
It's always amazing how many people are involved in the production of a book like this. Everyone involved deserves a world of thanks for all of their hard work and efforts. I especially want to thank Carol Long, who was executive acquisitions editor for Wiley & Sons when we started this project. I genuinely appreciate the opportunity that she afforded me. I also owe so much to many others, especially Tom Cirtin, for keeping everything on track, as well as Christine O'Connor, who tied together all of the production efforts. I want to thank Jim Minatel for herding all of the cats and keeping it all running. Many thanks to Judy Flynn for her tireless efforts in making sure all of the copy worked, as well as the entire team of layout editors, graphic design folks, and others, all of whom provided their expertise to make this project come together. I would like to express a big thanks to Brian McCarthy for his knowledge and his wonderful work as technical editor. I would also like to express my appreciation to both Mike Siok and Willie Williams for their friendship and inspiration through a great many projects over the years. They have always been there to lend an ear and offer encouragement. I want to recognize Chuck Easttom for giving me my break into the world of publishing a few years ago. And, I want to especially thank all of the wonderful folks at (ISC)2 for their ongoing assistance in this and many other projects. Thank you all very much.

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