No-one really prepares you for adult life.

Trying to excel in your career, manage your money, maintain your friendships, look after your physical and mental health, reply to all your emails and texts, stay hydrated, avoid burnout, invest for your future, set healthy boundaries, work on your goals, be happy and get enough sleep.

If you feel exhausted after reading the above paragraph, I'm with you.

It can feel like a never-ending juggling act.

Ever since I was in school, I have always been obsessed with breaking things down into simpler steps.

As a student and then as a university tutor, I would always draw simple graphics and flowcharts breaking down the topics we learned in class and summarising the key points we had to know for exams. I created copies of these breakdowns and shared them with my friends and students as study notes.

In university, I would help my friends write their resumés and cover letters to land internships and graduate jobs.

At work, I would always preach the importance of financial independence and show my colleagues of all ages the steps to create a budget in the break room at lunchtime.

Nothing beat the feeling of seeing the smile on someone's face when a topic finally ‘clicked’ for them.

My approach has always been the same: practical, actionable and easy to understand. I break down complex topics into visual summaries and simple steps, so they are easily digestible and quick to learn and implement.

My goal when I started Smart Women Society was to implement this on a larger scale, breaking down a variety of topics across all areas of our lives, and help people just like you feel confident and empowered to achieve their goals.

This book is filled with more than 130 tips and lessons I've learned along the way through my experiences, research and working with industry-leading experts.

I wrote this book to help you take control of all areas of your life. To show you how much potential and power you have. To make you feel empowered to level up in your finances, your career, your relationships and your overall wellbeing.

Before you get stuck into this book, I have one request: take action.

Read the tips and implement them in your life.

It may feel scary, but the hardest step is always the first one.

Don't let yourself in a year's time wish you had started a year ago.

Start today.

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