The CD-ROM carries additional material referred to in the text. It is provided for illustration and some of it may be downloaded for practical exercises and other personal use. It is covered by the publisher's copyright and is not to be broadcast in any form. The items available to be downloaded and worked on are marked*.

The Radio Production interactive program runs in a browser on a PC or Mac and displays a menu-based system enabling easy access to the audio examples and other items contained in the chapters. Start the program by opening the file index.htm in a browser. A computer with loudspeakers or headphones is required to play the audio content.

Advice on getting started, along with other helpful information, is contained in the document file readme.txt on the CD-ROM.

Ch 2   The radio studio

2-1    Illustration of ordinary dynamic compression

2-2    Excessive dynamic compression

2-3    Music with no additional digital compression, file size 5.5 MB

2-4    Music – MP3 sample at 128 Kb per second, compressed digitally to 0.5 MB

2-5    Music – MP3 sample at 64 Kb per second, compressed digitally to 0.25 MB

2-6    Music – WAV format with 8-bit sampling, compressed to 0.5 MB

*2-7    Four short editing exercises (file name: Edit2_7.wav)

2-8    The four exercises edited

*2-9    Oral history interview with Stafford Bell – to be edited (file name: Edit2_9.wav)

Ch 3   Ethics

3-1    IFJ Code of Practice

3-2    British NUJ Code of Practice

3-3    USA Society of Journalists Code of Ethics

3-4    Burundi Press Code of Ethics

Ch 6   Interviewing

6-1    Interview with Martin Lacey

Ch 7   Vox pop

*7-1    Harry Potter film vox pop –— unedited (file name: vp_raw.wav)

7-2    Harry Potter film vox pop –— edited

Ch 9   Newsreading and presentation

9-1    Reading with emphasis to underline meaning

9-2    Reading quotes

9-3    Reading football results

9-4    WAVE 105 promo for ‘Golden Hour’ programme

9-5    News Intro for WAVE 105

Ch 15   Making commercials

*15-1    The Ofcom Advertising and Sponsorship Code of Practice (file name: Ofcom.pdf)

15-2    The Marie Curie Cancer Care organization

15-3    The danger of using a hand-held mobile phone while driving

15-4    Health Education Authority

15-5    The UK Home Office – Gun Amnesty

15-6    British Airways

15-7    SEAT Arosa car

Ch 16   Outside broadcasts

*16-1    Risk Assessment Form (file name: Risk.pdf)

Ch 19   Drama

19-1    Creative drama for young children

19-2    Illustration of movement off mic

19-3    An ‘Acoustic Walk’ in real environments

*19-4    An ‘Acoustic Walk’ recorded ‘dry’ without moving (file name: walkdry.wav)

19-5     The previous recording but with digital acoustics added to replicate 19-3

19-6    Using a digital effects unit to change the voice

19-7    Using a digital effects unit to simulate a telephone

Ch 20   Documentaries and features

*20-1    Buckingham Palace Mews – AbracaDABra Radio (*.wav files in folderMews)

20-2    BBC Radio 4 ‘Farming Today’ – North Sea Fishing

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