

  • Abreu, Marianne
  • Activity replacements
  • Agustin, Paul
  • Alcoa aluminum manufacturer
  • Ambassadors
  • Asking questions
  • Aspen Dental Management, Inc.
  • ASTD’s Certified Professional Learning Practitioner exam


  • Badaraggo, Joseph
  • Beach House Cookies
  • Better (Gawande)
  • “Better Ideas Through Failure” (Wall Street Journal)
  • Blogs: by Aspen Dental new hires; Bogush blog on RSA-style video project; by David Sinsky on his self-directed code learning project; linking back to the contributor’s profile; “Next Things Next” (Tullis and Crumpler); Paul Levy’s “Running a Hospital”; Steve Hopkins on solving a problem through a Yammer community; Terry Block’s video on using iPad to publish a; UK Ministry of Justice’s Digital Services; voice-to-text tools used on; WordPress’s blogging tool to create. See also Platforms
  • Bogush blog on RSA-style video project
  • Bogush, Paul
  • “Book planning workflow”
  • Bookmark sharing
  • Bozarth, Jane
  • Bridget’s Everyday Cooking
  • Brock, Terry
  • Brown, John Seeley
  • Burge, Bridget
  • The Butler (film)
  • Byrne, David


  • Canvas tools
  • Caramel Apples recipe: expert’s description of; “Show Your Work” approach to writing a
  • Carter, S.
  • Case studies: encouraging narrating work using Yammer within Microsoft; “Monday Notes”; “the Social COO’s” Show Your Work
  • Cheesecake Factory
  • Chicago Tribune’s News Applications team
  • Chua, Sacha
  • Civility issue
  • Clarity Therapist
  • CMS
  • Coaching video
  • Coastline Cookies
  • Coastline Cookies site
  • “Code of Conduct” story: an aside on public vs. private contributions to; background of the; coming up with “professionalism” definition by getting help; Google Doc as being edited by a few people; Twitter-based “Show Your Work” #1rnchat for getting help in
  • Codifying knowledge
  • Collaboration: collaborative project presentation; dangers of knowledge hoarding instead of sharing information for. See also Getting help; Knowledge sharing
  • Common Core standards
  • Communication: how Show Your Work overcomes traps of traditional; “Monday Notes” case study on organizational; new ways at Yammer of working and; priority over information; Tayloristic views of workplace. See also Conversations; Dialogue
  • Communities of practice: cookie-making knowledge sharing example of; knowledge embedded within social capital of; knowledge sharing within; look for naturally-forming; “network administrator” barrier to Show Your Work by; organizing around roles and; spinoff learning shared with. See also Social communities
  • Complications (Gawande)
  • Conference-planning software
  • Connect Consulting
  • Connecting the dots
  • Connecting with remote staff
  • Constant, D.
  • Consultant work sharing
  • Conversations: encouraging others to Show Your Work during; knowledge sharing through; on learning from mistakes; priority over tools; Show Your Work as creating dialogue and; Socratic Method to encourage; Twitter-based L&D. See also Communication; Dialogue
  • Credibility establishment
  • Credit/attribution
  • Crowdsourcing: Open Leadership’s openness audit on; for professionalism definition
  • The Crucible
  • Crumpler, Joe: collaborative project presentation by; on linking in order to distribute an artifact; “Next Things Next” blog by; on purpose in work as intrinsic motivation; on Show Your Work platforms, templates, formats; on value of naming conventions
  • Customer service improvement


  • Daily-journal format
  • Debus, Kurt
  • Decision making openness audit
  • deLaat, Martin
  • Delicious
  • “Demofest” (eLearning Guild)
  • Designing: of a mobile app; visual choices for
  • DevLearn conferences: Craig Taylor’s recaps on sessions attended at; eLearning Guild’s “Demofest” at the
  • deZwart, Hans
  • Dhuigg, Charles
  • Dialogue: Show Your Work as creating; Twitter “Show Your Work” #1rnchat (June 27, 2013). See also Communication; Conversations
  • Diijo
  • Disaster prevention/continue the flow
  • The documentation problem
  • Dragon Dictation
  • Duarte, Nancy
  • Duguid, P.


  • Edelman PR
  • Edelman, Richard
  • Edwards, Kimberly
  • eLearning Guild: David Kelly’s approach to organizing conferences at; “Demofest” of
  • eLearning knowledge sharing
  • “Emotional communion”
  • Employee morale enhancement
  • Engelen, Lucien
  • Evernote notebook sharing
  • Evolution of a painting
  • Expert knowledge: definition of; sharing of; of subject matter expert (SME)
  • Expertise establishment
  • Explicit knowledge


  • Facebook: designing a mobile app shared through; Gloria Mercer’s cookie-making sharing on; Gloria Mercer’s posting on her mistake; setting up a group for workers on; sharing videos on; as Show Your Work platform; Show Your Work tools on; voice-to-text tools used on; when it is appropriate to share on. See also Platforms
  • Failure: fear of exposing; organizational culture that tolerates. See alsoMistakes
  • Faraj, S.
  • Fears: of criticism; of exposing failure; of talking in meetings
  • Formats
  • Franklin, Benjamin
  • Fryar, Pearl


  • Gawande, Atul
  • Germuska, Joe
  • Getting credit
  • Getting help: an aside on public vs. private contributions to; “Code of Conduct” story on; coming up with “professionalism” definition by; Google Doc after being edited by a few people; new ways at Yammer; Twitter-based “Show Your Work” #1rnchat for. See also Collaboration
  • Gooding, Cuba, Jr.
  • Google Docs
  • Google Drive
  • Google Glass
  • Google search engine
  • Government agency
  • Groshens, Julie
  • Groskopf, Chistopher
  • Ground rules for Show Your Work
  • Grown Back Wards album (Byrne)
  • Guthridge, Liz
  • Guyan, Matt


  • Hagel, John
  • Happe, Rachel
  • Healthy conflict
  • Heil, Jeffery
  • Hicks, Melissa
  • HIV awareness campaign
  • Hopkins, Steve
  • How Music Works (Byrne)


  • Implicit knowledge
  • Information: the documentation problem of codifying knowledge and; how L&D can capture, publish, and find; how social communities can leverage; “legacy information” problem of; linking to artifact in order to distribute; priority of communication over; problem of self-reported; problem of undersharing; proprietary; the silo problem of accessing; why Show Your Work isn’t all about sharing. See also Knowledge
  • Information management: balancing how much to strip out the extraneous; what to name things
  • Information maps: comparing “expert” versus “Show Your Work”; don’t strip out the landmarks from your
  • Information sharing openness audit
  • Instagram
  • International Women’s Day
  • iPads: blogging published through; using FaceTime function on
  • iPhone’s Siri
  • Irvine, Valerie
  • iSketchnote
  • “It Is What One Does: Why People Participate and Help Others in electronic Communities of Practice” (Wasko & Faraj)


  • Jarche, Harold
  • Jennings, Charles
  • Journal of Experimental Child Psychology


  • Kelly, David
  • Kiesler, S.
  • Kirkman, Linda
  • Kneaver
  • Knowledge: comparing amateur and experienced; continuum of explicit and implicit; distortion of detaching practice from; the documentation problem of codifying; don’t overformalize or overengineer; viewed as discrete bits of data; viewed as embedded in communities and shared; viewed as residing in “experts”. See also Information; Learning
  • Knowledge hoarding
  • Knowledge management (KM)
  • Knowledge sharing: benefits of; blog on self-directed code learning project for; caring and desire to help motivation of; on collaborative project presentation; on consultant work; of a creative resume preparation; dangers of knowledge hoarding instead of; David Byrne on his music career experience; on designing a mobile app; on eLearning Guild’s “Demofest”; “emotional communion” of expert; Gloria Mercer’s cookie-making videos for; Google Glass as tool for; on learning while attending a conference; on Médicins Sans Frontiès (MSF)/Doctors Without Borders; “Mission: Turfgrass” online course for; “need-to-know” basis of; as the new saving of knowledge practice; an online portfolio; openness audit on organizational culture on; on problem solving through a Yammer community; on publishing a blog from iPad; of spinoff learning; of takeaway from a webinar session; through habits, routines, language and stories; UK Ministry of Justice’s Digital Services blog for; on UX design prototyping; Yammer employees sharing snapshots of their working days; Yammer overview of product development choices. See also Collaboration; Learning; Show Your Work; Workflow
  • Knowledge workers


  • Lanius, Roger
  • Leaders: case study on social COO’s Show Your Work; Show Your Work by; Show Your Work to reduce space between workforce and
  • Leadership Academy
  • Learning: David Sinsky’s blog on his self-directed code learning project; extracting from work; from your mistakes; Gloria Mercer’s cookie-making sharing on her; how explaining your thinking helps with; how teaching others improves your; sharing experience of conference; spinoff; “What Does Learning Look Like?” (Heil and Irvine) on. See also Knowledge; Knowledge sharing
  • Learning & Development (L&D): common criticisms of; examples of; fill new role by using; how it can help capture, publish, and find information; how showing learning spawns new learning; leading by example; making L&D work more of a process and less of an event; narrating work of; Owl’s Ledge CPLP prep workshops; showing what it can do; support serendipity by using; workplace learning role of. See also Training
  • “Learning from Explaining” (Rittle-Johnson, Saylor, & Swygert)
  • Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Learning Solutions Magazine
  • Leffler, Nick
  • “Legacy information” problem
  • Levy, Paul
  • Li, Charlene
  • “Likes”
  • LinkedIn
  • Linking: distribute an artifact by; to people with useful profiles; Show Your Work by making process observable and
  • Lowe’s “Open Leadership” initiative


  • A Man Named Pearl (documentary)
  • Maps. See Information maps
  • Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC)
  • Matthews, Heidi
  • Médicins Sans Frontiès (MSF)/Doctors Without Borders
  • Meetings: replacing existing activities like; “resistance by delay” behavior driving; “Zinger Jar” story and fear of talking during
  • Mercer, Gloria
  • Michels, Allison
  • Microsoft
  • Mike (neighborhood handyman)
  • “Mission: Turfgrass” online course
  • Mistakes: Gloria Mercer’s Facebook posting on her; learning from; Post-Mortem Race to the EDGE! Game on; Sarah Brown Wessling’s experience with sharing her. See also Failure
  • Mobile app designing
  • “Monday Notes” case study
  • Music recording videos


  • Naming conventions
  • Narrating work out loud
  • National Public Radio (NPR)
  • “Need-to-know basis”
  • New York Times
  • Nguyen-Brown, Peter


  • “Open Leadership” initiative (Lowe’s)
  • Open Leadership’s openness audit
  • OpenText
  • Organization, Show Your Work timing for getting started
  • Organizational benefits: additional Show Your Work; better customer service; improving public perception and awareness; increased efficiencies; learning from mistakes; “Monday Notes” case study on communication; of observable work; overcoming traps of traditional communication; preserving institutional knowledge; reducing space between leaders and others
  • Organizational culture: concerns over not getting credit issue of; openness audit for Show Your Work readiness of your; removing knowledge hoarding from your; toleration of failure in
  • Organizations: evaluating Show Your Work efforts of; knowledge views as embedded in community of; “legacy information” problem of; Show Your Work benefits to; Show Your Work lessons learned by; social capital residing in relationships within
  • Organizing conference workflows
  • Owl’s Ledge CPLP prep workshops


  • “Paid Media–A Change of Heart” (Edelman post)
  • Painting workflow
  • Parish, Tracy
  • Partovi, Matthew
  • Patel, Sameer
  • Paying it forward
  • Pegg, Anne Marie
  • Performance improvement: as individual worker benefit; as organizational benefit
  • Photos: sharing; Show Your Work using
  • Pinterest: Professionalism webinar placed on; as Show Your Work tool; “What Does Learning Look Like?” (Heil and Irvine)
  • Platforms: iPads; Open Leadership’s openness audit on; overview of Show Your Work; photo sharing; Pinterest; portfolios; TED talks; webinars; wikis. See also Blogs; Facebook; Twitter; Videos; YouTube
  • PLN (personal Learning network) [Twitter-based]
  • Portfolios: Marianne Abreu sharing his online; replacing your resume with a
  • Post-Mortem Race to the EDGE! Game
  • Potts, Amy
  • Power of Habit (Dhuigg)
  • Power play information
  • Poynter.Org
  • Practice: distortion of knowledge that is detached from; how reflection improves; how teaching others improves
  • Presentations: collaborative project; Show Your Work via
  • Problem solving: ask others how they went about; “Code of Conduct” story on getting help for; sharing knowledge on successful
  • Product development decisions
  • Professionalism: an aside on public vs. private contributions to definition of; crowdsourcing a definition of; getting help to come up with definition of; Pinterest of webinar about
  • Profiles: linking blogs back to the contributor’s; linking information to real people with useful; teach people to create useful
  • Proprietary information
  • ProPublica
  • Public: “Code of Conduct” story and contributions from the; considering the value of making things; how Show Your Work can improve perception by the; making more things


  • Raising your profile
  • Recruitment: David Sinsky’s blogs on self-learning used for; how Showing Your Work helps support
  • Reflective practice: challenges of engaging in; description and benefits of; RSA Animate style video project blog on “things I wish I did”; student nurse’s example of; three exercises on; tips for successful
  • Reflective practice exercises: 1: answering basic questions on task; 2: talking it through out loud; 3: printable template
  • Reid, Brett
  • Relief operator training: “Key Safety Tip” boxes used as part of; Matt Guyan’s project on; SME (subject matter expert) role in; Work Method Statements (WMS) used in
  • Remote staff connections
  • Replacing exciting activities
  • Reports: on obstacles and how they were overcome; Wenger Value-Creation Story Worksheet used in place of
  • ReShape
  • “Resistance by delay” behavior
  • Resonate (Duarte)
  • Resumes: Amy Potts’ unique approach to her; creating a portfolio to replace your
  • Reyes, Mig
  • Rittle-Johnson, B.
  • Rohde, Mike
  • Roles: L&D for filling new; L&D workplace learning; organizing around; SME (subject matter expert) training; start thinking about new organizational
  • Rowe, M.
  • RSA Animate style video project blog: day five-write the scripts; day four-record the videos; day one-directions; day six-record the narration; day three-dress rehearsal...sort of; day two-drawings; description and getting started; on practice day; reflections on things I wish I did...
  • “Running a Hospital” blog (Levy)


  • Safety issues: Alcoa aluminum manufacturer case of; training relief operators and
  • Samsung
  • Sangers, Jeroen
  • SAP
  • Saylor, M.
  • Schematic or process plan (SOP)
  • Schreck, Gina
  • Self-reported data problem
  • Serendipity
  • Serious Comic–Character Development II
  • Shared bookmarks
  • SharePoint
  • Shell
  • ShoutOut
  • Show Your Work: ask the right questions to encourage others to; the documentation problem solved by; encouraging others to; evaluating efforts for; evaluating organizational efforts toward; examining the different approaches to; ground rules for; issues to consider for; knowing when it is appropriate to share; leadership example for use of; lessons learned on; long tradition of; make the process observable and linked; “network administrator” barrier to; Open Leadership’s openness audit for; showing work in progress; what to name things challenge; when to start to; why it isn’t all about “information”; worker concerns about. See also Knowledge sharing; Work
  • “Show Your Work” #1rnchat (June 27, 2013)
  • Show Your Work approaches: consider the value of making things public; don’t make it too hard; don’t overformalize or overengineer; ground rules for; overview of platforms, templates, and formats; ship it; simplifying a complex story down for a five year old; tips for effective; Wenger Value-Creation Story Worksheet
  • Show Your Work benefits: the documentation problem solution; for individual workers; organizational; solving the silo problem; for teams
  • Show Your Work tools & strategies: ask the right questions; case study on encouraging narrating work using Yammer; draw a picture; issues and types of tools to consider for; leadership example for Show Your Work; make the process observable and linked; remember to turn on the recorder; videos; Wenger value-creation story worksheet
  • Sierra, Kathy
  • The silo problem
  • Sinsky, David
  • “6 AM” blog (Richard Edelman)
  • “6 Reasons Journalists Should Show Your Work While Learning” (Thompson)
  • Sketchnoting
  • The Skethnote Handbook (Rohde)
  • Skype’s recording experiment
  • Slemp, Chris
  • Slide: Ology (Duarte)
  • SlideShare
  • Snapshots of working days
  • Social capital
  • Social communities: how they leverage information; leveraging people as assets. See also Communities of practice
  • Social COO case study
  • Socratic Method
  • Sproull, L.
  • Stepper, John
  • “Sticky notes” tools
  • Storyboard sketches
  • Storyboarding a thesis
  • Storytelling
  • Stroh, J.
  • “Study for Terretektorh” (Xenakis)
  • Suarez, Luis
  • Subject matter expert (SME)
  • Sugarcoating information
  • Supporting serendipity
  • SurePayroll
  • Swygert, K.


  • Talking Heads
  • Taylor, Craig
  • TayloringIt’s “video stories”
  • TeacherTube
  • Teaching: how writing a blog can improve your; learning benefits of; sharing lessons learned from mistakes in
  • Teaching Channel site: screenshot showing interface of; sharing lessons learned from mistakes on
  • Team benefits: connecting with remote or scattered members; increased efficiency of; overcoming traditional communication traps
  • TED talks
  • Templates
  • Thesis storyboard
  • 37 Signals
  • Thompson, Matt
  • Thorn, Kevin
  • 3M
  • Time magazine
  • Tolerating failure
  • Topiary gardening YouTube videos
  • Toronto Wildlife Centre
  • Training: Matt Guyan’s project for relief operator; SME (subject matter expert) role in. See also Learning & Development (L&D)
  • Training Magazine
  • Tullis, Brian: on benefits of observable work; collaborative project presentation by; on connecting the dots with Show Your Work; “Next Things Next” blog by; on purpose in work as intrinsic motivation; on showing work around a particular task; on value of naming conventions
  • Twitter: crowdsourcing by using; getting help from PLN (personal learning network) on; Heidi Matthews’ sharing her takeaway from webinar using; L&D conversations held on; Médicins Sans Frontiès (MSF)/Doctors Without Borders updates through; sharing information through; “Show Your Work” #1rnchat (June 27, 2013) on; as Show Your Work platform; UK Ministry of Justice’s Digital Services blog and use of; voice-to-text tools used on. See also Platforms


  • Uhl, Trish
  • UK Ministry of Justice’s Digital Services blog
  • U.S. National Teacher of the Year
  • UX design prototyping


  • Vanderbilt University study
  • Videos: Bogush blog on RSA Animate style video project; Gloria Mercer’s cookie-making; on iPad FaceTime function used for coaching; music recordings; Pearl Fryar’s topiary teaching; as Show Your Work tool; TayloringIt’s “video stories”. See also Platforms
  • Vimeo
  • Visual design choices
  • Voice-to-text tools
  • von Braun, Wernher


  • Wall Street Journal
  • Washington Post
  • Wasko, M.
  • Webinars: L&D “positive deviance”; “network administrator” barrier to Show Your Work; Pinterest of “professionalism”
  • Wenger, Etienne
  • Wenger-Trayner, Beverly
  • Wenger Value-Creation Story Worksheet
  • Wessling, Sarah Brown
  • “What Does Learning Look Like?” (Heil and Irvine)
  • Wikis: Show Your Work posted on; voice-to-text tools used on
  • Winck, Bruno
  • Woodruff, Steve
  • Woodward, Lee
  • WordPress
  • Work: ask the right questions about people’s; benefits of observable; extracting learning from; Learning & Development (L&D) used to narrate; narrating L&D; problem of undersharing your. See also Show Your Work
  • Worker benefits: creating dialogue; establishing credibility and expertise; explaining your thinking helps you learn; getting help and saving time by not reinventing the wheel; improving performance; paying it forward; raising your profile; reflection improves practice; replacing resume with something more meaningful; using Show Your Work as part of your workflow for increased; student nurse’s comments on; teaching others improves practice
  • Workers: ask the right questions about their work; becoming aware of their real network; creating useful profiles; encouraging them to Show Your Work; evaluating Show Your Work efforts by; knowledge sharing among; profiles of; setting up a Facebook group or wiki for; Show Your Work benefits to; Show Your Work concerns by
  • Workflow: designing a mobile app; for evolution of a painting; sketchnoting; storyboarding my thesis; two approaches to organizing a conference; two approaches to planning a book. See also Knowledge sharing
  • Workforce: connecting with remote or scattered; how Show Your Work benefits the entire; problem of undersharing in the; remembering to focus on other than knowledge workers of the; Show Your Work to reduce space between leaders and other; social capital of relationships formed in the
  • Working out loud
  • Workplace: handling proprietary information of the; Tayloristic views of communicating in the; variety of Show Your Work applications at the; where to share Show Your Work approach at the; Yammer employees sharing snapshots of their working days and


  • Xenakis, Fonds Iannis


  • Yammer: case study on encouraging narrating work using; employees sharing snapshots of their working days at; evaluating efforts for emergence of influencers at; new ways of working and communicating at; as Show Your Work tool; video on product development decisions; working out loud practice at
  • Yammer community
  • Yipit
  • YouTube: benefits of sharing by Showing Your Work on; editing tools available on; Gloria Mercer’s cookie-making videos on; knowledge sharing through; L&D “positive deviance” webinar on; less-than-perfect-polished videos on; music recording videos; Pearl Fryar’s topiary teaching videos on; as Show Your Work tool; Skype’s recording experiment posted on; when it isn’t appropriate to Show Your Work on. See also Platforms


  • ZenCap
  • “Zinger Jar”
  • Zoller, Jeffrey
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