

1 The Power of Sharing

Welcome to the Future, or, The Birth of Sharing

Sharing for the Rest of Us

How the Magic Happens

Freedom of Information Act(ion)

How Connectors Feed the Magic of Sharing

Onward, Young Sharer

2 Are We There Yet?

Why the Aggregation of Influence Is a Bad Thing

A Brief State of the Internet Union

The Dangers of Replicating Bias and Exclusion Online

Won’t Mobile Fix Everything?

Change, Not Band-Aids

3 We Are What You Share

Trading in Karma

On the Internet, Everybody Knows You’re a Dog

Your Life Makes History

Diving In

How Sharing Inspires Social Change

Authenticity, the Great Equalizer

Know Your Network, Know Yourself

4 Trust Everyone

The Anatomy of Organic Authority

Institutional Authority on the Hot Seat

Size Doesn’t Matter—Relationships Do

Avoiding the Newest Numbers Trap

An Abundance of Attention

Information Wildfires

I’m Not Dead Yet: Stopping Info Misflow

When Twittering Goes Awry

Lessons of Iran’s Aftermath

Your Networks Save the Day

Your Network’s Role in Building and Managing Your Authority—Sanely

Playing by New Rules

5 Sharing Is Daring

Free-For-All Organizing, and the Secret Tyrants We All Are

How to Be a Useful Agent of Change

Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh, My(Space)! The Fears People Have

The Monsters Under the Bed

The Benefits Far Outweigh the Hard Parts

CONCLUSION What the Future Holds


Yeah, But…

Tips for Individuals

Tactics for Organizations

Crowdfunding Share This!

Notes & Treats



About the Author

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