“We Tried That Before and It Didn’t Work.”

The “Why Different?” Script

Say with surprise in your voice:

That’s interesting. Have you any ideas why [the company you are talking to] is different from most of the others in the same field you’re in?

The “Bad Experience” Script

Say sympathetically:

It sounds like you’ve had a bad experience with a similar [product/service]. Would you share it with me?

The “Progress” Script

A lot of progress has been made in a very short time. Wouldn’t it make sense to base a purchase decision on today’s offering and conditions, not yesterday’s?

The “Wrong?” Script

What went wrong?

The “Like Giving Up Eating” Script

The ability to empathize is key here.

I’m sorry to hear that. I know how disappointing it is to buy something and then be sorry you did. But we can’t give up buying because we had a bad experience. That’s like giving up eating in all restaurants because the food in one was disappointing.

Let me share with you how the experience you’ll have working with us will be different.

The “What Caused?” Script

Isolate the problem.

What exactly caused the problem—the product or the service? The company? The support?

The “We’re Different From” Script

I think we may be comparing apples and oranges. What we do is totally different from [what they tried]. Let me show you how we’re different and why we’re better.

The “Disappointments” Script

Stress common concerns.

I understand. We’ve all experienced disappointments, haven’t we? I hope that one bad experience hasn’t turned you off so badly that you’re hesitant to make the most of a promising opportunity. That’s what we’re offering right now. Let me explain.

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