Chapter 13. Web APIs with Play

In the first 12 chapters of this book, we introduced basic tools and libraries for anyone wanting to build data science applications: we learned how to interact with SQL and MongoDB databases, how to build fast batch processing applications using Spark, how to apply state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms using MLlib, and how to build modular concurrent applications in Akka.

In the last chapters of this book, we will branch out to look at a web framework: Play. You might wonder why a web framework would feature in a data science book; surely such topics are best left to software engineers or web developers. Data scientists, however, rarely exist in a vacuum. They often need to communicate results or insights to stakeholders. As compelling as an ROC curve may be to someone well versed in statistics, it may not carry as much weight with less technical people. Indeed, it can be much easier to sell insights when they are accompanied by an engaging visualization.

Many modern interactive data visualization applications are web applications running in a web browser. Often, these involve D3.js, a JavaScript library for building data-driven web pages. In this chapter and the next, we will look at integrating D3 with Scala.

Writing a web application is a complex endeavor. We will split this task over this chapter and the next. In this chapter, we will learn how to write a REST API that we can use as backend for our application, or query in its own right. In the next chapter, we will look at integrating front-end code with Play to query the API exposed by the backend and display it using D3. We assume at least a basic familiarity with HTTP in this chapter: you should have read Chapter 7, Web APIs, at least.

Many data scientists or aspiring data scientists are unlikely to be familiar with the inner workings of web technologies. Learning how to build complex websites or web APIs can be daunting. This chapter therefore starts with a general discussion of dynamic websites and the architecture of web applications. If you are already familiar with server-side programming and with web frameworks, you can easily skip over the first few sections.

Client-server applications

A website works through the interaction between two computers: the client and the server. If you enter the URL in a web browser, your browser queries one of the GitHub servers. The server will look though its database for information concerning the repository that you are interested in. It will serve this information as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to your computer. Your browser is then responsible for interpreting this response in the correct way.

If you look at the URL in question, you will notice that there are several graphs on that page. Unplug your internet connection and you can still interact with the graphs. All the information necessary for interacting with the graphs was transferred, as JavaScript, when you loaded that webpage. When you play with the graphs, the CPU cycles necessary to make those changes happen are spent on your computer, not a GitHub server. The code is executed client-side. Conversely, when you request information about a new repository, that request is handled by a GitHub server. It is said to be handled server-side.

A web framework like Play can be used on the server. For client-side code, we can only use a language that the client browser will understand: HTML for the layout, CSS for the styling and JavaScript, or languages that can compile to JavaScript, for the logic.

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