Follower network crawler

The end game for this chapter is to build a crawler to explore GitHub's follower graph. We have already outlined how we can do this in a single-threaded manner earlier in this chapter. Let's design an actor system to do this concurrently.

The moving parts in the code are the data structures managing which users have been fetched or are being fetched. These need to be encapsulated in an actor to avoid race conditions arising from multiple actors trying to change them concurrently. We will therefore create a fetcher manager actor whose job is to keep track of which users have been fetched and which users we are going to fetch next.

The part of the code that is likely to be a bottleneck is querying the GitHub API. We therefore want to be able to scale the number of workers doing this concurrently. We will create a pool of fetchers, actors responsible for querying the API for the followers of a particular user. Finally, we will create an actor whose responsibility is to interpret the API's response. This actor will forward its interpretation of the response to another actor who will extract the followers and give them to the fetcher manager.

This is what the architecture of the program will look like:

Follower network crawler

Actor system for our GitHub API crawler

Each actor in our program performs a single task: fetchers just query the GitHub API and the queue manager just distributes work to the fetchers. Akka best practice dictates giving actors as narrow an area of responsibility as possible. This enables better granularity when scaling out (for instance, by adding more fetcher actors, we just parallelize the bottleneck) and better resilience: if an actor fails, it will only affect his area of responsibility. We will explore actor failure later on in this chapter.

We will build the app in several steps, exploring the Akka toolkit as we write the program. Let's start with the build.sbt file. Besides Akka, we will mark scalaj-http and json4s as dependencies:

// build.sbt
scalaVersion := "2.11.7"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "org.json4s" %% "json4s-native" % "3.2.10",
  "org.scalaj" %% "scalaj-http" % "1.1.4",
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.3.12"
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