

access to Internet. See Internet access

The Accidental American (Sen), 90

activism for social change, xii–xv, 39–42

consciousness-raising, 46–48

crowd-sourced projects, 137–138

diversity, 17–21

finding common ground, 87–89

fund-raising, 130

implicit biases, 83–86

information exchange, 9–12

insight, 100–102

mobile technology, 26–28

offline activism, 37–38

organization resources, 127–142

power relationships, 15–17, 39–40

risk, safety, and privacy, 90–100

slacktivism, 136–138

speed, 81–83

starting points, 87–89

structureless organizing, 83–84, 133

age demographics, 18

AlertThingy, 125

Andreessen, Marc, 3

anonymity, 35

Applied Research Center (ARC), 100–101, 125

attention ecosystem, 65–68, 75–76, 75–80, 103

authenticity, 37, 43–45, 50–54, 115–116, 121–122


attention ecosystem, 65–68, 75–76

information management, 75–80, 103

information wildfires, 68–69

institutional, 57–59, 68, 69

news misflows, 69–73

organic, 56–57, 68, 75–80, 139

popularity versus interestingness, 62–65

size versus relevance, 59–62

validity and relevance, 73–74

automatic messages, 121–122

auto-responders (e-mail), 126

B, 123

Baker, Rob “Biko,” 94

Barry Bruce, 99

benefits, 100–102

Berners-Lee, Tim, 104

bias, 83–86

Blain, Ludovic, 48–49

blogging, 5–6, 53

bonding capital, 25

boyd, danah, 24–25, 86

Boyd, Stowe, 67

branding, 115–116

Breitbart, Joshua, 20, 22, 23–24

bridging capital, 25

Briggs, James, 27

broadband, 17–18, 28


Causes, 133

celebrity, 67

cell phones. See mobile technology

child safety, 89–91

Clark, Jessica, 34

closed systems, 27–28, 108–109

common ground, 87–89

Conley, Chip, 42–43

connectors, 12–14

consciousness-raising, 46–48, 83–84

Contee, Cheryl, 87

cost, 113

Creative Commons, 30

cross-pollination exercises, 87–89

crowdfunding, 143–147

crowd-sourced projects, 137–138

Cupaiuolo, Christine, 74

custom social networks, 130–131


dial-up, 18, 28

digital divides, 21–23, 26

digitization, 6–7

distractions, 113


cross-pollination exercises, 87–89

digital inequality, 17–26

implicit bias, 83–86

Internet access, 18, 21–22

mobile technology, 26–28

the power law, 16–17

social stratification, 24–25

technical literacy, 22–25


eavesdropping, government, 107–108

Electronic Frontier Foundation, 108

e-mail, 76–78, 108, 110

filters, 125–126

privacy precautions, 111

separate addresses, 125

empathy, 40–42, 48–49

employee policies, 128–129

Esquivel, Kety, 113, 132

expertise, 22–24, 113


Facebook, 15, 25, 98

Causes, 133

finding friends, 123

mobile technology, 27, 124

fear of technology, 89–90

finding common ground, 87–89

Fine, Allison, 93–94, 129

flaming, 69, 96

Flickr, 64

Freeman, Jo, 84

Friedman, Jaclyn, 45

fund-raising, 130, 133


Gandhi, Mahatma, xvi

gatekeepers, 19

gender, 18, 25–26, 91–100

getting started. See starting points

gift economy, 29–35, 53

Gilliam, Jim, 133

Gladwell, Malcolm, 12–13

Glickenstein, Barbara, 92–93

going viral, 68–69

Goldman, Lisa, 10–12

Google, 58, 111, 116, 118, 120

government eavesdropping, 107–108

Greer, Michelle, 60–61


Hargittai, Estzer, 23

Harman, Betsy, 130

hashtags (#), 117

Hightower, Jim, 41, 57

Hightower, W. F., 88

Hillman, Alex, 34–35

hoaxes, 70–71, 126

Hoffman, Jessica, 89, 159

Holman, Bob, 51

home Internet access. See Internet access

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), 3

Hunt, Tara, 31, 92, 115

I, 108

identity, 35–38, 42–43

photos, 96, 119, 120

profiles, 112, 120

reputation grooming, 120–121, 127

implicit bias, 83–86

income levels, 18, 21

Independent Media Center (IMC), 5–6

Independents Hall, 34–35

individual resources, 115–126

influence, 15–17

information flow, 75–80, 103

information hierarchies, 9–12

information management, 75–80, 103

information overload, 75, 124–126

information wildfires, 68–69

insight, 100–102

institutional authority, 57–60, 68, 69

interestingness, 62–65

Internet access

broadband, 18, 21

dial-up, 18, 28

high-speed access, 21–22

mobile technology, 6, 26–28

as open system, 27–28

technical literacy, 22–25

investigative journalism, 109

Iran protest demonstrations, 71–73, 136

“Is Congress A Family Business” project, 137–138


Jarvis, Jeff, 60

job seeking, 98

Johnson, Lynne d, 94

journalism, 74, 109


Kanter, Beth, 129, 139

Kapin, Allyson, 133

Kaushik, Avinash, 128


leadership, 129

LinkedIn, 98

location, 123


managing information flow, 75–80, 103

Marks, Kevin, 96

media literacy, 74, 109

Mernit, Susan, 37, 43, 120

misinformation, 69–73

Mitchell, Shireen, 20, 102

mobile technology, 6, 26–28, 124

mob mentality, 68–69

monthly routine, 121

Morozov, Evgeny, 137

Mosaic, 3

Murdoch, Rupert, 58

MySpace, 25, 26


names, 35–38, 119

narcissism, 53

Netscape, 3

The Networked Nonprofit (Fine and Kanter), 129


information misflows, 69–73

information wildfires, 68–69

institutional authorities, 69

media literacy, 74, 109

misflows, 69–73

slow news movement, 73

Twitter, 71–73

validity and relevance, 73–74, 130–131

noise, 112–113

# symbol, 117


Obama, Barack, 87, 137

online ecosystem

authenticity, 37, 43–45, 50–54, 115–116

gift economy, 29–35, 53

identity, 35–38, 42–43

political change, 39–42

safe spaces, 48–50

open leadership, 129

open source movement, 30, 108–109

open systems, 27–28

O’Reilly, Tim, 133

organic, 75–80

organic authority, 56–57, 68, 75–80, 139

organization resources

avoiding slacktivism, 136–138

Causes, 133

coalition building, 132–133

crowd-sourced projects, 137–138

custom social networks, 130–131

employee policies, 128–129

finding people, 131

fundraising, 130, 133

how not to respond, 131–132

in-house communications, 129

leadership models, 129

petition tools, 133

ROI (return on investment), 134–136

organizing, structureless, 83–84

Our Bodies, Our Blog, 73–74


personal branding, 115–116

personal markers, 96

petition tools, 133

Pew Internet and American Life Project, x, 28

photos, 96, 119, 120, 125

pointers, 104

political activism. See activism for social change

popularity, 62–65

power relationships, 15–17, 39–40

implicit bias, 83–86

institutional authority, 57–59

organic authority, 56–57

the power law, 16–17

privacy, 43–45, 90–100, 110–111

privacy settings, 97, 108, 110–111, 112

professional networking, 25–26

profiles, 112, 120


race, 17, 22–23

radius, 123

RapLeaf, 25

relationship maps, 8–9

reputation grooming, 120–121, 127


for individuals, 115–126

for organizations, 127–142

retweet, 117

risk. See safe spaces

ROI (return on investment), 134–136

RT/rt (retweet), 117


safe spaces, 48–50

child safety, 89–91

precautions, 110–111

women, 91–100

Schmieder, Karlos Guana, 138

Seesmic, 124

Semantic Web, 103–105

Sen, Rinku, 90, 101

Share This! website, 96

sharing, 1–6, 14, 120

connectors, 12–14

information exchange, 9–12

social networks, 7–9

She Writes, 131

Shirky, Clay, 16, 50

shopping online, 37

silence, 132

skills, 22–24, 113

slacktivism, 136–138

slow news movement, 73

Smith, Brian, 23

social activism. See activism for social change

social capital, 31–33

Social Media ROI Report (Peashoot), 136

social media technology, ix–xi, 8–9, 14

social networks, 6–9

closed systems, 27–28, 108–109

new services, 109–110

stratification, 24–25

software, 30

Speechless: The Erosion of Free Expression in the Workplace (Barry), 99

stalking, 110–111

starting points, 87–89, 116–119. See also organization resources

applications, 121

finding people, 116–118, 122–123

managing information overload, 124–126

mentors, 119

people finding you, 118–119

reputation grooming, 120–121, 127

sharing mix, 120

trial periods, 119, 129

status quo, 19–20

Steiner, Peter, 36

strong ties, 12

structure, 83–86

structureless organizing, 83–84

Stupak, Bart, 85

Sunlight Foundation, 137–138


Tarr, Tanya, 119

Taylor, Charles, 54

tech-free time, 114, 124

technical literacy, 22–25, 113

technology, fear of, 89–90

telephone service, 111

Terkel, Amanda, 95

texting, 6

There’s a #Hasthtag for That (Thurston), 117

Thomas, Roosevelt, 88

Thompson, Clive, 42

Thurston, Baratunde, 56, 117

time pressures, 110, 113, 121

The Tipping Point (Gladwell), 12–13

traditional media, 7

transparency, 128

trending topics, 117

trust, 38, 40–42, 55, 56–59

TweetDeck, 124

Tweetie, 125

Twhirl, 124

twidroid, 125

Twitter, 6, 15, 138–142

basic phrasings, 117, 123

filters, 123

finding friends, 122–123

Iran protest demonstrations, 71–73

mobile technology, 27

popularity ratings, 63


ÜberTwitter, 125

urban legends, 70–71

Utne, Leif, 41–42


Van Kerckhove, Carmen, 159

Verclas, Katrin, 26–28

viruses, 126

Vondeling, Johanna, 94


weak ties, 12–13

web browsers, 3 Weblog, 5

weekly routine, 121

Wellstone Action, 138–142

Wesch, Michael, 52

What Would Google Do? (Jarvis), 60

White, Elon James, 47

Wikipedia, 92

Williams, Evan, 5

Winer, Dave, 5

Wolowitz, Elana, 138–142


online safety, 91–95

perfectionism, 95–97

sharing habits, 97–100

World Wide Web

blogging, 5–6

dot-com boom, 4–5

origins, 2–4

social networks, 6

The Whuffie Factor (Hunt), 31–32


Yammer, 129

Yes Means Yes! (Friedman), 45

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