Content Warning

This book covers subject matter and uses examples for learning purposes that some folks may find discriminatory, frustrating, uncomfortable, or microaggressive. I have tried to be as responsible and thoughtful as possible in covering identity‐related content in this book because I want this to be a useful resource to help people to communicate. Also, given the speed at which the inclusion and equity space changes and the speed that information moves at these days, it is possible that some content or framing in this book may fall into or out of favor by the time you read it. I am subject to error, bias, and plain old poor judgment, so although I tried my very best to be responsible, respectful, and compassionate in my delivery, there may be some places in this book where I missed the mark. My hope is that you are able to find value, resource, and relief in these pages and are also able to grant grace to me in the spaces where I fall short on anticipating your needs as a reader.

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