Books are a collaborative effort, and I am extremely grateful to the team of talented people who made this book.

First, thank you to the team at Quarry Books: my longtime acquiring editor Jonathan Simcosky, art director Heather Godin, project manager and copy editor Liz Weeks, senior marketing director Angela Corpus, school and library marketing manager Mel Schuit, and the entire design and editing team. I am fortunate to have such a skilled, supportive group to work with.

Thank you to my brilliant, cheerful literary agent, Rhea Lyons.

As always, I am eternally grateful to Minneapolis photographer Amber Procaccini for capturing the science projects and kids so beautifully.

Thank you, Bridget, Cela, Declan, Divya, Django, Finola, Gunnar, Haakon, Julian, Kiran, Lachlan, Liam, Mark, Maura, Raina, Ravi, and Scarlett, for being amazing model scientists.

Finally, thank you to my family and friends—especially my husband Ken, our kids Charlie, May, and Sarah, and our wirehair pointer Heidi, who brings a tennis ball to every photo shoot.

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