The SELECT INTO statement

The SELECT INTO statement is another way to insert data into SQL Server tables. When you use SELECT INTO, SQL Server creates a new table with the specified name in the default filegroup and then inserts the rows from a SELECT query in the newly created table. This new table is based on the columns you specify in the SELECT list, and it must be unique within a database.


The SELECT…INTO statement has been enhanced in SQL Server 2014, and it can now operate in parallel. The parallel insert functionality of SELECT…INTO requires database compatibility level 110 or higher.

To execute the SELECT…INTO statement, a user must have at least the SELECT permission assigned on the target table and the CREATE TABLE permission assigned on the target database. The following is the basic syntax for a SELECT INTO clause:

[WHERE search_conditions]
[GROUP BY aggregate_free_expression]
[HAVING search_conditions]
[ORDER BY table_or_view_and_column]
[OPTION (query_hint)]

For example, the following T-SQL code uses the SELECT INTO statement to create a backup copy of the Production.Product table:

USE [AdventureWorks2012];

INTO [Production].[Product_Backup]
FROM [Production].[Product];
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