Getting ready

Follow these steps to download and set up a rayon crate in your project:

  1. We will require the Rust compiler and any text editor for developing the Rust code snippet.cargo.
  2. Create a new Cargo project named sample_rayon using:
      cargo new sample_rayon --bin

You will get the following screenshot as output:

  1. Enter the newly created sample_rayon project and check whether the structure is created properly:
        cd sample_rayon/ && tree .

You will get the following output:

  1. Open the Cargo.toml file to download the rayon crate using:
      nano Cargo.toml
  1. Enter the following values in the dependencies tag:
  1. Build the project again to download the rayon crate:
        cargo build

You will get the following screenshot as output:

  1. Check the file structure to see the dependencies installed:
      ls && tree .

You will get the following screenshot as output:

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