The Secret of Powerful Connection

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.

John Donne
Poet, priest, lawyer

‘I knew I shouldn't have come here. I’m booking a flight home…'

My girlfriend and I had arrived in Maui the night before, and she'd been intoxicated by the beautiful scents, warm breeze and tropical vibe. We'd been feeling close and connected, but the next morning she was cold, panicked and distant. She said, ‘I don't like it. Hawaii's not what I expected. I knew I shouldn't have come here. I’m booking a flight home'.

I could see exactly what was going on. She was feeling agitated and uncomfortable. Her feelings were letting her know about THOUGHT in the moment, but she mistakenly believed they were letting her know about Maui. I flew into damage-limitation mode. ‘Let's go for coffee and you can sort out flights at the cafe’. I was sure that, by the time we'd driven to the coffee shop, the sight of long sandy beaches, surfers and swaying palm trees would have changed her mind.

But I was wrong. As the minutes passed, her mood grew worse and she started blaming me for it. ‘I knew this was a mistake. Why did I listen to you? This is what always happens’. Now I was starting to get annoyed. I love Maui. Why couldn't she see how amazing it was? What was I doing here with this moody woman? I hope she does get a flight home so I can relax and enjoy this exotic corner of paradise. By this time I was feeling angry, frustrated and disconnected. And that's when the voice of wisdom whispered in my ear…

‘Where do you believe your feelings are coming from? Do you think they're letting you know about her?’

The realization hit me in a flash. I'd been doing exactly the same thing she was. My girlfriend had been feeling THOUGHT in the moment, but she'd been blaming those feelings on Maui. I'd been feeling THOUGHT in the moment, but I'd been blaming those feelings on my girlfriend. The feelings of peace, humility and connection came rushing back to me as I fell out of contaminated thinking and into the moment. I was struck with a sense of awe and respect for the compelling nature of the outside-in deception, and the wisdom and intelligence of the principles behind clarity. I'd fallen out of the illusion of disconnection and landed in the fact of connection. You see…

You're always connected, to everything and everyone…

Whether you realize it or not…

My heart went out to her. She was a long way from home, and she was feeling insecure. She was caught up in an illusion that had been fooling me too until just moments before. My position of judgement and justified anger had been replaced with love and compassion. I didn't say anything, but I could see her innocence in the face of the outside-in misunderstanding. A moment later, she fell out of it too. ‘Don't mind me, I’m just being silly'. The storm which had been threatening to destroy our holiday had passed, and the sunshine of clarity and connection had emerged.

We all live and work in a matrix of relationships, and in one way or another, many of our results are reliant on other people. As technology makes our world more tangibly connected, social and emotional intelligence are becoming more important than ever. The experience of connection is like ‘WD40’ for impactful relationships. By the time you've finished this chapter, you'll understand where the experience of connection comes from, what gets in the way of it, and how to experience effortless connection more of the time, in the situations where it matters.

Where does connection come from?

We've each had the experience (even if only occasionally) of feeling deeply connected with ourselves, with another person and even with life itself. And everyone's had the experience (even if only occasionally) of feeling isolated, disconnected and alone. Both of these polarities are universal aspects of the human experience, and an understanding of them is incredibly powerful when it comes to relationships. To understand where connection comes from, we're going to be drawing a distinction between the experience of connection and the fact of connection:

The CLARITY® Relationship Quadrant provides a simple way of understanding this…

Clarity relationship quadrant shows four zones:
clarity and contamination: Compassion
clarity and clarity: Connection
Contamination and contamination: Conflict
Contamination and clarity: Compassion

Figure 10.1: The CLARITY® Relationship Quadrant

1.   The Zone of Conflict

Bob and Jane feel angry at each other. Their angry feelings are letting each of them know they're wearing their angry-goggles; that THOUGHT in the moment is taking an angry form. But each of them mistakenly believes their feelings are telling them about the other person. They're in The Zone of Conflict.

2.   The Zone of Connection

Bob and Jane have a big shouting match, followed by passionate make-up sex. In the heat of the moment, their heads clear, and they start feeling deeply connected to each other.

3.   The Zone of Compassion (1)

Later on, Bob starts getting upset again, but Jane still feels connected and clear-headed. She sees that Bob has just lost his bearings, and her heart goes out to him, full of compassion.

4.   The Zone of Compassion (2)

The next day, Bob wakes up with a clear head. He goes to Jane to apologize for his hasty words the night before, but she's in a rush to get out the door and snaps at him. He sees that Jane has lost her bearings. He feels compassion for her, seeing the innocence in the ebb and flow of her thinking.

The CLARITY® Relationship Quadrant is very simple. It works on the basis that:

  • Your feelings are always letting you know about THOUGHT taking form in your experience, moment to moment.
  • That other people will appear to be consistent with your THOUGHT-generated perceptual reality.
  • That when neither participant has clarity, it's a recipe for conflict.
  • That when one person in a relationship has clarity, it creates space for the other person to start finding clarity too.

This is incredibly encouraging news; it means that clarity in your relationships starts with you.

After our rocky start, my girlfriend and I ended up having a wonderful result: we shared three weeks in Maui, and enjoyed plenty of fun, adventure and connection. While we've since gone out separate ways, we both look back on it as one of our favourite adventures together. When your head clears and you fall out of La-la Land, you discover that you have what you need in the moment. So how can you learn to rely on that clarity emerging when and where you need it?

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