
The Workshop summarizes the key terms you learned and poses some questions about the topics presented in this chapter. It also provides you with a preview of what you will learn in the next hour.

Key Terms

file creation mask When files are created in UNIX, they inherit a default set of access permissions. These defaults are under the control of the user and are known as the file creation mask.

mode A shorthand way of saying permissions mode.

permissions mode The set of accesses (read, write, and execute) allowed for each of the three classes of users (owner, group, and everyone else) for each file or directory on the system. This is a synonym for access permission.

shell script A collection of shell commands in a file.


1:In what situations might the following file permissions be useful?

2:Translate the six file permissions strings in instruction 1 into their binary and numeric equivalents.
3:Explain what the following umask values would make the default permissions for newly created files:

4:Count the number of groups that are represented by group membership of files in the tmp directory on your system. Use id to see whether you're a member of any of them.
5:Which of the following directories could you modify, if the id command listed the following information? Which could you view using the ls command?
% id
uid=19(smith) gid=50(users) groups=50(users)
% ls -lgF
drw-r--r--  2 root     users         512 Oct 12 14:52 sh/
drwxr-xr-x  2 shakes   root          512 Oct 12 07:23 shakes/
drw-------  2 meademd  com435       1024 Oct 12 14:46 tmp/
drwxr-x---  3 smith    users         512 Oct 12 12:37 viewer/
drwx------  3 jin      users         512 Oct 12 12:37 Zot!/

Preview of the Next Hour

In the next hour, you learn the various UNIX file-manipulation commands, including how to copy files, how to move them to new directories, and how to create new directories. You also learn how to remove files and directories as well as about the dangers of file removal on UNIX.

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