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  • Editorial/Production Supervision:

    Wil Mara

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    Mark L. Taub

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    Jerry Votta

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    Daniel Corley

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    Alexis R. Heydt

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    Kate Hargett

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    Michael Fredette

Thanks and Acknowledgments

Mark would like to thank:

All the people who helped out on this book and gave some good suggestions based on our previous books. First and foremost is my wife, Brenda, who helped keep me writing (and somehow sane) during the past few months. My parents, Peter and Mary Kay, along with my brothers, Derrick, Scott, and Allen, and sister, Kathleen, for all their motivation and help while writing, get thanks as well. I'd also like to thank all the people who have spent time coding or even testing Linux software. The entire Linux community has worked for years to make the quality software that makes your system so easy to use.

Cary would like to thank:

My wife! Not just for not killing me while I was writing this book, but also for supporting me and lending massive amounts of help in proofreading and editing. Next, I want to thank Mark for asking me to help with this book; it's been quite an experience. I don't want to repeat it soon, but maybe in a year or so. . . . Also, I'd like to thank one of my close 'net friends, Paul Saab. Paul and I have been experimenting with bleeding-edge and/or strange freeware for years now. Without him I would likely never have begun many of the pursuits which helped me gain the knowledge I've spewed forth here. Lastly, I'd like to thank John Shipman and Jason Van Patten for being both fonts of technical knowledge and the sources of much mirth, which from time to time during this busy time I was sorely in need of.

Together we would like to thank:

Mark Taub, Audri Anna Bazlen, Wil Mara and Camie Goffi from PTR. They were very supportive and helpful while we worked on this project. Also mentions (and hellos!) to A. Rich and Nelson Chadderdon from Oceanwave Consulting (, Daniel Corley (, and the gang over at Plan9 MUSH for keeping us entertained when we probably should have been writing.

Last, but certainly not least, our reviewers, Jason VanPatten and John Duprey. Their efforts and knowledge of Linux helped tune this book for you.

Once your Linux system is up and running on the Internet, you can check out the official RedHat Linux System Administration Handbook Web site at Or you can email the authors at . domain

Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds, but the software itself is free. The domain is owned by Mark F. Komarinski, and he won't give it to you. He owns it. The domain is owned by Cary Collett, and Cary won't give it to you either. All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.

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