instructions, 169

   creating first account, 46–47

   downloading investment transactions from, 249–250

   exchanging e-mail with, 171

   scheduled updates from, 23–24

   sending online payment instructions to, 169

Find and Replace dialog

   changing multiple transactions, 531–532

   editing transactions, 136–137, 139

   opening from Toolbar, 464

   using, 135

Find command, transactions, 134–135, 140

Find Next command, 140

firewall issues, online backup, 494

flags, adding to transactions, 138, 142–143

flash drives, backup to, 492–494, 498

folders, managing saved reports by, 472–473


   preferences, 524

   report printing options, 478

   working with Large Fonts, 38

forecasting financial future, 428–429

forms, online tax, 441

Forward button, Toolbar, 39


gear icon. See Actions menu

General tab, Account Details, 76–78

Get Started button, 45

global bonds, as asset accounts, 275

global search feature, 40

Go To Transfer command, 140


   creating investing, 278–279, 468

   creating savings, 430–433

graph view, budgets

   actions, 421–422

   budget options, 422–423

   budget rollovers, 426

   categories, 420–421

   columns in, 422

   Everything Else amount, 422

   filters, 419–420

   overview of, 419

graphs/charts. See also Reports & Graphs Center

   asset allocation, 355–356

   Average Annual Return chart, 347–349

   Buy/Sell Preview, 358

   creating, 459–463

   customizing, 459, 466–469

   Debt view, 327–332

   exporting, 473–476

   Growth of $10,000 chart, 239, 347

   Net Worth view, 320–325

   overview of, 457–458

   portfolio value vs. cost information, 346

   preference settings, 527–528

   printing, 476–478, 504

   Property view, 325–327

   QuickZoom for on the fly, 469

   report window options, 463–466

   saving, 470–473

   saving customized, 459

   spending, 227–231

   standard, 458–459

   subreports, 469

Group By options, Portfolio view, 338


   category, 92–93, 96–101, 420–421

   creating Watch List for security, 284

   tracking dues/membership fees for small, 102

   viewing accounts to display chosen, 90

   viewing alert, 203–205

   working with Account List, 82

Growth of $10,000 chart, 239, 347


hand written checks, credit card payment, 221

hard drives

   backups to, 491–494

   Quicken space requirements, 5

HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit), 293


   Account List display, 90

   Deduction Finder, 449

   displaying, 38

   F1 key for, 507

   financial calendar, 196

   finding, 40–42

   keyboard shortcuts, 507

   memorized payee list, 193

   reports, 464

   transaction entry, 272

Help and Legal dialog, Quicken Mobile app, 66

hidden accounts, 90

historical quote information, 282–283, 352

History icon, Toolbar, 464

holdings, investment

   adjusting amount, 255

   Investment Transaction list, 258

   Portfolio Analyzer, 357

   reviewing in Account Overview, 260–263

   showing current, 243–244

Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC), 293

home equity loans, 290–291, 300, 379–380

Home tab/home page

   Analysis & Reports view, 513–514

   customizing Summary view, 512

   customizing views, 510–512

   defined, 35

   new user startup, 12–13

   reminders for recurring bills, 175–176

   showing budget in, 427

   View Guidance button, 40

   as you begin, 42–43

house/home accounts

   data needed for, 293–294

   defined, 292

   Lifetime Planner, 379–380

   Refinance Calculator, 394–395

   related mortgage or loan, 294


icons. See buttons

Ignore option, downloaded account, 81

I’m New button, new user startup, 8–12

images, attaching to transactions, 142–144

importing files

   into Quicken, 498–499

   TurboTax, 442–444

improvements, recording asset, 315–316


   calculating annual retirement, 392

   determining retirement, 367

   investment reports, 352

   Lifetime Planner, 372–376, 380

   Quicken Mobile transaction as, 64

   reinvesting, 270

   reminders. See Bill and Income Reminders

   Taxable Income YTD, 455

   using Paycheck Setup, 197–200

Income vs. Expenses view, 514

inflation rate

   calculating retirement, 392–393

   Lifetime Planner estimation of, 376

   Savings Calculator, 396

ink color, printing reports, 478

installing Quicken

   existing user startup on new computer, 13

   new user startup, 8–12

   overview of, 5–8

   upgrading to Quicken 2015, 12–13

   working with damaged files, 503

InstallShield Wizard, 6–7

insurance reappraisal alerts, 205, 333

integrity, checking data file, 502–503

intent, specifying account, 88

interest and dividends (Schedule B), 436

interest rate

   displaying credit cards in Debt view, 331

   factors affecting loan, 291

   Loan Calculator for annual, 398

   Quicken Mobile alert options, 58

interface, Quicken, 17–19

international stocks, as asset accounts, 275

Internet, Quicken requirements, 5

Intuit ID

   adding new security, 274

   creating, 8–9

   creating first account, 47

   customizing preferences, 528–529

   deleting cloud account, 66

   enabling mobile access, 51–52, 55, 61

   One Intuit Password using, 25–26

   One Step Update setup, 21

   troubleshooting, 48

   understanding, 51

Investing & Retirement accounts. See investment/investment accounts; retirement/retirement accounts

Investing Goal List, 278–279

Investing section, Account Bar, 33–35

Investing tab

   Allocations view, 349–352

   Buy/Sell Preview, 358

   Capital Gains Estimator, 359–360

   defined, 36

   Performance view, 345–349

   Portfolio X-Ray, 342–345

   Update button, 351–352

   using, 336

Investing tab, Portfolio view

   creating Watch List, 284–285

   field for currency to be used, 249

   finding account placeholders, 245

   going from Account Overview to, 263

   opening, 337

   opening Security Detail view, 280–281

   reviewing holdings in, 260

   viewing price history, 282

   exporting portfolio, 285–286

   online research tools, 286–288

   Quote Lookup, 286

   scheduling automatic updates for, 23

   setting preferences, 522

   updating investments, 284–285

   updating portfolio on, 352

investment evaluation

   analyzing asset allocation, 349–351, 353–357

   Average Annual Return chart, 347–349

   distinguish taxable vs. non-taxable, 440

   estimating capital gains, 359–360

   Growth of $10,000 chart, 347

   Investing tab, 336

   Investing tab tools, 353

   overview of, 335–336

   Portfolio Analyzer, 357–358

   Portfolio Value vs. Cost Basis graph, 346

   Portfolio view options, 337–342

   Portfolio X-Ray in Premier, 342–345

   previewing buy/sell decisions, 358

   reports, 352–353

   setting investment alerts, 360–362

   studying performance, 345–349

   updating investments, 351–352

   using portfolio rebalancer, 356–357

investment/investment accounts

   in Account Bar, 33, 88, 255

   Account Overview window, 260–263

   activity reports, 352

   alerts, 205

   buying shares, 267–268

   choosing type of, 238, 248

   creating with Simple Setup, 241–244

   customizing reports for goals, 468

   customizing transactions, 522

   dividend payments and other income, 270–271

   downloading quotes and investment information, 279–284

   editing transactions, 272

   entering in Transaction list, 272

   exporting portfolio, 285–286 for updates, 285

   Investment Transaction dialog, 264–267

   Investment Transaction list, 256–260

   Lifetime Planner, 377–379

   managing portfolio, 238–239

   modifying information, 77–78

   online research, 286–288

   other transactions, 271–272

   overview of, 236

   placeholder entries, 244–248

   Premier enhancements, 239

   Quote Lookup, 286

   retirement accounts vs., 33–34

   Security List. See Security List

   selling shares, 268–270

   transaction preferences, 522

   types of, 236–238

   Watch List, 284–285

investment/investment accounts, transaction download setup

   adjusting holdings, 255

   applying for transaction downloads, 240

   automatic transaction entry, 250–252

   cash balance adjustments, 253

   downloading transactions, 249–250

   reconciling, 253–254

   renaming transactions, 252–253

   reviewing and accepting transactions, 250

   using Online Center window, 249

Investment Performance report, 352–353

Investment Transaction dialog, 264–267

Investment Transaction list, 256–260

investments, defined, 236

IRA accounts, 237, 241–244


   Forms and Publications link, TurboTax, 441

   tax deadlines in Tax Calendar of Tax Planner, 454

Itemized Deduction Estimator, 439, 443, 450–451

itemized deductions (Schedule A), 450–451, 455–456

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