

  1. Access modifier

  2. Arduino Mega 2560 board


  1. Base class


  1. Catkin workspace

  2. C++ language

    1. Bjarne Stroustrup

    2. Boost libraries

    3. CMake file

    4. GCC/G++ compilers

    5. installation

    6. Linux makefile

    7. OOP concepts

      1. access modifier

      2. classes and objects

      3. classes and structs

      4. data types

      5. exception handling

      6. files and streams

      7. inheritance

      8. namespaces

      9. STL

    8. and Python

    9. verifying installation

  3. Client libraries

    1. Hello World

      1. building C++ nodes

      2. CMakeLists.txt file, editing

      3. C++ node, creation

      4. computation graph, visualizing

      5. launch files

      6. nodes execution, C++

      7. nodes execution, Python

      8. package creation

      9. python nodes, creation

    2. ROS CPP and ROS Py

      1. callback function

      2. getParam() function

      3. header files and ROS modules

      4. initializing, ROS node

      5. message definition, creation

      6. NodeHandle instance

      7. printing messages

      8. publishing, topic

      9. setParam() function

      10. sleep function

      11. spin function

      12. subscribing, topic

    3. roslisp

    4. TurtleBot simulation

SeeTurtleBot simulation
  1. turtlesim

  1. Command-line interface (CLI)

  2. Command-line tools

    1. Linux terminal

    2. roscore

    3. roslaunch

    4. rosnode list

    5. rosparam

    6. rosrun

    7. rosservice set and get

    8. rostopic

    9. rostopic echo and publish

    10. rosversion

    11. talker and listener nodes

    12. turtlesim


D, E

  1. DAGU encoder kit

  2. Data hiding

  3. Debian packages

  4. Derived class

  5. Disk operating system (DOS)


  1. fstream


  1. Gazebo simulator

  2. GNU Project Debugger (GDB)

    1. compiling

    2. debugging

    3. gedit text editor

    4. Linux system

    5. namespace std

    6. Ubuntu Linux

    7. Ubuntu search

    8. verifying installation


  1. HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor

  2. Hokuyo Laser

  3. htop

I, J, K

  1. Integrated development environments (IDEs)

  2. Intel NUC

  3. Intel RealSense

L, M

  1. Linux kernel

  2. Long-term support (LTS)


  1. NVDIA TX1/TX2


  1. Odroid XU4

  2. Open Source Robotics Foundation

P, Q

  1. Pepper

  2. Programming embedded boards

    1. Arduino

      1. blink example

      2. dmesg commmand

      3. IDE

      4. LED toggling command

      5. mega 2560 board

      6. preference window

      7. ROS library, creation

      8. ROS package, installation

    2. Raspberry Pi 3

      1. board, specs

      2. booting to Ubuntu

      3. installing ROS

      4. Ubuntu mate image to micro SD card

  3. Python

    1. classes

    2. code indentation

    3. computer vision

    4. execution of

    5. files

    6. functions

    7. handling exception

    8. handling serial ports

    9. Hello World program

    10. IDEs

    11. input and conditional statement

    12. installation

    13. loops

    14. machine learning and deep learning

    15. modules

    16. PySerial in Ubuntu 16.04

    17. Python interpreter

    18. robotics

    19. scientific computing and visualization

    20. scripting method

    21. semicolons

    22. serial communication protocols

    23. static and dynamic typing

    24. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

    25. variables


  1. Raspberry Pi 3

    1. board, specs

    2. booting to Ubuntu

    3. installing ROS

    4. Ubuntu mate image to micro SD card

  2. REEM-C

  3. Robonaut 2

  4. Robotics project

    1. building hardware

      1. assembling

      2. block diagram

      3. bluetooth breakout

      4. magnetic quadrature encoder

      5. microcontroller board

      6. motor driver

      7. motors and wheels

      8. robot chassis

      9. ultrasonic sensor

      10. 2WD robotic kit

    2. differential drive configuration

    3. 3D ROS model, URDF

    4. programming robot

      1. Bluetooth driver

      2. dead-reckoning node

      3. final run

      4. firmware

      5. interconnection of nodes

      6. odometry node

      7. teleop node

      8. twist message to motor velocity node

    5. wheeled robots

  5. Robot Operating System (ROS)

    1. architecture

      1. actuators and sensors

      2. communication

      3. interprocess communication

    2. community

      1. ROS Answers

      2. ROS discourse

      3. ROS distribution

      4. ROS wiki

    3. computation concepts

      1. ROS bags

      2. ROS master

      3. ROS message

      4. ROS nodes

      5. ROS parameter server

      6. ROS service

      7. ROS topics

    4. computing platforms

      1. Intel NUC

      2. NVDIA TX1/TX2

      3. Odroid XU4

      4. popular

      5. Raspberry Pi 3

    5. description

    6. file system

      1. atomic units

      2. message type description

      3. package manifest

      4. ROS repository

      5. service type definition

      6. typical ROS package folder

    7. GUI tools

      1. Rqt

      2. Rviz

    8. package

      1. catkin_create_pkg

      2. CMakeLists.txt

      3. package.xml

      4. src

    9. workspace

      1. .bashrc file

      2. build system

      3. catkin_init_workspace

      4. catkin_make output

      5. catkin workspace

      6. catkin_ws

      7. src folder

  6. Robot programming

    1. actuators and sensors

    2. availability of third-party libraries

    3. C++ and Python

    4. community support

    5. components

    6. decision making and actions

    7. definition

    8. ease of prototyping

    9. existing robotics software frameworks

    10. general block diagram

    11. high-level object-oriented programming

    12. industrial applications

    13. input devices

    14. installing ROS

      1. add keys

      2. ARM board

      3. binary installation

      4. environment

      5. operating systems

      6. OS X

      7. platforms

      8. rosdep

      9. ROS Kinetic Kame

      10. ROS Kinetic packages

      11. set up dependencies, package

      12. set up sources.list

      13. single-board computers

      14. Software & Updates application

      15. Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) operating system

      16. Ubuntu Linux

      17. Ubuntu repository

      18. update, Ubuntu package list

      19. version

    15. interprocess communication

    16. low-level device control

    17. PC/SBC and microcontroller/PCL

    18. performance

    19. programming languages

    20. ROS distribution

    21. ROS equation

    22. ROS framework

      1. availability of third-party libraries

      2. common platform, developing robotics applications

      3. ease in prototyping

      4. ecosystem/community support

      5. extensive tools and simulators

      6. high-level programming language support and tools

      7. interprocess communication

      8. message passing interface

      9. off-the-shelf algorithms

      10. operating system–like features

      11. packages

      12. ROS 2.0

      13. self-driving car

    23. ROS project history

    24. self-decision making

    25. threading

  7. Robots

    1. Pepper

    2. REEM-C

    3. Robonaut 2

    4. TurtleBot 2

    5. Universal Robot arm

    6. working in ROS

  8. Rqt GUI

  9. Rviz


  1. Sensors

    1. Hokuyo Laser

    2. Intel RealSense

    3. popular

    4. TeraRanger

    5. Velodyne

    6. Xsense MTi IMU

    7. ZED Camera

  2. Shell commands

    1. apt-get

    2. cd

    3. CLI

    4. cp

    5. dmesg

    6. dpkg

    7. htop

    8. kill

    9. ls

    10. lspci

    11. lsusb

    12. manual page of ls

    13. mkdir

    14. mv

    15. nano

    16. poweroff

    17. ps

    18. pwd

    19. reboot

    20. rm

    21. rmdir

    22. sudo

    23. terminal application

  3. Standard Template Library (STL)


  1. TeraRanger

  2. TurtleBot 2

  3. TurtleBot simulation

    1. launching

    2. node

    3. obstacle range

    4. TurtleBot 2

  4. turtlesim

    1. background color and resets

    2. commands

    3. 2D simulator


    5. moving turtle

      1. keyboard’s arrow keys

      2. path

      3. square path

      4. teleop node back ends

    6. node services

    7. robot’s position

      1. message definition

      2. code

      3. printing

      4. rostopic

      5. Turtle pose

    8. ROS parameters list

    9. ROS services list

    10. screen

    11. topics

  5. Two-wheel drive (2WD) platform


  1. Ubuntu operating system

    1. applications

    2. Debian architecture

    3. downloading

    4. file system

    5. GNU/Linux

    6. graphical user interface

    7. installation

    8. PC requirements

    9. robotics

    10. Ubuntu DVD image

      1. configuration

      2. guest OS

      3. optical drive

      4. Shared Folders settings

      5. system settings

    11. UNetbootin setup

    12. virtualBox machine

      1. adding, virtual machine

      2. configuration

      3. guest operating system

      4. installation

      5. RAM for guest OS

      6. Ubuntu DVD image

      7. virtual hard disk

  2. Unified Robot Description Format (URDF)

  3. Unity Launcher

  4. Universal Robot arm


  1. Velodyne

  2. VirtualBox disk image (VDI)

  3. VirtualBox, Ubuntu installation

    1. desktop

    2. free space on hard disk

    3. keyboard layout setting

    4. restarting

    5. root partition

    6. setting login information

    7. Something else option

    8. swap partition

    9. third-party software

    10. time zone setting

  4. Virtual hard disk (VHD)

  5. Virtual machine

  6. Virtual machine disk (VMDK)

  7. VMWare


  1. Wheeled robots

  2. Wheel encoders

X, Y

  1. Xacro

  2. Xsense MTi IMU


  1. ZED Camera

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