Chapter 18

Ten Steps to Transition to Scrum

In This Chapter

arrow Capitalizing on lessons from successful implementations

arrow Planning for success

Throughout this book, I highlight the fact that scrum is very different from traditional project management. Moving an organization from waterfall to scrum is a significant change. Through my experience guiding all types of companies through this kind of change, I’ve identified the following important steps to take in order to become a more agile organization and successfully implement scrum.

Step 1: Conduct an Audit

Before you plan where you want to go, you first need to know where you currently stand. A third-party audit of your current processes, methods, practices, and structures will not only tell you some things you don’t know about how you currently operate, but it will also validate some things that you already know, with added insights you may not have considered.

Implementation strategy

An implementation strategy is the output of an audit and is a plan that outlines how your organization will transition to scrum from where you are today. A thorough implementation of scrum will include analysis and recommendations for

  • Current processes: How does your organization run projects today? What does it do well? What are its challenges?
  • Future processes: How can your company benefit from scrum? What additional agile practices can enhance scrum in your organization? What key changes will your organization need to make, and what are the organizational and personnel implications of those challenges that you’ll need to consider? What will your transformed company look like from a team and process perspective?
  • Step-by-step plan: How will you move from existing processes to scrum? What will change immediately? In six months? In a year or longer? This plan should be a road map of successive steps getting the company to a sustainable state of scrum maturity.
  • Benefits: What advantages will scrum provide for the people and groups in your organization and the organization as a whole? This will be a valuable resource as you promote the transition to senior management and the organization as a whole.
  • Potential challenges: What will be the most difficult changes? What departments or people will have the biggest trouble with scrum? Whose fiefdom is being disrupted? What are your potential roadblocks? How will you overcome these challenges?
  • Success factors: What organizational factors will help you while switching to scrum? How will the company commit to a new approach? Which people or departments will be champions of scrum?

Your implementation strategy will serve as your road map to carrying out a successful transformation.

Step 2: Identify and Recruit Talent

Author of the best-selling book Good to Great (published by HarperBusiness), Jim Collins teaches:

“You are a bus driver. The bus, your company, is at a standstill, and it’s your job to get it going. You have to decide where you’re going, how you’re going to get there, and who’s going with you.

“Most people assume that great bus drivers (read: business leaders) immediately start the journey by announcing to the people on the bus where they’re going — by setting a new direction or by articulating a fresh corporate vision.

“In fact, leaders of companies that go from good to great start not with “where” but with “who.” They start by getting the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats.”

Scrum roles, although unique, are becoming more and more common, but not all recruiters know how to find people who can fill them. Getting people who really know what they are doing requires working with recruiters to understand the scrum knowledge necessary to separate the fabulous from the fakers.

Cross-functional developers continue to learn new skills and are starting to recognize the need to expand their skill sets rather than restrict their knowledge to a single area. The talent is there. For your transition to scrum to be effective, you need to get the right people in the seats.

Step 3: Ensure Proper Training

Training is a critical step when adopting scrum. The combination of face-to-face communication with a scrum expert and the ability to work through exercises actually using scrum is the best way to help people to absorb and retain the skills needed to successfully run a scrum project.

Training works best when the members of the project team can train and learn together. As a scrum trainer and mentor, I’ve had the opportunity to overhear conversations between project team members that start with, “Remember when Mark showed us how to . . . ? That worked when we did it in class. Let’s try that and see what happens.” If the development team, product owner, scrum master, and project stakeholders can attend the same class, they can apply lessons to their work as a team.

Yes, even stakeholders will benefit from training. See Chapter 12 on portfolio management to understand how crucial senior management priority decisions are in making scrum successful. Some of my clients have seen the value of this training with their scrum masters, product owners, and developers to the point of sending their entire executive team and creative, sales, marketing, finance, and HR personnel so that the entire company could be on the same page and speak the same language.

As a result, in follow up, I’ve heard executives speak to product owners in terms of “. . . at the next sprint review . . .” and “. . . do we have a user story in the backlog for that idea . . .” and “. . . so, with current velocity I could expect . . .”

Step 4: Mobilize a Transition Team

Identify a team of decision makers within your company that can be responsible for the scrum transformation at the organization level (the “transition team”). This team is made up of company executives who have the ability and clout to systematically improve processes and report requirements and performance measurements across the organization.

The transition team will create changes by running their transition efforts using scrum, just like the development team creates product features within sprints. The implementation strategy from the audit is the transition team’s road map and outlines what needs to be done for a successful transformation. The transformation team will focus on the highest-priority changes in each sprint and will demonstrate its implementation, when possible, during a sprint review.

Figure 18-1 illustrates how a transition team’s sprints align in cadence with the pilot scrum team’s sprints (see the following Step 5), and how the impediments identified in the sprint retrospective of the pilot team become backlog items for the transition team to resolve as process improvements for the pilot team.


Figure 18-1: The scrum transition team sprint cycle.

Step 5: Identify Pilot Project

Starting your transition to scrum with just one pilot project is a great idea. Having one initial project allows you to figure out how to work with scrum with little disruption to your organization’s overall business. Concentrating on one project to start also lets you work out some of the kinks that inevitably follow change.

When selecting your first scrum project, look for an endeavor that has these qualities:

  • Appropriately important: Make sure that the project you choose is important enough to merit interest within your company. However, avoid the most important project coming up; you want to have room to make and learn from mistakes. See the note on the “blame game” in Chapter 19.
  • Sufficiently visible: Your pilot project should be visible to your organization’s key influencers, but don’t make it the most high-profile item on their agenda. You will need the freedom to adjust to new processes; critical projects may not allow for that freedom.
  • Clear and containable: Look for a product with clear requirements and a business group that can commit to defining and prioritizing those requirements. Try to pick a project that has a distinct end point, rather than one that can expand indefinitely.
  • Not too large: Select a project that you can complete with no more than two scrum teams working simultaneously to prevent too many moving parts at once.
  • Tangibly measurable: Pick a project that you know can show measurable value within sprints.

technicalstuff People need time to adjust to organizational changes of any type, not just scrum transitions. Studies have found that with large changes, companies and teams will see dips in performance before they see improvements. Satir’s Curve, shown in Figure 18-2, illustrates the process of teams’ excitement, chaos, and finally adjustment to new processes.


Figure 18-2: Satir’s Curve.

After you’ve successfully run one scrum project, you’ll have a foundation for future successes, expanding to more and more projects and teams.

Step 6: Maximize Environment Efficiency

Having identified a pilot project, make sure that the work environment is one that will set it up for success. Your implementation strategy from your audit will likely outline the things to address, which may include

  • Colocation: If you’re putting together a new team, put one together that is colocated, including the product owner and scrum master. Even if your organization typically has dislocated teams, this is an opportunity to step back and evaluate whether that is the optimal solution.
  • Workspaces: Make sure that the pilot team has a workspace that promotes collaboration and face-to-face communication. Team members will need an area that not only allows them to focus uninterrupted on tasks, but also makes collaboration and swarming convenient and effective. Cubicle walls may not be ideal. Tables with shared monitors or other shared workspaces may be better. Whiteboards and plenty of tools like sticky notes, 3x5 cards, pens, and markers facilitate collaboration very effectively.
  • Technology: For improved collaboration with any stakeholder or other project team member not colocated with the scrum team, technology exists to minimize the productivity loss due to communication that is not face-to-face. Videoconferencing, recording, screen sharing, and virtual whiteboard equipment will be key factors in supporting a pilot scrum team to develop a quality product with the efficiency needed to demonstrate success. Consider investments in the technology that suits your team’s needs, which may include monitors, cameras, virtual meeting room software, microphones, headsets, and so on.

Step 7: Reduce Single Points of Failure

Your pilot scrum team will need to be as cross-functional as possible to be successful. Identify skill gaps with each team member where a single point of failure exists on any given skill. Make immediate plans for training so that everyone on the team can do more than one thing, and no required skill is possessed by only one team member.

Training may include formal training or may simply require pairing or shadowing with another developer for a certain amount of time. This can be done during the first sprint(s) and doesn’t need to delay the pilot team kickoff (see the following Step 9).

remember You won’t have a completely cross-functional team on day one. But the goal should be to get started on day one, and inspect and adapt along the way.

Step 8: Establish Definition of Done

No doubt, you’ll be excited to get the project team started right away. But before diving in head first, make sure that the team’s definition of done is, well, defined. It won’t be perfect at first. The team will revise it often at first until they find what makes sense. It will be important to make this a topic of conversation at each sprint retrospective.

Make sure that the team is clear about what “done” means for each requirement at the sprint and release levels. Make sure that it’s always visible and referred to by all team members for every requirement. Having this step in order will avoid many problems down the road.

Step 9: Kick Off Pilot Project

When you’ve chosen your pilot project, don’t fall into the trap of using a plan from an old methodology. Instead, use scrum and other common practices from the road map to value that I introduce in Chapter 1. These include

  • Project planning
  • Vision
  • Road map with estimations

    remember Although you’ll have a long-range view of the product through the product road map, you don’t need to define all the product or project scope up front to get started. Don’t worry about gathering exhaustive requirements at the beginning of your project; just add the features that the project team currently knows. You can always add more requirements later.

  • Release planning.
  • Identify major minimum viable product (MVP) releases.
  • Plan first release.
  • Sprint planning: Plan the first sprint and go to work.

warning You cannot plan away uncertainty. Don’t fall victim to analysis paralysis; set a direction and go!

Throughout the first sprint, be sure to consciously stick with scrum events. Think about the following during your first sprint:

  • Have your daily scrum every day, even if you feel like you didn’t make any progress. Remember to identify roadblocks and communicate them promptly to the transition team.
  • The development team may need to remember to manage itself and not look to the product owner, the scrum master, or anywhere besides the sprint backlog for task assignments.
  • The scrum master may have to remember to protect the development team from outside work and distractions, especially while other members of the organization get used to having a dedicated scrum team.
  • The product owner may have to become accustomed to working directly with the development team, being available for questions, and reviewing and accepting completed requirements immediately.

In the first sprint, expect the road to be a little bumpy. That’s okay; empiricism is about learning and adapting.

See Chapter 5 for planning releases and sprints.

Step 10: Inspect, Adapt, Mature, and Scale

This step is really about moving forward, taking what you’ve learned to new heights. If you follow the previous steps, you’ll start out right with a solid foundation. Beyond that, empiricism will drive your continued adoption of scrum and transformation to scrum using the implementation strategy that you establish at the beginning.

Inspect and adapt sprint 1

At the end of your first sprint, you’ll gather feedback and improve with two very important meetings: the sprint review (see Chapter 5) and the sprint retrospective (see Chapter 6).

tip The sprint review and sprint retrospective will be critical events. The product owner will want to spend time making sure that the development team is clear on what it means to demonstrate working software for the stakeholders, and should prepare questions to ask the stakeholder to draw out feedback and show him the value of attending this review. It may also take several invitations and reminders to the stakeholders to ensure their attendance.

tip The scrum master should take time studying resources like Agile Retrospectives, by Esther Derby and Diana Larsen (published by Pragmatic Bookshelf), to make sure that he establishes the right atmosphere and facilitates a retrospective that avoids venting and rehashing, but promotes celebrating successes and identifying plans of action for improvement.


Inspecting and adapting enable scrum teams to grow as a team and to mature with each sprint.

tip Agile practitioners sometimes compare the process of maturing with the martial arts learning technique of Shu Ha Ri. Shu Ha Ri is a Japanese term that can translate to mean “maintain, detach, transcend.” The term describes three stages in which people learn new skills:

  • In the Shu stage, students follow a new skill as they were taught, without deviation, to commit that skill to memory and make it automatic.

    New scrum teams can benefit from making a habit of closely following scrum until those processes become familiar. During the Shu stage, scrum teams may work closely with a scrum coach or mentor to follow processes correctly.

  • In the Ha stage, students start to improvise as they understand more about how their new skill works. Sometimes the improvisations will work, and sometimes they won’t; the students will learn more about the skill from these successes and failures.

    As scrum teams understand more about how scrum works, they may try variations on processes for their own project.

    During the Ha stage, the sprint retrospective will be a valuable tool for scrum teams to talk about how their improvisations worked or did not work. In this stage, scrum team members may still learn from a scrum mentor, but they may also learn from one another, from other agile professionals, and from starting to teach agile skills to others.

  • In the Ri stage, the skill comes naturally to the former student, who will know what works and what doesn’t. The former student can now innovate with confidence.

    With practice, scrum teams will get to the point where scrum is easy and comfortable, like riding a bicycle or driving a car. In the Ri stage, scrum teams can customize processes, knowing what works in the spirit of the Agile Manifesto and Principles.

Scale virally

Completing a successful project is an important step in moving an organization to scrum. With metrics that prove the success of your project and the value of scrum, you can garner commitment from your company to support new scrum projects.

To scale scrum across an organization, start with the following:

  • Seed new teams. A scrum team that has reached maturity — the people who worked on the first scrum project — should now have the expertise and enthusiasm to become scrum ambassadors within the organization. These people can join new scrum project teams and help those teams learn and grow.
  • Redefine metrics. Review, identify, and unify measurements for success (see Chapter 21 on metrics), across the organization, with the creation of each new scrum team and with each new project.
  • Scale methodically. It can be exciting to produce great results, but company-wide improvements can require wide process changes. Don’t move faster than the organization can handle.
  • Identify new challenges. Your first scrum project may have uncovered roadblocks that you didn’t consider in your original implementation strategy. Update your strategy (that is, your transition team road map) as needed.
  • Continue learning. As you roll out new processes, make sure that new scrum team members and stakeholders have the proper training, mentorship, and resources to effectively participate in scrum projects.

Also, to support your long-term effort to improve and mature with scrum, engage with an experienced scrum coach to jump-start mentoring leadership and teams in making the recommended changes from your audit. Also, begin searching for CSP+ talent — Certified Scrum Professional (CSP), Certified Scrum Coach (CSC), or Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) — to internally sustain long-term transformation. Establish this internal role as a source for clarification, ongoing training, and development, and embed this talent to work one on one with teams.

The preceding steps work for successful scrum transformations. Use these steps and return to them as you scale, and you can make scrum thrive in your organization.

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