Getting ready

Follow the steps to install the rust-clippy tool:

  1. Change the default compiler to the nightly version:
      rustup default nightly
  1. Set up rust-clippy as an optional dependency by making a modification in the Cargo.toml file:
clippy = {version = "*", optional = true}

default = []
  1. The Cargo.toml file will look similar to the following screenshot:
  1. Install Clippy from the Cargo tool:
      cargo install clippy
  1. Set up Clippy as a compiler plugin, by adding Clippy as a dependency to the Cargo.toml file:
clippy = "*"
  1. The Cargo.toml file will look similar to the following screenshot:
  1. Set up a new project for experimenting with the rust-clippy tool:
      cargo new --bin sample_rust_project
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