In this section:

  1. 6 Getting a job
  2. 7 Confidence at work
  3. 8 Your career pathway
  4. 9 Side hustles


If there is one thing you get out of this book and apply to your career (or any aspect of your life), let it be this: Shoot your shot.

The best things that have ever happened to me in my career happened because I took a risk.

  • A spur-of-the-moment pitch mid-meal to the owner of a new local restaurant landed me my first client for my social media marketing side hustle.
  • Applying for a job that I was not 100 per cent qualified for scored me one of the most rewarding roles I have ever worked in.
  • Negotiating my salary led to a 30 per cent pay increase and money that would have otherwise been left on the table.
  • Putting my hand up for a new project led me to meeting the most inspiring career mentor.
  • A random DM on Instagram led to a national diary collaboration with one of the biggest diary manufacturers in the country.

None of these would have ever happened if I didn't shoot my shot.

How many times have you talked yourself out of a potential opportunity because you didn't feel worthy or experienced or qualified enough? But if you never go for what you want, you'll never have it. If you never push yourself out of your comfort zone, you'll never grow. If you don't ask, the answer will always be ‘no’.

Imagine how much you could achieve if you weren't afraid of failure or other people's opinions or feeling embarrassed. Stop creating roadblocks for yourself. Your potential is infinite. Feel that fear and hesitation and do it anyway. Write that email. Send that message. Make that phone call. Ask that question. Don't sit and wait for opportunities to come your way. Take charge and create them for yourself.

If you feel any self-doubt or self-sabotaging thoughts creep in, challenge them.

So what if they say no?

So what if it doesn't work out this one time?

So what if you make mistakes and learn along the way?

Shooting your shot isn't always easy. It will be scary, nerve-wracking and uncomfortable. But don't let the temporary discomfort override the possibility of a life-changing win. You might fail the first time or even the tenth time, but that 11th attempt will make it all worth it. Reframe failure as redirection and trust that you are on the path to exactly what is meant for you. Keep backing yourself, no matter how many tries it takes.

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