Taking advantage of Typesafe Activator

To be able to run an interactive programming session in the previous chapters, we have downloaded and installed a tool named Typesafe Activator. Running either as a command-line tool or through a web browser, the activator lets us create and execute a sample project out of a template, in this case, a minimal hello-scala project. From it, we have accessed the SBT console, which acts as a REPL.

Typesafe Activator can be seen as a lightweight IDE powered by SBT. It provides many project templates that programmers can reuse as a starting point in their new development project.

Creating an application based on activator templates

Open a command terminal window and go to the directory where you extracted the activator, then enter the following command:

> ./activator new
Enter an application name

You need to enter a name for your new project as follows:

> javasample
Fetching the latest list of templates...
Enter a template name, or hit tab to see a list of possible templates
> [Hit TAB]
activator-akka-cassandra                  activator-akka-spray
activator-play-autosource-reactivemongo   activator-scalding
activator-spray-twitter                   akka-callcenter
akka-distributed-workers     akka-distributed-workers-java
akka-java-spring                          akka-sample-camel-java
akka-sample-persistence-java   akka-sample-persistence-scala
akka-sample-remote-java                   akka-sample-remote-scala
akka-scala-spring                         akka-supervision
angular-seed-play                         atomic-scala-examples
dart-akka-spray                           eventual
hello-akka                                hello-play
hello-play-backbone                       hello-play-java
hello-play-scala                          hello-sbt
hello-scala                               hello-scala-eclipse
hello-scaloid                             hello-slick
matthiasn-sse-chat-template               modern-web-template
play-akka-angular-websocket               play-angularjs-webapp-seed
play-cake                                 play-example-form
play-guice                                play-hbase
play-java-spring                          play-mongo-knockout
play-scalatest-subcut                     play-slick
play-slick-advanced                       play-spring-data-jpa
play-sqlite                               play-with-angular-requirejs
play-yeoman                               play2-crud-activator
reactive-maps                             reactive-stocks
realtime-search                           scala-phantom-types
scaldi-play-example                    scalikejdbc-activator-template
six-minute-apps                           slick-android-example
slick-codegen-customization-example       slick-codegen-example
slick-plainsql                            spray-actor-per-request
tcp-async                                 template-template
test-patterns-scala                       tweetmap-workshop

Version 1.0.13 that we are using already contains 76 templates combining diverse technologies and frameworks together to make some interesting demo projects, but this list is increasing quickly (from 38 to 76 between Version 1.0.0 and 1.0.13, which are only a few months apart).

For now, let's take a look at the play-java-spring template, a project sample in Java, so that we can feel comfortable with the code it contains. Therefore, enter its name when prompted for the name of the template to be used:

> play-java-spring
OK, application "javasample" is being created using the "play-java-spring" template.

To run "javasample" from the command-line, run:
/Users/thomas/scala/activator-1.0.13/javasample/activator run

To run the test for "javasample" from the command-line, run:
/Users/thomas/scala/activator-1.0.13/javasample/activator test

To run the Activator UI for "javasample" from the command-line, run:
/Users/thomas/scala/activator-1.0.13/javasample/activator ui

The activator creates a SBT project, meaning you can edit build.sbt or plugins.sbt to add dependencies, repositories (that is, resolvers) as well as SBT plugins. We can, for example, reuse the addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" % "2.4.0") line in plugins.sbt that we stated earlier to be able to create Eclipse project files and import the project into our Scala IDE.

First, let's execute the program to see what it does:

> cd javasample
> ./activator run

As the sample is based on the Play framework (that we will cover in later chapters), the following is displayed to indicate that the web application is deployed on localhost at port 9000:

--- (Running the application from SBT, auto-reloading is enabled) ---
[info] play - Listening for HTTP on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000
(Server started, use CTRL +D to stop and go back to the console...)

Open a browser at localhost:9000 to visualize the very basic web form of the sample and submit a couple of entries to be stored in the tiny database, as shown in the following screenshot:

Creating an application based on activator templates

This web application takes an input from a simple HTML form and saves Bar objects into a small database through JPA.

To take a look at the code that is part of this template; we can run it through the activator by first pressing Ctrl + D in the command window to interrupt the current execution, and then, enter the following command:

> ./activator ui

After a few seconds, a browser page should open at http://localhost:8888/app/javasample/ displaying the activator user interface specifically targeted to this application. Click on the Code view & Open in IDE item and navigate to the app/models/Bar.java file by double-clicking on the items on the left-hand side panel, as shown in the following screenshot:

Creating an application based on activator templates

The browser displays a JPA-annotated entity as we are used to working with typically in the Eclipse IDE with colored and formatted syntax. The panel on the right-hand side leaves room for a tutorial, a precious feature to quickly understand the code and start modifying it. The top menu enables you to compile, run, or test the application from within the browser. You can open some of the other source files to identify the structure of the code, although we will cover play web applications in detail later on.

In summary, Typesafe Activator is a way to get you started in just minutes and is very flexible as you can run activator projects directly as SBT projects, therefore, having the possibility to generate IDE-specific files to continue working in Eclipse, IDEA, or NetBeans if you wish to.

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