How to Use This Manual

This collection of the most powerful sales scripts available is organized by category. The scripts are preceded by motivational introductions and warm-up exercises and are contained in any easy-to-carry and easy-to-use book. The format facilitates practice sessions for face-to-face calls and makes the book easy to refer to during telephone sales calls.

Each script has a title that contains a key word or two from the script itself. These titles make it easier for you to recall the various scripts as you speak to customers or clients. In addition, many of the scripts contain stage directions, which are suggestions for use and delivery. The stage directions, which appear in italics, function as would a personal coach were he or she able to stand in the wings during each selling encounter.

Note that some script material is enclosed in brackets and printed in italics. This feature instructs you to substitute data that pertain only to you and your selling situation, such as [your company] or the [product/service] you sell, or the brackets may indicate an alternate choice of words, such as [he/she], depending on your situation.

We suggest that as you work with the scripts, you also make notes. Underline or highlight key words and phrases that you particularly want to recall. As you interact with customers in your real-world laboratory, you will find ways to customize the scripts to meet your particular product line, locale, and clients. Add these notes to the book as well; they will also serve as a reminder of those words that are really working for you.

The information contained in each scene helps you qualify your customer, understand customer requirements, focus on your customer’s attention, isolate and answer your customer’s objections, ask your customer powerful selling questions, and close the sale. It does all this by helping you remember those words that get the job done. If you can close your sales more quickly, you will close more sales. If you close more sales, you’ll earn more money. If you earn more money, so does your company. Answers to a multitude of objections, stalls, and questions are readily available right here. Racking your brain to come up with an answer is unnecessary. Instead of being unnerved by your customer, you can now maintain selling control and deliver line after line of powertalk.

Before we start, however, we need to talk a little about how globalization impacts selling, and about interacting with people from different cultures.

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