Chapter 19. Using Struts

Welcome to Day 19! Today you'll learn about the Struts framework, an application framework that you can use to build your own Web applications. Struts contains various components that enable you to develop Model-View-Controller (MVC) applications of the type discussed in Day 13, “Creating More Powerful Servlets,” and because of its adoption by the Apache project, it's now in widespread use. Developing the application is up to you; what Struts does is provide a framework that you can use to implement MVC architecture. Struts supports ways of communicating between MVC components as well as base classes whose methods you can override to implement your own logic. Here are today's topics:

  • Getting Struts

  • Installing Struts

  • Creating Model-View-Controller applications using Struts

  • Creating a start page

  • Handling requests from the controller

  • Implementing the model

  • Handling errors in Struts

  • Displaying results in a page

As you'll see today, creating a Struts-based application is not necessarily an easy task. However, as applications grow in size, Struts can indeed be helpful in maintaining an MVC architecture.

Putting Struts to Work

Putting Struts to Work


What does Struts stand for? It's not an acronym—the idea is that this framework provides the support you need to build Web applications.

Today, you'll see how all this works as you build a Struts example that will use MVC architecture. This example will read input from the user and display it in a summary form. In particular, the example will ask the user what he wants for lunch, as you see in Figure 19.1.

A start page using Struts.

Figure 19.1. A start page using Struts.

When the user makes his lunch selection and clicks the Order button you see in Figure 19.1, the Struts application reads what the user has entered and displays a summary, as you see in Figure 19.2.

A results page using Struts.

Figure 19.2. A results page using Struts.

That's not to say that the example you see in Figures 19.1 and 19.2 is necessarily simple to construct—Struts is not a lightweight application framework. To create this example, you need about a dozen files; for the sake of reference, here's an overview showing what those files are and how they are arranged in the ch19 directory:

   |   ch19_01.jsp [View: Start Page]
   |   ch19_05.jsp [View: Results Page]
      |   struts-config.xml [Struts Configuration File]
      |   ch19.tld  [Custom Tag Definitions]
      |   Struts TLD files [Struts Tag Definitions]
      |   web.xml  [Application Descriptor File]
      |      struts.jar  [Java Archive of Struts Classes]
         | [Contains Property Values]
               ch19_02.class  [Custom Tag 1 Implementation]
               ch19_03.class  [Custom Tag 2 Implementation]
               ch19_04.class  [Controller Adapter]
               ch19_06.class  [Model]

You'll learn how to build this application today.

Getting Struts

You can download Struts at in compressed format. To install Struts, simply unzip the download file to get struts.jar. Place JAR files such as struts.jar in lib directories—you can either use the lib subdirectory of the WEB-INF directory of your application (as today's example does) to make it available to your application, or the jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3lib directory to make struts.jar available to all applications.

In addition, Struts relies on a number of custom tags, so place the Struts .tld files that come in the download into the WEB-INF directory of your application:

  • struts.tld

  • struts-bean.tld

  • struts-form.tld

  • struts-html.tld

  • struts-logic.tld

  • struts-template.tld

That installs Struts. The next step is to actually start writing the code that puts the application framework to work.

Creating the View

Everything starts with the JSP start page you see in Figure 19.1. This page, ch19_01.jsp, appears in Listing 19.1.

Example 19.1. A Sample XML Document (ch19_01.jsp)

<%@ taglib uri="/bean" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/html" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/logic" prefix="logic" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/ch19" prefix="ch19" %>

        <TITLE>Order Lunch!</TITLE>

        <H1>Order Lunch!</H1>

        <html:form action="">
                    <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">
                        <bean:message key="items"/>
                        <logic:iterate id="items1" name="items">
                            <html:multibox property="items">
                                <%= items1 %>
                            <%= items1 %>
                    <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">
                        <bean:message key="type"/>
                        <html:select property="type">
                            <html:options name="type"/>
                    <TD ALIGN="LEFT">
                        <bean:message key="email"/>
                        <html:text property="email"/>
            <html:submit value="Order"/>

To see how this page does its work, we'll dissect it here. To start, this page imports the Struts custom tag libraries that it will use, as well as a custom tag library developed for today's work:

<%@ taglib uri="/bean" prefix="bean" %> 
<%@ taglib uri="/html" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/logic" prefix="logic" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/ch19" prefix="ch19" %>

Next you see these three custom tags:

        <TITLE>Order Lunch!</TITLE>

        <H1>Order Lunch!</H1>

The <html:errors/> tag is a custom Struts tag that inserts error messages if the user omits some data, as you can see in Figure 19.3. You'll see how to set the error messages today.

Handling errors using Struts.

Figure 19.3. Handling errors using Struts.

There are a number of Struts custom <html> tags, such as <html:errors/>, and you can see them in Table 19.1 in overview.

Table 19.1. Custom <html> Struts Tags

Tag Name

Does This


Creates an HTML <base> element.


Creates a button input field.


Creates a cancel button.


Creates a check box input field.


Displays error messages.


Creates a file select input field.


Defines an input form.


Creates a hidden field.


Creates an HTML <HTML> element.


Creates an input tag of type image.


Creates an HTML img tag.


Creates an HTML anchor or hyperlink.


Creates a check box input field.


Creates a select option.


Creates a collection of select options.


Creates a password input field.


Creates a radio button input field.


Creates a reset button input field.


Creates a URI.


Creates a select element.


Creates a submit button.


Creates an input field of type text.


Creates a textarea.

The <html:errors> Struts element supports the attributes you see in Table 19.2.

Table 19.2. The <html:errors> Element Attributes

Attribute Name

Does This


Specifies the servlet context attribute key to use.


The session attribute for the Locale used to select messages to be displayed.


Name of the request scope bean where error messages have been stored.


Name of the property for which the error messages will be displayed. The default displays all error messages.

The two custom tags (<ch19:type/> and <ch19:items/>) that appear after <html:errors/> will initialize and insert data into the page by setting attributes. These tags will load the data for the Type drop-down list you see in Figure 19.1, as well as the Items check boxes you see in the same figure. The <ch19:type/> element provides the names of the types of food available (pizza, sandwiches, and so on), and the <ch19:items/> element provides the names of food items you can have on your pizza or sandwiches (sausage, cheese, and so on). These are just standard custom tags, and you'll learn how to create them in a few pages.

To display the controls you see in Figure 19.1, you'll need an HTML form, and you can create one with the Struts <html:form> element:

        <TITLE>Order Lunch!</TITLE>

        <H1>Order Lunch!</H1>
        <html:form action="">

You can see the attributes of the <html:form> element in Table 19.3.

Table 19.3. The <html:form> Element Attributes

Attribute Name

Does This


The URL where this form will be submitted.


The content encoding to be used to submit this form, if the method is POST.


The name of the field where focus will be assigned initially using a JavaScript function.


The HTTP method that will be used to submit this request (set to GET or POST).


The name of the bean in request scope or session scope (defined by the scope attribute) whose properties will be used to store data in the input field values.


The JavaScript event handler called when the form is reset.


The JavaScript event handler called when the form is submitted.


The scope for the bean associated with this input form (must be either request or session).


The CSS styles to be applied to the HTML form.


The CSS stylesheet class to be applied to the HTML form.


The identifier to be assigned to the HTML form.


Frame target where this form is submitted, if any.


Fully qualified Java class name of the bean to be created if no such bean already exists.

Note in particular the action attribute in the form in this case, which is set to "". That extension, .do, is customarily mapped to the controller servlet in Struts. You can see how this works in web.xml, which maps the extension .do to a servlet named action, which uses the Struts main controller servlet class, org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 

<!DOCTYPE web-app
  PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"




Also in web.xml, you'll need the declarations of the Struts custom tags, as well as the custom tags designed for today's work:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 

<!DOCTYPE web-app
  PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"










The next step in the start page is to display the HTML text and controls you see in Figure 19.1, starting with the prompt Items:. You can store that prompt—and all the messages in this application—in a file usually named, such as this (the errors.header and errors.footer messages here are ones that Struts looks for automatically, and will use to straddle any error text if it needs to display errors):

email=<b>Your email:</b> 

error.noemail=<LI><FONT COLOR="RED">Please enter your email address.</FONT></LI>
error.notype=<LI><FONT COLOR="RED">Please select a type.</FONT></LI>
error.noitems=<LI><FONT COLOR="RED">Please select at least one item.</FONT></LI>

errors.header=<FONT COLOR="RED">Please correct the following error(s):</FONT><UL>

After you've stored messages such as this in, you can reference them by name, such as this in a <bean:message> Struts element:

        <TITLE>Order Lunch!</TITLE>

        <H1>Order Lunch!</H1>
        <html:form action="">
                    <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">
                        <bean:message key="items"/>

This makes the prompt Items: appear in the start page—that's what you use the <bean:message> element for, to insert text into a Web page. There are a number of <bean:xxxx> elements in Struts:

  • cookie—. Creates a scripting variable using the value of the given cookie.

  • define—. Creates a scripting variable using the value of the given bean property.

  • header—. Creates a scripting variable using the value of the given request header.

  • include—. Loads the response object and makes it available as a bean.

  • message—. Writes an internationalized message string to the response.

  • page—. Makes the given item available from the page context as a bean.

  • parameter—. Creates a scripting variable using the value of the given request parameter.

  • resource—. Loads a Web application resource and makes it available as a bean.

  • size—. Creates a bean containing the number of elements.

  • struts—. Makes a Struts configuration object available as a bean.

  • write—. Writes the value of the given bean property to the JspWriter object.

The <bean:xxxx> elements all have attributes, including the following that they all have in common:

  • id—. Specifies the scripting variable/attribute that will be created by this custom tag.

  • key—. Specifies a key in a properties file.

  • name—. Specifies the name by which an existing bean will be looked up.

  • property—. Defines the name of a JavaBeans property, of the JSP bean identified by the name attribute.

  • scope—. Identifies the JSP scope (set to page, request, session, or application) where Struts will search for a bean.

Having displayed the Items: label, the code will next display the check boxes you see in Figure 19.1 using a Struts <logic:iterate> element. This element will iterate over the values in the items attribute set by the <ch19:items/> custom tag, creating a check box for each item using the Struts <html:multibox> element:

        <TITLE>Order Lunch!</TITLE>

        <H1>Order Lunch!</H1>
        <html:form action="">
                    <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">
                        <bean:message key="items"/>
                        <logic:iterate id="items1" name="items">
                            <html:multibox property="items">
                                <%= items1 %>
                            <%= items1 %>

There are a number of <logic:xxx> elements in Struts, such as <logic:iterate>:

  • equal—. Compares an attribute value against a constant value to see whether the two are equal.

  • notEqual—. Compares an attribute value against a constant value to see whether the two are not equal.

  • greaterEqual—. Compares an attribute value against a constant value to see whether it is greater than or equal to that value.

  • lessEqual—. Compares an attribute value against a constant value to see whether it is less than or equal to that value.

  • greaterThan—. Compares an attribute value against a constant value to see whether it is greater than that value.

  • lessThan—. Compares an attribute value against a constant value to see whether it is less than that value.

  • match—. Checks whether an attribute value matches a string.

  • notMatch—. Checks whether an attribute value does not match a string.

  • forward—. Forwards a request.

  • redirect—. Redirects a request.

  • iterate—. Iterates over other elements.

You can see the attributes of the <logic:iterate> element in Table 19.4.

Table 19.4. The <logic:iterate> Element Attributes

Attribute Name

Does This


A collection you want to iterate over.


The name of a page scope JSP bean that contains the current element of the collection on each iteration.


The name of a page scope JSP bean that contains the index of the collection on each iteration.


The maximum number of entries to be iterated through on this page.


The name of the JSP bean containing the collection to be iterated over.


The index of the beginning location where entries from the collection are to be iterated.


Name of the bean property whose get method returns the collection to be iterated over.


The bean scope within which to search for the bean named by the name property.


Fully qualified Java class name of the data type of the data supplied by the JSP bean.

The next step is to create and label the drop-down list you see in Figure 19.1. The custom tag <ch19:type/> will store the various types of food items—Sandwich, Pizza, and so on—in an attribute named type, which you can use with the <html:select> and <html:options> elements to create the drop-down list:

                    <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">
                        <bean:message key="items"/>
                        <logic:iterate id="items1" name="items">
                            <html:multibox property="items">
                                <%= items1 %>
                            <%= items1 %>
                    <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">
                        <bean:message key="type"/>
                        <html:select property="type">
                            <html:options name="type"/>

You can add the email text field you see in Figure 19.1 using a <html:text> element:

        <TITLE>Order Lunch!</TITLE>

        <H1>Order Lunch!</H1>
        <html:form action="">
                    <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">
                        <bean:message key="items"/>
                        <logic:iterate id="items1" name="items">
                            <html:multibox property="items">
                                <%= items1 %>
                            <%= items1 %>
                    <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">
                        <bean:message key="type"/>
                        <html:select property="type">
                            <html:options name="type"/>
                    <TD ALIGN="LEFT">
                        <bean:message key="email"/>
                        <html:text property="email"/>
            <html:submit value="Order"/>

As you can see, that's all it takes to use Struts custom tags to create various HTML elements in a Web page. These tags get the data they use from various page context attributes you set, as you saw here with the <ch19:type> and <ch19:items> tags, and those custom tags are coming up next.

Creating Custom Tags to Supply Data

How do the <ch19:type> and <ch19:items> tags work? The <ch19:type> custom tag is just a standard custom tag. It supplies the types of the different food items using an attribute named type, as you can see in Listing 19.2. The Struts tags you saw in Listing 19.1 will read these names using the type attribute (for example, <html:options name="type"/> creates <OPTION> elements using the type attribute).

Example 19.2. Support for the <ch19:type> Element (

package beans;

import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport;

public class ch19_02 extends TagSupport
    public int doStartTag()

        String[] typeArray = {"", "Pizza", "Calzone", "Sandwich"};

        pageContext.setAttribute("type", typeArray);

        return SKIP_BODY;

The <ch19:items> tag supplies the names of the food items you can select (Sausage, Cheese, and so on) using an attribute named items. You can find the code for this custom tag in Listing 19.3.

Example 19.3. Support for the <ch19:items> Element (

package beans;

import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport;

public class ch19_03 extends TagSupport
    public int doStartTag()
        String[] itemsArray = {"Sausage", "Cheese", "Pepperoni", "Meatballs", "Peppers"};

        pageContext.setAttribute("items", itemsArray);

        return SKIP_BODY;

Together, <ch19:type> and <ch19:items> supply the data used by the Struts tags in the start page for the application. To use <ch19:type> and <ch19:items>, you also need to describe them in a .tld file, which will be named ch19.tld in this example. This is what the contents of that .tld file look like:

<?xml version="1.0"  ?> 
<!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN"

        Supports the Struts Example



That's it—you've created the Web page you see in Figure 19.1.

When the user clicks the Order button on this page, the data in the HTML form is sent to the Web resource given by the form's action attribute:

<html:form action=""> 

So what exactly is The answer is coming up next.

Creating the Controller Adapter

As you'll recall from the discussion about web.xml earlier, the URL pattern *.do is connected to the Struts ActionServlet named action, such as this snippet from web.xml:


Creating the Controller Adapter

You connect the Struts ActionServlet object to your Action adapter in the file WEB-INFstruts-config.xml. In this example, the Action adapter is ch19_04, and the bean class that implements the model is ch19_06. You can declare the ch19_06 bean with a <form-beans> element in struts-config.xml, and register the Action adapter ch19_04 with Struts, so that ch19_04 can be used in URLs such as this:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 

<!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
    "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.0//EN"

    <form-bean name="ch19_06" type="beans.ch19_06"/>

    <action path="/ch19_04"
      <forward name="OK" path="/ch19_05.jsp"/>

This means that when the user sends data to, the controller servlet will send a fully initialized object of the model's bean class, ch19_06, to the ch19_04 adapter. This will give your code access to the data in the model.

Note also the <forward> element here—if the code in the adapter decides that the data passed to it is okay, this element tells the controller to forward the results to the view JSP ch19_05.jsp.

How do you create the adapter code, The code in the adapter extends the Struts Action class:

public class ch19_04 extends Action 

You can see the methods of the Action class in Table 19.5.

Table 19.5. The Action Class Methods


Does This


The default constructor.

protected java.lang.String generateToken (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)

Creates a transaction token used for enforcing a single transaction request.

protected java.util.Locale getLocale (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)

Returns the user's Locale.

protected MessageResources getResources()

Returns the message resources.

ActionServlet getServlet()

Returns the controller servlet object.

protected boolean isCancelled(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)

True if the current form's Cancel button was pressed.

protected boolean isTokenValid (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)

True if the transaction token is valid.

ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, javax.servlet.http. HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http. HttpServletResponse response)

Processes the specified HTTP request.

ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, javax.servlet.ServletRequest request, javax.servlet.ServletResponse response)

Processes the specified non-HTTP request.

protected void resetToken(javax.servlet.http. HttpServletRequest request)

Resets the saved transaction token.

protected void saveErrors(javax.servlet.http. HttpServletRequest request, ActionErrors errors)

Saves the specified error messages keys.

protected void saveToken(javax.servlet.http. HttpServletRequest request)

Saves a new transaction token.

protected void setLocale(javax.servlet.http. HttpServletRequest request, java.util.Locale locale)

Sets the user's Locale.

void setServlet(ActionServlet servlet)

Sets the controller servlet.

protected java.lang.String toHex(byte[] buffer)

Utility method to convert a byte array to a String of hexadecimal digits.


Action objects must be programmed in a threadsafe manner—see the discussion of thread safety at the end of Day 13.

The Struts controller will call this class's perform method, and pass it a copy of the bean used as the model, ch19_06. That's how you get access to the data—you can read it from the bean's get methods. You can check that data in the adapter—if anything you consider an error appears, you can create a new Struts ActionError object and add it to a Struts ActionErrors object:

public class ch19_04 extends Action 
    public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
        HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws IOException, ServletException
        ActionErrors actionerrors = new ActionErrors();

        ch19_06 orderForm = (ch19_06)form;

        String email = orderForm.getEmail();
        if(email.trim().equals("")) {
            actionerrors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.noemail"));

        String type = orderForm.getType();
        if(type.trim().equals("")) {
            actionerrors.add("ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR", new ActionError("error.notype"));

        String[] items = orderForm.getItems();
        if(items == null) {
            actionerrors.add("ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR", new ActionError ("error

You can see the fields of the ActionError class in Table 19.6, and the methods of the ActionError class in Table 19.7.

Table 19.6. The ActionError Class Fields


Does This

private java.lang.String key

The message key for this error message.

private java.lang.Object[] values

Holds replacement values for this error message.

Table 19.7. The ActionError Class Methods


Does This

ActionError(java.lang.String key)

Constructs an action error object.

ActionError(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value0, ...)

Constructs an action error object with the given replacement values. You can specify up to three values.

java.lang.String getKey()

Gets the message key for this error message.

java.lang.Object[] getValues()

Gets the replacement values for this error message.

If there were any errors, you can save them with the saveErrors method and return to the start page using the mapping object's getInput method this way:

if(actionerrors.size() != 0) { 
    saveErrors(request, actionerrors);
    return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput());

Doing so will open the start page with the errors inserted where the <html:errors/> element is, as you see in Figure 19.3. The mapping object used here is passed to the perform method, and it contains the information in the <action-mappings> element of struts-config.xml, including the name of the start page:

  <action path="/ch19_04"
    <forward name="OK" path="/ch19_05.jsp"/>

If there were no errors, you can make the controller display the results page by returning the page given in the <forward> element in the <action-mappings> element, which you can find with the mapping object's findForward method:

return mapping.findForward("OK"); 

That's all you need—you've handled both errors and successful results. You can see the whole code in Listing 19.4.

Example 19.4. The Controller Adapter Code (

package beans;

import java.util.*;
import beans.ch19_06;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import org.apache.struts.action.*;

public class ch19_04 extends Action
    public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
        HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws IOException, ServletException
        ActionErrors actionerrors = new ActionErrors();

        ch19_06 orderForm = (ch19_06)form;

        String email = orderForm.getEmail();
        if(email.trim().equals("")) {
            actionerrors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.noemail"));

        String type = orderForm.getType();
        if(type.trim().equals("")) {
            actionerrors.add("ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR", new ActionError("error.notype"));

        String[] items = orderForm.getItems();
        if(items == null) {
            actionerrors.add("ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR", new ActionError("error.noitems"));

        if(actionerrors.size() != 0) {
            saveErrors(request, actionerrors);
            return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput());
        return mapping.findForward("OK");

That completes the controller adapter code. If there are no errors, the controller adapter makes the controller display the results page, ch19_05.jsp, which is covered next.

Accessing Data in the Results Page

In the results page, you have access to the user's data in the ch19_06 bean, and you can write that data to the results page using the <bean:write> element. For example, here's how you can get the prompt for the type of food the user wants using <bean:message>, and then by using <bean:write> to actually write the selected food type to the results Web page:

<bean:message key="type"/> 
<bean:write name="ch19_06" property="type"/>

The user may also have selected multiple food items (such as cheese and sausage), and you can use the <logic:iterate> element to loop over them:

<bean:message key="items"/> 
<logic:iterate id="items1" name="ch19_06" property="items">
    <%= items1 %>

That's how to recover the data the user entered—using the model bean that is passed on to the results page (which is part of the view). You can see the whole code for the results page, ch19_05.jsp, in Listing 19.5.

Example 19.5. The Results Page (ch19_05.jsp)

<%@ taglib uri="/bean" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/logic" prefix="logic" %>

        <TITLE>Here's Your Order!</TITLE>

        <H1>Here's Your Order!</H1>
        <bean:message key="type"/>
        <bean:write name="ch19_06" property="type"/>
        <bean:message key="items"/>
        <logic:iterate id="items1" name="ch19_06" property="items">
            <%= items1 %>
        <bean:message key="email"/>
        <bean:write name="ch19_06" property="email"/>

All that's left is to construct the bean that represents the model and holds the data for the application,

Creating the Model

In this example, the model stores and returns the data the user has entered. As discussed in Day 13, the model usually implements the internal data-handling logic (sometimes called the business rules) of the application. That means you would usually implement your connection to a database here, or check to see whether an item is in stock, calculate the state tax, and so on.

In Struts, you can base a model component such as on the ActionForm class:

public class ch19_06 extends ActionForm 

You can see the methods of the ActionForm class in Table 19.8.

Table 19.8. The ActionForm Class Methods


Does This


The default constructor.

MultipartRequestHandler getMultipartRequestHandler()

Returns the MultipartRequestHandler for this form.

protected ActionServlet getServlet()

Returns the controller servlet.

ActionServletWrapper getServletWrapper()

Returns the controller servlet wrapper.

void reset(ActionMapping mapping, javax.servlet. http.HttpServletRequest request)

Resets all bean properties to their default values using an HTTP request.

void reset(ActionMapping mapping, javax.servlet.

Resets all bean properties to their default state using a request.

void ServletRequest request)setMultipartRequestHandler (MultipartRequestHandler multipartRequestHandler)

Sets the MultipartRequestHandler object.

void setServlet(ActionServlet servlet)

Sets the controller servlet.

ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)

Validates the properties for this HTTP request

ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, javax.servlet.ServletRequest request)

Validates the properties for this non-HTTP request.

Because this example model just stores and returns data using bean properties, all you need are get/set methods for the food type, food items, and user email address. You can see the entire code for this model component in Listing 19.6.

Example 19.6. The Model (

package beans;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;

public class ch19_06 extends ActionForm

    private String email = "";
    private String type = "";
    private String[] items;

    public String getEmail()
        return email;

    public void setEmail(String email)
    { = email;

    public String getType()
        return type;

    public void setType(String type)
        this.type= type;

    public String[] getItems()
        return items;

    public void setItems(String[] items)
        this.items = items;

That completes the Struts application, which you can see at work in Figures 19.1 and 19.2. As you can see, setting up a Struts application is not a trivial exercise, and it's not something you would do for a small application. However, Struts can be useful for larger applications that you want to base on MVC architecture.


Struts is a Web application framework designed to enable you to create Web applications using MVC architecture. Although setting up a Struts Web application is fairly involved, it can be worth the effort for larger applications.

It's up to you to write the application's logic as you want it; Struts is all about providing a framework that you can use to implement MVC architecture, including ways of communicating between MVC components and base classes that provide a framework whose methods you can override to implement your own logic.

Struts supports custom Java classes, as well as JSP custom tag libraries. A controller servlet dispatches requests to appropriate Action classes you provide. The Action classes act as controller adapters that can work with the controller to forward data to the view.

Struts also provides a mechanism for handling errors in a relatively easy way, letting you display the original input page along with a list of errors.

Tomorrow, we'll take a look at an exciting part of JSP programming—creating images on the fly on the server, and sending them back to the browser.



Are there other reasons for using Struts besides the MVC architecture?


Yes—for example, Struts is especially good at supporting internationalization automatically, tailoring what it does to various locales around the world. There's more information on this in the Struts documentation.


Where can I find Struts tutorials, sample applications, and ISPs that support Struts?


Take a look at


This workshop tests whether you understand all the concepts you learned today. It's a good idea to master today's concepts by honing your knowledge here before starting tomorrow's material. You can find the answers to the quiz questions in Appendix A.



What Struts custom tag do you use to create an HTML text field?


What Struts custom tag do you use to retrieve a message's text from the properties file?


What is the name of the main controller servlet class used in Struts applications?


What element do you use in the struts-config.xml file to indicate what view JSP pages to display results in?


What is the class you use to register an error with Struts?



Modify today's Struts example by adding a text field to accept the user's telephone number, and display that number in the summary in the results page. Don't forget to display an error if the user didn't enter a telephone number.


The error-checking in today's example only displayed an error if the user didn't enter any data in a particular field. Try altering that to check whether the email address is a valid form (includes an @, which you can check with the String indexOf method), as well as checking the form of the phone number added in the previous exercise.

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