packet sniffing tools, Securing Web Applications
Page objects, IsValid property, Validation Tools Available to ASP.NET Web Applications
Page_Load events, Install the Passport SDK, How SSL Works
Params collection, Parse Method, Review Code for Threats
Parse method, General Language Validation Tools
partially trusted DLLs, Strong Names vs. Weak Names
passphrases, Keeping Private Keys Safe
Passport authentication, Role-Based Authorization, ASP.NET Authentication, Passport Authentication, Passport Authentication, Passport Authentication, Passport Authentication, Passport Authentication, Passport Authentication, Passport Authentication, Passport Authentication, Passport Authentication, Passport Authentication, Passport Authentication, Install the Passport SDK, Install the Passport SDK, Install the Passport SDK, Install the Passport SDK, Install the Passport SDK, Install the Passport SDK, Install the Passport SDK, Install the Passport SDK, Install the Passport SDK, Install the Passport SDK, Install the Passport SDK, Install the Passport SDK
Administration Utility, Install the Passport SDK
advantages, Passport Authentication
best use, Install the Passport SDK
client setup, Passport Authentication
creating the application, Install the Passport SDK
defined, ASP.NET Authentication
encryption key, Install the Passport SDK
fields for new applications, Install the Passport SDK
live environment restoration, Install the Passport SDK
MSN Messenger, Passport Authentication
Page_Load handler, Install the Passport SDK
passport, acquiring, Passport Authentication
PassportIdentity object, Role-Based Authorization, Passport Authentication
preproduction environment, Passport Authentication
preproduction passport signup, Install the Passport SDK
process, Passport Authentication
purpose, Passport Authentication
registering new applications, Install the Passport SDK
SDK installation, Passport Authentication
server configuration, Install the Passport SDK
SiteID, obtaining, Install the Passport SDK
soft sign-ins, Install the Passport SDK
steps for implementing, Passport Authentication
switching environments, Passport Authentication
password-cracking attacks, Mitigating Threats
PasswordChar property of TextBox, Direct User Input
passwords, Hash Digests, Hash Digests, Hash Digests, Public Key Encryption, Hiding Unnecessary Information, Hiding Unnecessary Information, Security Zones and Permissions, Create a Blueprint of Your Application, Testing Tools, Fundamental Lockdown Principles, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing, SQL Server Authentication, Microsoft Access Authentication and Authorization, Locking Down SQL Server, Mitigating Threats, Mitigating Threats, Microsoft Initiatives
Access database authentication, Microsoft Access Authentication and Authorization
authenticating, Hiding Unnecessary Information
BIOS, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing
blank, Security Zones and Permissions, SQL Server Authentication
constants, stored as, Create a Blueprint of Your Application
hash digests, Hash Digests
hiding entry, Hiding Unnecessary Information
IIS version 6.0, Microsoft Initiatives
mitigating threats, Mitigating Threats
removing fields from databases, Public Key Encryption
screen saver, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing
SQL Server, Locking Down SQL Server
strong, Fundamental Lockdown Principles
time-outs for accepting, Mitigating Threats
tools for cracking, Testing Tools
unencrypted, dangers, Hash Digests
verifying with hash digests, Hash Digests
patches, Fundamental Lockdown Principles, Named-Pipes vs. TCP-IP, The Arms Race of Hacking
not installing, reasons, The Arms Race of Hacking
OS security, Fundamental Lockdown Principles
recommended, Named-Pipes vs. TCP-IP
paths, File-Based or Directory-Based Attacks, Enforce Canonical Filenames, Child-Application Attacks
GetFullPath method, Enforce Canonical Filenames
noncanonical, File-Based or Directory-Based Attacks
parsing in Windows, Child-Application Attacks
PEAP (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol), Microsoft Initiatives
people as a design challenge, Design Challenges
PerformanceCounterPermission, Security Zones and Permissions
permissions, What Code-Access Security Is Meant To Protect, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions, Local Intranet, Internet, and Trusted Sites Zones, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely, Example: Create a Test Tool for Testing Web Applications, Deploying .NET Security Policy Updates, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy, SQL Server Authorization, Microsoft Access User-Level Security Models, Locking Down SQL Server
code-access, Security Zones and Permissions (see )
evidence, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy
full, granting, Security Zones and Permissions, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy
Local Intranet zone, Security Zones and Permissions
Microsoft Access, Microsoft Access User-Level Security Models
modifying policy, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely
policy manager, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy
purpose, What Code-Access Security Is Meant To Protect
security policy attributes, table, Deploying .NET Security Policy Updates
security zones, granting, Security Zones and Trust Levels
SQL Server, SQL Server Authorization, Locking Down SQL Server
testing for appropriate, Example: Create a Test Tool for Testing Web Applications
trust level defaults, Security Zones and Permissions
Trusted Sites zone, Security Zones and Permissions
version differences, Local Intranet, Internet, and Trusted Sites Zones
physical security, locking down, "I’m Already Protected. I’m Using a Firewall."
plain text, Encryption
planning, Testing for Attack-Resistant Code, Filter and Prioritize Tests for Each Scenario, Prepare for a Response, Prioritize Analysis Based on the Function of Each Component
response plans for attacks, Prepare for a Response
testing, Testing for Attack-Resistant Code, Filter and Prioritize Tests for Each Scenario
threat analysis, Prioritize Analysis Based on the Function of Each Component
policy manager, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy
ports, Step 8: No Back Doors
posing as users attacks, Mitigating Threats
practice files for chapters, Encryption, Guide to the Code Samples
Principal, Role-Based Authorization
principle of least privilege, Role-Based Authorization
printing, permission for, Security Zones and Permissions, Local Intranet, Internet, and Trusted Sites Zones
prioritizing threats, Identify Threats
privacy, What Happens Next?
private key encryption, Hash Digests, Private Key Encryption, Private Key Encryption, Private Key Encryption, Private Key Encryption, Private Key Encryption, Keeping Private Keys Safe, Keeping Private Keys Safe, Keeping Private Keys Safe, Keeping Private Keys Safe, Keeping Private Keys Safe, Keeping Private Keys Safe, Keeping Private Keys Safe, Public Key Encryption, Secure Sockets Layer, Contents of SecurityLibrary.vb
applications, Private Key Encryption
brute force attacks, Keeping Private Keys Safe
decryption function, Private Key Encryption
defined, Hash Digests
DES, Private Key Encryption (see )
directory security, Keeping Private Keys Safe
encrypting keys, Keeping Private Keys Safe
export restrictions, Public Key Encryption
function, creating, Private Key Encryption, Contents of SecurityLibrary.vb
installation issues, Keeping Private Keys Safe
login credentials as keys, Keeping Private Keys Safe
safety of keys, Keeping Private Keys Safe
SSL, Secure Sockets Layer
storing data with, Private Key Encryption
storing keys safely, Keeping Private Keys Safe
privileges, Role-Based Authorization, Code-Access Security, SQL-Injection Attacks, Child-Application Attacks, Example: Create a Test Tool for Testing Web Applications, Fundamental Lockdown Principles, Determining Who Is Logged On
child-application attacks, effects, Child-Application Attacks
elevating, attack by, Code-Access Security
least, principle, Role-Based Authorization, SQL-Injection Attacks, Fundamental Lockdown Principles
SQL Server, Determining Who Is Logged On
testing for appropriate, Example: Create a Test Tool for Testing Web Applications
profiling, Plan of Attack—The Test Plan, Testing Tools
Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP), Microsoft Initiatives
PSNs (Processor serial numbers), Privacy vs. Security
public function vulnerability, Create a Blueprint of Your Application, Mitigating Threats, Review Code for Threats
public key encryption, Keeping Private Keys Safe, Keeping Private Keys Safe, Keeping Private Keys Safe, Public Key Encryption, Public Key Encryption, Public Key Encryption, DPAPI Encryption
defined, Keeping Private Keys Safe
functions for, creating, Public Key Encryption, DPAPI Encryption
private key component of, Keeping Private Keys Safe
purpose of, Keeping Private Keys Safe
RSA algorithm for, Public Key Encryption
slowness of, Public Key Encryption
Public keyword, Create a Blueprint of Your Application, Mitigating Threats, Review Code for Threats
publisher identity security policy attribute, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy
PWDump, Testing Tools
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