Sometimes things become possible if we want them bad enough.

—T.S. Eliot

The reason I am writing this book is to give an honest look at how to get your foot into the door of the animation industry. My intention is to be direct and to the point. What is expected and what is reality.

The first thing that I want to establish is that this book is not the answer to all your questions. The animation industry is constantly in flux and change happens as fast as technology. So while I've done my best to represent what I've learned throughout the past 13 years, I hope you realize that even as you read this there may be some changes happening that aren't implemented in this book. I hope to represent as many different opinions and voices as I could.

I am a strong believer that whatever dreams you really want to achievein life can be achieved if you persist on your path toward those dreams. Occasionally, you have to put your dreams on hold while you deal with some of the curve balls that life throws at you. Sometimes you should realize that your abilities do not match the current demand or competition. In this situation, you must continue to work at building your skills. That being said let me also say that no one should ever stop you from pursuing your dreams. If you want something, then you have to keep your eye on the goal and continue to work hard toward achieving that goal. I've seen people graduate and walk straight into an animation apprenticeship at PIXAR, and I've seen people graduate and take anywhere from 6 to 10 years before they get their first studio position. I've also seen many who just give up or decide that this industry is really not for them.

Just because you are fresh out of college or new to the industry does not mean you don't have as good of a chance as someone who has been working out in LA for a while. Because, quite frankly, you are probably more enthusiastic, cheaper, and come along with fresh ideas and raw talent; hence, many studios are willing to give you an opportunity to prove yourself. Just remember, looking for a job is a full time job in itself. The need for talent in the animation industry ebbs and flows. Many factors affect the job market so be patient and persistent. Continue to improve your skills and talent.

Please check out the companion website for color versions of all the images in this book, demo reels, source files, and much, much more.

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