Book I

The Safe Road to Prosperity

You are probably on the road to Financial Hell, and may not even know it. But as Yogi Berra said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”

It's never too late to change course. Now it's time to explore the first of two alternatives to a much better place than the Hell that awaits most middle-class Americans.

Book I outlines the steps on the safe road to prosperity. Its objective is nothing less than changing your life. It's for those who have concluded that they will never be financially secure, who have rationalized their lack of success. It's also for those who are doing OK but living way too close to the edge, with little hope of a decent retirement or a college education for their kids. It explains how your prosperous and secure neighbors got that way and how you can too. It opens up the prospect of a genuinely prosperous retirement for the wage slaves of America, and explains why many of the people you think are rich because of the big house and the boat and Mercedes in their driveways are really headed for Financial Hell. It tells you why “the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation” on that evil road, even if they appear to be really well off—and sometimes because of how they got that way. This somewhat embarrassing section also tells you why after years of huge income I'm not half as rich as everyone thinks I am and could have been.

Above all, it tells you how in 10 to 20 years you can build a financial basis for an enjoyable, independent retirement, with little or no risk, no matter what your current income or job status, simply by not making the stupid mistakes most people make.

Section I of Book I outlines the five most important and most universal mistakes that put you on the road to Financial Hell.

Section II of Book I outlines the most costly stupid mistakes that have cost amateur investors hundreds of billions of dollars and often have undone years of discipline and saving.

Book I is not about how to become Really Rich. The strategies and techniques for that blessed state are totally different, and are the subject of Book II. Book I will probably be more useful to more people than Book II, because it is risk-free, and prosperity is probably good enough for most people. There's nothing wrong with that. It means you will be debt-free, have a bit more income than you really need, and have a secure retirement. Your life will be secure and comfortable in Safe Prosperity Heaven.

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