LESSON 9. Finding a Job

In this lesson, you learn how to use LinkedIn as an effective job search tool, find and apply to job postings, and use LinkedIn’s many other features for job seekers.

Attracting Recruiters and Hiring Managers

LinkedIn is an excellent tool for job seekers, but you need to create a stellar profile and develop a solid network if you want to maximize your results. Here are seven tips for making the most of LinkedIn as a job search tool.

  1. Complete your profile: LinkedIn reports that members with a complete profile generate 40 times more opportunities than those whose profiles aren’t complete.
  2. Develop a solid network of connections: Your ability to use job search features such as JobsInsider or Inside Connections depends on having a reasonable number of connections. You should aim for at least 50 connections to maximize the benefits of these features, although they do work with fewer connections.
  3. Get recommendations: A complete profile includes at least three recommendations. Aim for recommendations from managers, executives, or actual clients. Peer recommendations, particularly those that you “trade” with colleagues by recommending each other, carry far less weight.
  4. Include keywords that are relevant to your profession and industry: These include specific skills, certifications, and degrees. Recruiters search for these words, and your profile should include them if you want to be found.
  5. Focus on results, not a list of duties: Remember that your profile is a concise summary of your qualifications, not a resume. (Although you can attach one if you like.) Emphasize your results and accomplishments; don’t just list tasks you performed.
  6. Post a resume or portfolio: Using LinkedIn applications such as Box.net Files, you can attach PDFs to your profile.
  7. Indicate on your profile that you’re seeking employment: If you’re unemployed, include this information in your status, professional headline, or summary. Don’t sound desperate, but do let your network know that you’re looking for opportunities.

See Lesson 2, “Creating Your Profile,” and Lesson 10, “Requesting and Providing Recommendations,” for more information.

Tip: Clean Up Your Digital Dirt Before Your Job Search

Keep in mind that many recruiters now search the web for background information on potential candidates. It isn’t enough to have a professional presence on LinkedIn. Review any other social networking profiles you have to ensure they also reinforce your professional image. If not, remove your “digital dirt” before you begin your job search. Also, verify that your contacts don’t post photos or other content about you that would compromise your professional reputation.

Searching Job Postings

LinkedIn offers a large database of job postings that are posted directly on LinkedIn and on its partner site, Simply Hired.

Tip: LinkedIn Offers Other Ways to Find Job Postings

Although the Jobs page is LinkedIn’s primary job search tool, you should also search the Jobs Discussion Board for any group you belong to and the Careers tab on the company profiles for your target employers. To do a quick search for jobs, use the search box on the top navigation menu.

To search job postings on LinkedIn, follow these steps:

  1. On the global navigation bar, click the Jobs link. The Jobs page opens, shown in Figure 9.1.

    Figure 9.1. On the Jobs page, you can review suggested jobs based on your profile or search for jobs by keyword.


    Note: View Jobs LinkedIn Recommends for You

    Below the search box on the Jobs page, LinkedIn lists jobs you might be interested in based on the information you entered on your profile. For example, if you work in project management, you could view a list of jobs in this field.

  2. In the Search for Jobs box, enter keywords related to your job search. For example, you could enter a job title, a job skill, or the name of a target company.
  3. Click the Search button. The Job Search Results page opens, shown in Figure 9.2.

Figure 9.2. Viewing a list of jobs that match your criteria.


On this page, you can do the following:

• Sort jobs by relevance, your relationship to the job poster, or the date posted (most recent or earliest).

• Identify the company by its logo (not available for all postings).

• Open the job posting by clicking the job title link.

• Save this job search and have results sent to you via email on a regular basis, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.

• Save a specific job posting by pausing the mouse over it and clicking the Save Job link. You can review the jobs you save at a later time by clicking the My Jobs link on the Jobs page.

• View jobs similar to a specific job posting by pausing the mouse over it and clicking the Similar Jobs link. LinkedIn displays jobs that are the most similar to the one you selected.

• Refine your search criteria using the fields on the left side of the page. The fields in the Job Search box are nearly identical to the fields on the Advanced Search page. See “Performing an Advanced Job Search” later in this LESSON for more information.

Viewing Job Postings

The content listed on a job posting varies according to what the hiring company chooses to display. The content that you see will also vary according to what type of connection you have to the poster and the connections you have to the people working at that company. A job posting (see Figure 9.3) might include some or all of the following features:

• A header listing the job title, location, and company URL.

• A detailed job description.

• The Apply Now button. Click this button to apply for the job from LinkedIn. See the “Applying for a Job” section later in this lesson for more information. Alternatively, the Apply on Company Website button might display if a company prefers to use its own application process.

• The Request Introduction button. Click this button to open the Introductions page where you can request an introduction to the job poster. You can request introductions only to job posters in your network. Otherwise, the Request Introduction button doesn’t appear. Refer to Lesson 6, “Communicating with Other LinkedIn Members,” for more information about LinkedIn introductions.

• The Save Job link. Click to save this job for future viewing on the My Jobs page.

The Share Job with Others link. Click to send a message to a connection who might be interested in this job.

• The Follow Company link, which enables you to follow this company’s activity on LinkedIn.

• The Bookmark link, which enables you to bookmark this job on Internet Explorer. You won’t see this option if you aren’t using Internet Explorer as your browser.

• The Posted By box with a link to the job poster’s LinkedIn profile. A connection icon appears if this person is in your network. For example, if a job poster is connected to one of your connections, the 2nd degree connection icon appears.

• The You’re Linked to [Company Name] box. Click one of the links in this box to display the LinkedIn members in your network who work at this company. These people could provide you inside information about potential job opportunities at the company. If you aren’t linked to anyone at this company, the You Aren’t Linked to [Company Name] box opens, which encourages you to expand your network.

• The Similar Jobs box, which lists jobs that are similar to the one you’re viewing.

Figure 9.3. Viewing a list of jobs that match specified criteria.


Performing an Advanced Job Search

If you want to search for jobs based on specific criteria, try an advanced job search:

  1. On the global navigation bar, click the Jobs link.
  2. Click the Advanced Search tab on the Jobs page. You can also open this page by clicking the Advanced link when searching for jobs from the search box on the global navigation bar. Figure 9.4 shows the Advanced Search page.

    Figure 9.4. Performing an advanced job search.


  3. In the Keywords text box, enter keywords (such as a job title, a skill, or a certification). Refer to Lesson 7, “Searching on LinkedIn,” for more information on using advanced search criteria.
  4. Specify the criteria for your search. Options include the following:

    • Location

    • Job Title

    • Company

    • Functions (such as Accounting/Auditing, Engineering, Finance, Information Technology, Marketing, and so forth)

    • Industries (such as Banking, Biotechnology, Computer Software, Insurance, Real Estate, and so forth)

    • Experience (ranging from executive-level jobs to internships)

    • When Posted (the date the job was posted, such as in the last day or at any time)

    • Sort By (specific criteria such as date posted or relevance to your keywords)

  5. Click the Search button to display job search results.

Refer to the earlier section, “Searching Job Postings,” for more information about the job search results page.

Tip: Specify Only the Most Important Criteria

You don’t need to specify criteria in all the fields available on the Advanced Search page. Start with a few choices and then narrow or expand your search based on your search results.

Applying for a Job

LinkedIn offers two ways to apply for jobs, based on the way the company posting a job handles its recruitment. If the Apply on Company Website button displays on a job posting, clicking this button takes you to the company’s external website where you can apply for the job. If the Apply Now button displays on the job posting, clicking this button directs you to a job application form on LinkedIn. In this section, you learn how to complete LinkedIn’s own job application form.

To apply for a job from a LinkedIn posting, following these steps:

  1. In the job description for the job you would like to apply for, click the Apply Now button and an application page will display. Figure 9.5 shows a sample application page.

    Figure 9.5. Applying for jobs directly from LinkedIn.


  2. In the Contact Information section, enter details about your name, email address, and contact information.
  3. In the Cover Letter and Resume section, enter your cover letter. A good cover letter summarizes strengths and accomplishments that are relevant to this job and is personalized for this target job.
  4. Click the Browse button next to the Resume field to upload your resume as a text file, Word document, PDF, or HTML file of no more than 200KB. LinkedIn attaches your uploaded resume in its original format.
  5. Click the Continue button.
  6. Review and confirm your application one more time before submitting. Be sure to check for spelling, grammar, and content.
  7. Click the Apply Now button to submit your application for the job.

Finding Recruiters and Hiring Managers

The good news for job seekers: Thousands of recruiters and hiring managers maintain profiles on LinkedIn. To find them, select People in the quick search box on the global navigation bar. Then click the Advanced link to the right of the box to open the Advanced People Search page.

There are several ways to find recruiters and hiring managers on the Advanced Search page. Some examples include the following:

• In the Industries field, select Staffing and Recruiting and enter keywords related to the type of job you’re looking for. If applicable, enter location criteria.

Enter Recruiter in the Title field and the name of a company you want to work for.

• Enter Recruiter in the Title field plus relevant location information.

• Enter the name of a company you want to work for and select Hiring Managers from the Interested In drop-down list (if you have a premium account).

Searching for appropriate contacts is a combination of art and science, so you might need to revise your search criteria several times before you find the appropriate people.

Caution: Don’t Spam Recruiters and Hiring Managers

Remember that LinkedIn is a networking and research tool, not a means of spamming prospective recruiters and employers. When you do find good targets for your job search, review their profiles carefully to determine the best way to contact them. Some recruiters provide links to external sites for job candidates. If your target is a hiring manager, determine whether you can reach this person through a network introduction. Alternatively, consider sending a brief message to hiring managers who indicate they are open to job inquiries.

Upgrading to a Job Seeker Premium Account

LinkedIn offers many free features and opportunities for job seekers. If you need access to LinkedIn premium features to aid in your job search, however, consider upgrading to a Job Seeker premium account. For example, these accounts can provide access to InMail, the Profile Organizer, and the OpenLink Network and increase your available introductions.

All Job Seeker premium accounts enable you to display a Job Seeker badge on your profile, receive placement as a featured applicant when you apply for a job, use premium search features, view who is interested in your profile, participate in the OpenLink Network (described in Lesson 1, “Introducing LinkedIn”), and receive priority customer service from LinkedIn.

Table 9.1 shows the specific features for each level of Job Seeker account.

Table 9.1. Job Seeker Account Comparison


To upgrade to a Job Seeker premium account or learn more about upgrade options, select Job Seeker Premium from the Jobs drop-down menu on the global navigation bar.


In this lesson, you learned about LinkedIn’s many job search tools. In addition, you learned the most effective way to conduct a job search on LinkedIn.

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